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The Haunted Village

A ghost story

By Esakki DassPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Start The Haunted Village

Once upon a time, there was a small village nestled deep in the heart of a dense forest. The village was known for its warm hospitality and friendly people. However, there was a dark secret that the villagers kept hidden from outsiders. It was said that the village was haunted by the spirits of the dead. Some claimed that they had seen ghosts walking the streets at night, while others reported hearing strange sounds coming from the old abandoned house on the edge of the village. Despite these rumors, the villagers carried on with their daily lives, hoping that the spirits would leave them in peace. Little did they know, the ghosts were far from done with them.

The Disappearing Children

One day, a group of children went missing from the village. They had been playing in the forest and had wandered too far from the safety of the village. The villagers searched the woods for days, but there was no sign of the children. The parents were beside themselves with grief and fear. The villagers were convinced that the spirits had taken the children. They decided to perform a ritual to appease the spirits and bring back the children. They gathered at the village square and lit candles in honor of the dead. They chanted prayers and offered food and flowers to the spirits. Suddenly, they heard a loud noise coming from the old abandoned house. They rushed towards it, hoping to find the children.

The Abandoned House

The old abandoned house was a dilapidated structure that had been empty for years. No one knew who had lived there or why they had left. The villagers believed that the spirits had taken up residence in the house. As they approached, they heard strange noises coming from within. They pushed open the door and saw a figure standing in the corner. It was a ghostly apparition, shimmering in the candlelight. The villagers were terrified, but they stood their ground, hoping to find the missing children. Suddenly, the ghostly figure disappeared, and the villagers heard a faint cry coming from the basement.

The Basement

The villagers descended into the basement, their hearts pounding with fear. They saw a dim light coming from a room at the end of the corridor. As they approached, they heard the sound of children laughing and playing. They burst into the room, and to their relief, they found the missing children. The children were huddled together, playing with toys and eating sweets. They looked up at the villagers, surprised to see so many people in the room. The villagers were overjoyed to have found the children, but they couldn't explain how they had ended up in the basement.

The Truth

The villagers took the children back to their parents, who were overjoyed to see them. The children told their parents that they had followed a strange figure into the forest. They had been led to the old abandoned house, where they had been given toys and sweets to play with. The figure had disappeared, and the children had been left alone in the basement. The villagers were shocked to hear this and decided to investigate the old abandoned house. They discovered a hidden passage in the basement that led to a secret room. The room was filled with toys, sweets, and other treats. It was clear that someone had been luring the children into the room and keeping them there.

The Villagers' Revenge

The villagers were furious. They believed that someone from their own village was responsible for the disappearance of the children. They decided to take matters into their own hands and hunt down the culprit. They searched the village and found a man who had been living in the old abandoned house. He had been using the secret room to lure the children into the basement. The villagers were horrified and decided to take revenge on him. They tied him up and left him in the forest, to face the wrath of the spirits that haunted the village.

The Revenge of the Spirits

That night, a storm raged over the village. The villagers huddled in their homes, afraid of the thunder and lightning. Suddenly, they heard a loud noise coming from the old abandoned house. It sounded like a hundred voices crying out in anger. The villagers looked out of their windows and saw a ghostly figure floating above the house. It was the spirit of the man they had left in the forest. He was screaming and wailing, begging for mercy. But the villagers knew that it was too late. The spirits had claimed their revenge.

The Curse of the Village

After that night, the village was never the same. The spirits of the dead continued to haunt the village, causing mischief and terrorizing the villagers. Some of the villagers even claimed that they had seen the ghostly figure of the man they had left in the forest, roaming the streets at night. The village became a place of fear and superstition. People stopped visiting the village, and those who lived there tried to leave as soon as they could.

The End of the Haunted Village

Years passed, and the village was forgotten. The forest grew around it, and the old abandoned house crumbled to the ground. But the spirits of the dead still lingered, haunting the village and waiting for their revenge. It was said that the curse of the village would never be lifted, and that the spirits would continue to haunt the land forever.


The haunted village was a place of mystery and terror, where the spirits of the dead roamed free. The disappearance of the children had led to the discovery of a dark secret that the villagers had kept hidden for years. Their attempt to appease the spirits had led to the revenge of the dead, and the curse of the village had never been lifted. The haunted village remains a cautionary tale for those who dare to venture too far into the forest.



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    EDWritten by Esakki Dass

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