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The Great Muscle

Hallmark to Ancient Religion and Civilization

By Karen WrightPublished 3 years ago 2 min read

“Monsters like these cannot be created, that’s fact not fiction”. Maybe he was right. These type of inhuman , Frankenbeast , probably illiterate sort of militia couldn’t have existed before. I should have known that allowing such a disgusting competition to see who would earn the high stakes, but such basic necessities, wouldn’t be in my greatest interest. How can I muster up enough courage to stop such a brigade? Shoot. I mean… shit.

Last night I couldn’t sleep. Even in this dark, sinister cave I’ve divulged all my secrets that gave me little to no lasting comfort. I’m not necessarily in hiding yet I want to be. The hell that surrounds us outside this cave, this lucid sanctuary, was supposed to bring me something. Yet I somehow completely understand the world outside. It’s our fault, you know? Maybe it was Mother Earth’s tantrum with our flat earth theory, not giving way to the fact that we have no respect for this planet, nor with human life itself. Maybe I deserve some credit. I’m here now, still with some morale according to therapy sessions I have with myself. The walls of this cave, barely luminous, conscious if that, breathing behind my skull have taught me something. I miss the city life. This city used to be thriving, it wasn’t a New York before the pandemic, but sure as hell wasn’t a spec of nothing in the middle of, okay…off topic. You want to know what’s behind this hellhole, this waiting room. You see, life as we know it has cease. Behind the quiet room, lies a great evil. That evil goes beyond what we know as civilization. The grass has withered , it’s gone forever. Grass as in, any hope, any living thing. We are fighting for water, food and even the slightest authority we have over each other, though our circumstance is equal. “The Great Muscle”, that’s what they call themselves, have become God. How they came into power? Well, I can’t really tell you, it goes further than just a charming election between candidates. In reality, there was no election. Just a religion that blew up in everyone’s face and now it has taken captive every believer and unbelievers soul, which by soul I mean home. The Great Muscle’s leader, whose name cannot be mentioned, holds the power with their heart-shaped locket, carved in gold and dipped in the blood of a virgin calf. It somehow symbolizes peace in our world, but as life will have it, there has been no peace. There’s no place to run, sleep or think for someone like me, I believed them first.


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