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The Haunted Mansion

The haunted mansion

By Arivazhagan APublished about a year ago 4 min read

The Haunted Mansion

Aadhi, Deepa, and John were three teenagers who loved nothing more than exploring abandoned buildings. So, when they heard about an old mansion that had been empty for decades, they couldn't resist the temptation to explore it. They had heard rumors that the mansion was haunted, but they were convinced that it was just a myth. Little did they know that their adventure would turn into a nightmare.

The Arrival

The three teenagers arrived at the mansion late at night, hoping to avoid detection. The mansion was located on the outskirts of the town, and it was surrounded by a dense forest. As they approached the mansion, they could feel a chill in the air. The mansion looked old and abandoned, with broken windows and a creaky front door. John pushed the door open, and they entered the mansion, holding their breath.

The first floor was pitch black, and they could barely see anything. They lit a match and saw that the walls were covered in cobwebs, and the floor was covered in dust. They cautiously made their way through the first floor, trying not to make any noise. They found an old staircase that led to the second floor.

The Second Floor

As they climbed the stairs, they could feel a sense of unease. The second floor was just as dark as the first, but they could hear strange noises coming from one of the rooms. They cautiously approached the room, and when they opened the door, they saw a ghostly figure staring back at them. They screamed and ran out of the room, down the stairs, and out of the mansion.

The Haunting

That night, Aadhi, Deepa, and John couldn't sleep. They kept hearing strange noises, and they felt like they were being watched. They couldn't shake off the feeling that something was haunting them. The next day, they decided to go back to the mansion and investigate.

They entered the mansion again, and this time, they had brought flashlights. They cautiously made their way through the mansion, and they found a hidden room that they hadn't noticed before. They entered the room, and they saw a ghostly figure standing in the corner. The ghostly figure started moving towards them, and they screamed and ran out of the room.

The Escape

As they ran out of the mansion, they heard the ghostly figure laughing behind them. They didn't stop running until they were far away from the mansion. They knew that they had to find a way to get rid of the ghostly figure, or else it would haunt them forever.

They decided to do some research on the mansion and found out that it was owned by a wealthy family that had disappeared without a trace. The family had a son who was known to be mentally unstable, and it was rumored that he had killed his entire family before disappearing.

The Exorcism

Aadhi, Deepa, and John realized that they had to perform an exorcism to get rid of the ghostly figure. They researched how to perform an exorcism and gathered the necessary materials. They returned to the mansion and performed the exorcism.

During the exorcism, they saw the ghostly figure transform into the son of the wealthy family. He apologized for what he had done and said that he had been possessed by a demon. The demon had made him kill his family, and he had been unable to control his actions.

After the exorcism, the mansion was no longer haunted, and Aadhi, Deepa, and John could finally move on from their terrifying experience. They realized that they had been lucky to escape the mansion alive and promised never to enter abandoned buildings again.

The Aftermath

Aadhi, Deepa, and John never forgot their experience at the haunted mansion. They realized that their curiosity could have cost them their lives and decided to be more careful in the future. They also made a pact to never speak of the haunted mansion to anyone else, as they didn't want anyone else to experience the same terror they did.

As time passed, Aadhi, Deepa, and John started to feel a sense of relief. They no longer heard strange noises or felt like they were being watched. They knew that they had put the ghostly figure to rest, and they were happy to have brought peace to the mansion.

The Legacy

Years later, Aadhi, Deepa, and John went back to the mansion to see if it was still standing. To their surprise, the mansion had been renovated and turned into a museum. They were pleased to see that the mansion was being used for a good cause and that people were learning about its history.

As they walked through the museum, they saw a plaque that was dedicated to them. The plaque read, "In memory of Aadhi, Deepa, and John, who exorcised the haunted mansion and put the ghostly figure to rest."

Aadhi, Deepa, and John were shocked and grateful to be recognized for their bravery. They knew that their experience had been terrifying, but they were happy to have made a difference in the world.


Aadhi, Deepa, and John's experience at the haunted mansion taught them a valuable lesson about the dangers of curiosity. They realized that some mysteries should remain unsolved and that exploring abandoned buildings could have serious consequences. However, their experience also taught them about the power of bravery and the importance of bringing peace to the restless spirits of the dead.

The haunted mansion may have been a terrifying place, but Aadhi, Deepa, and John's bravery turned it into a place of peace and legacy.

FantasyShort StoryMysteryHorror

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