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" The Girl Who Followed Her Dreams"

chasing the stars

By wania khanPublished 12 months ago 1 min read

Once upon a time there was a young girl who loved to dream, and she often found herself lost in her fantasies. She dreamed of becoming a professional dancer and travelling the world.

One day, as luck would have it, she was scrolling through her social media and stumbled across an ad for a contest. She was instantly drawn to it and decided to enter for the chance to win an all expenses paid trip to study at one of the best performing arts schools in the world. She asked her parents for their blessing, and with their support, she sent in her application.

The weeks passed and she waited patiently to hear the results. The day finally arrived and she nervously logged on to the contest's web page to find out if she had been selected or not. Her heart raced as she read the words, “Congratulations! You are a winner!”

A few days later, she was on her way to experience her dream. She spent six weeks at the performing arts school and it completely changed her life. She soaked up every bit of knowledge and inspired others around her with her hard work and determination. When it was time to return home, she was filled with a sense of pride and accomplishment.

The girl has since continued to pursue her dream, and now she is a professional dancer. She continues to travel the world and lives with a grateful heart, thankful for the opportunity that opened up her eyes and changed her life.


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