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The Haunted mansion

It's really scary at night

By 4xtine 🤗🤗Published 12 months ago 3 min read
The Haunted mansion
Photo by Ján Jakub Naništa on Unsplash


The Haunted Mansion

It was a dark and stormy night, and the young couple, John and Emma, found themselves stranded on a deserted road. Their car had broken down, and they had no choice but to seek shelter from the raging storm.

As they walked through the rain, they noticed a large, looming mansion in the distance. Despite the eerie feeling it gave them, they decided to seek refuge inside. The door creaked open as they pushed it, and they stepped inside, greeted by a musty smell that made their skin crawl.

As they walked through the empty halls, Emma heard a faint whisper coming from somewhere deep in the mansion. John dismissed it as their imagination getting the best of them, but Emma knew she had heard something.

They sat in the living room, trying to warm up by the fireplace, when they heard footsteps upstairs. They turned to each other, both with an unspoken understanding that they were not alone in this spooky house.

As they ventured up the grand staircase, they noticed that every portrait hanging on the walls was that of a grumpy looking old man with piercing eyes. Upon reaching the top floor, they saw that every door was locked, except for one. They hesitated for a moment before pushing open the door.

The room was strikingly different from the rest of the mansion, with walls painted black and cobwebs dangling from the ceiling. In the center of the room stood an old, wooden trunk. Emma felt a force drawing her towards the chest, and she couldn't resist the urge to open it.

As she lifted the lid, a scream escaped h

er lips as she recoiled from the trunk's contents. Inside, there lay the skeletons of three people, one of them with a distinctive golden locket around the neck. The same locket that Emma was wearing around her own neck.

Emma felt a sense of panic and dread with every passing moment. They had to leave this haunted mansion at once. But as they made their way back down the stairs, they found themselves trapped. Every door was now locked, and they couldn't get out.

They heard the whispers once more, and this time, it was loud enough to be heard clearly. "You should not have opened the trunk," said a sinister voice. Emma and John were paralyzed with fear, unsure of what to do.

As they stood there, they felt an invisible force grabbing them and dragging them towards the kitchen. There was a table in the middle of the room, with chairs arranged as if they were waiting for guests. Emma could feel a cold breeze on her neck, as if someone was breathing down on her.

Then, suddenly, the chairs began moving on their own. Each of them slowly turned to face Emma and John, as if they were expecting them.

Emma shrieked, her legs giving out as she collapsed on the floor. John tried to pry her away, but he couldn't. She was being held down by something they couldn't see. And from the shadows emerged the same grumpy old man they had seen in all the portraits.

The old man cackled as he watched the couple struggle, mocking their fear. Crushing the locket Emma wore, the old man revealed himself to be the ghost of the locket's owner, determined to seek revenge on them.

The thunder r

olled and the lightning flashed, and the old man's eyes gleamed fiercely in the light. He advanced on them, and they knew they had to flee at once. With one last burst of fear, John managed to push Emma towards the door.

They ran and ran, the old man's laughter echoing in their ears as they stumbled through the halls. But as they reached the front door, they heard a deafening crash, and John turned back to see that the haunted mansion had crumbled down on itself, engulfing the old man and all of his minions within.

As they hurried away from the ruins, the storm slowly died down, and the sun rose on the horizon. It was a new day, and everything would be okay from now on.

But Emma and John knew that they would never forget the horrors they witnessed on that fateful night at the haunted mansion.

The end.


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  • Anime & Movieclips12 months ago

    Scary 😬🤐🤫

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