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The Gift

What are friends for?

By john loganPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

As I sat at my kitchen table drinking coffee just before work, my phone vibrates next to me with a notification. "Rebeca's birthday is in a few days."

I totally forgot that I made a notification for that. I haven't spoken to her in months. I wonder how she is and if I should go down and visit. If I do end up going to see her, I need to pick up a gift. In the meanwhile, I need to get ready for work.

I get up to grab my coat and phone and head outside to work. Luckly, I don't live too far away from my work as I can just walk a few blocks away. It was always my dream to work at the news paper and finding an apartment nearby was pure bliss.

As I walk to the front door of work, I hear Jim call out my name as he walks from his car. We all here at the news paper loves Jim. He is the most thoughtful and funny person.

"Yo Hank, did you get the email boss sent out?" Jim askes me as he gets closer.

"Email?" Last night, I went straight to sleep after that crazy story the team and I had to write for today's news. Still visibly confused I ask, "what email?"

Jim lets out a laugh showing his shiny whites. " That story last night must have had you knocked. Well, you and Jance has the day off for covering that intense story."

"Oh, for reals? Thats dope. Thanks for letting me know Jim." Having the day off is perfect. That gives me enough time to pick up something for Rebeca. I have to remember to give her a call before I had on down tomorrow.

"Not a problem. You have yourself a good weekend my man."

I start to head back over to my apartment and into my car. I head on over to my local mail.

Luckily it is still early in the morning meaning not a high volume of people will be at the mall. I can just make a quick exit.

As I expected, there was very few people here. I am still not sure what do get her, but I do know what kind of music she likes. What if I get her some cds or vinyls?

I head straight over to the music store. I walk down to the back of the store where they hold there rock and pop and rock vinyls. First vinyl I was was a Bohemian Rhapsody vinyl. It was perfect. I know she loved the movie and Freddie Mercury, who was an amazing performer by the way. I just knew this was the perfect gift to give her. So I quickly go to the counter to purchase it.

As I start to walk out the store, my phone buzz in my pocket. I pull it out to see it was Rebeca sending me a text.

"Hey Hank, I am having a little get together with friends for my birthday tomorrow, wanna come? We will be at the old farm house if you are interested."

This is great! I don't have to take the long drive today. She is back home. I can't wait to see her.

I quickly reply back to her text: " Hey Rebeca, I would love to be there! What time are you looking?"

Quickly she replies back with: "Around 8ish would be good time."

I was stocked and couldn't wait to see my friend. I quickly drove on home and started to wrap her present and got ready for the next day. Having this day off really felt great. It gave me time to think on what to say after so long. What felt like years.

The next day arrived and I was excited. I did my normal routine in the morning and just relaxed for the day. It was a Saturday after all and the get-together didn't start until 8 tonight.

It was about 7pm when Rebeca texted me to head on over to the barn house. I thought it was a bit strange as she told me yesterday that no one was coming over until 8pm. I didn't think too much of it and just grabbed her gift and started the drive on over.

It took me about a 15 min drive to get out there. When I got there, there were only but a few cars there. Makes since if everyone arrived early for me to do the same.

I park my car right beside a silver Honda which I assumed was Rebeca's. I get on out of the car to see Her walk towards me with a smile on her face. It was great to see her

"Hank! You made it!" Rebeca said happily

"I told you that I was coming."

"Come on, let's go inside." She says trying to pull me away from the car.

"Wait, I need to get your gift." I said trying to get her to stop pulling me.

"Gift?" She says laughing

"Yeah, I thought I could pick you up something since it has been so long. I would also like to say how sorry I have been in the past for not getting you any gifts in the past." I reach in my back seat to pull out the wrapped vinyl to give to her.

She accepted the wrapped vinyl and gave me a hug. We started to walk towards the house when an owl flew over our heads. We ducked our heads and looked in the direction it was heading. The owl swooped inside the barn and landed on one of a horse stall.

We rush on to the house before another owl swoops on by. We get on in and Jeffery yells us over to grab a drink he made.

"Hey Birthday Girl and Hank, you two have to try this drink I made."

"Jeffery, you are serious still trying to make cocktails?" I say gigging.

"Very funny Hank. As you may know, I now own the bar downtown that you have yet to visit." He says kinda snapy.

"Well you know I do not drink too often so why would I go?"

"Enough you two!" Rebeca say forcefully "This is my birthday and I would not have you tow bickering. Hank was kind enough to get me a gift. I will now head over to the couch and open it.

We all head over to the couch with her as she opens it to find a Bohemian Rhapsody vinyl. The look on her face told it all. I knew it was the perfect gift. I could see a tear roll down her face. She got up to give me a hug.

"Thank you Hank." she says holding back tears.

Short Story

About the Creator

john logan

Hello, my name is John and I love to write supernatural stories. Growing up, I have been fascinated with books such as the hunger games, The 5 Wave, and Divergent just to name a few.

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