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The Ghost That Exchanges Realms

Sitting Around a Campfire with Big Foots, Stick Indians, and Vampires.

By Kohl YoungerPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

"The cabin in the woods had been abandoned for years, but one night, a candle burned in the window." The man with a weathered face abruptly uttered as his eyes penetrated the sense of time. Paul looked at the man, puzzled by this frame of reality. Paul suddenly awoke in a cold sweat, drenched. He sat up, his heart thumping at his chest cavity.

“Bae?” Paul said to his girlfriend Savannah.

“Huh.” Savannah replied half asleep.

“I think I had a man just visit me, telling me about this place or some shit.” Paul said shocked by his dream.

“Oh, cool what did he say.” Savannah said mumbling a little.

Paul looked over at Savannah and knew she wasn’t hip to what he just experienced.

“Nah man, that shit was real.” Paul jumped out of bed and turned on the light. He went to the window of the room.

“I was standing right here and-.” Paul realized that the light turned off and seen a candlelight on the windowsill. He tilted and scratched his head. He looked over to the bed and seen that it was made, and Savannah was not in the room. Paul thought to himself he was dreaming again. He felt something staring at him outside of the window. He started to turn his head when he noticed the old man standing by the window too.

“They are out there.” The man said staring out the window.

“They will not attack as long as the candle stays lit.” The man said. Paul looked outside and seen silhouette figures among the trees. He tried to make out what they were but couldn’t.

“As long as the candle stays lit, they won’t attack.” The man said one more time before Paul realized he was outside of the cabin. He felt a sense of fear to run and for good reason. A long haired being rose out of the silhouette and appeared as a pale skinned being fast approaching behind him as he headed for the door to find it locked. He tried his hardest to kick the door and was yelling his girlfriend’s name. He looked behind him and saw the beings’ eyes and sharp teeth. It had fangs. He quickly turned back around and was kicking the door and turning the knob, but the door would not open. He felt a sharp pain in his neck.

Paul awoke to find himself screaming and his girlfriend Savannah trying to wake him up.

“Paul! Paul!” Savannah said.

“What, What!” Paul said shocked by his dream. He might have been doubled shocked because he thought he woke up.

“Turn on the lights please!” Paul said in a scared voice. He was shaking. Savannah got up and turned on the lights.

He looked at Savannah and she noticed he was shivering so she went to him and hugged him. He was frightened. He then looked at her and wanted to make sure he was awake so he asked her, “Am I awake?”

“Yes, we are awake.” Savannah said in a calm voice.

She grabbed her phone off the nightstand to see what the time was. It was 3 a.m.

Paul was catching his breath. He was soaked in sweat.

“I was stuck in this dream, and we were in this place and this man came to me. He said to keep a candle burning and they won’t attack us. I was then outside and this being came flying out the forest and it bit me.” Paul grabbed his neck and felt two welts on his neck.

“Oh My God!! I got bumps on my neck.” Paul said surprised as he was rubbing his neck.

Savannah scooted closer to Paul to observe his welts.

“What the…” Savannah said as she touched them. “Do they hurt?” Savannah asked as she started to smile. “What was her name?” Savannah asked and then chuckled.

“No. But this shit is not funny.” Paul gave Savannah a hard stare. A serious stare. He then jumped out of bed and went to the window.

“I was standing right here, and that man was standing right here. And I thought I was awake, and I was explaining this to you as I am now, but then everything changed, and the bed was made and you was gone. Then the man appeared again. Then was pushed outside and that is where I was trying to get back in but the demon or being came and bit me. Now I have these welts?” Paul explained focusing to remember more details in his dream.”

Savannah sat up while Paul was explaining his dream. She remembered bringing a candle just in case of a power outage.

“I brought some candles. Should we light one. Because that story sounds intense.” Savannah said calmly. Savannah looked in the area where Paul said the man was standing when he was talking to him.

Paul was standing there trying to remember more details to his dream.

“Oh, the man came back and said, yeah, light a candle, yup, because oh man that felt so real.” Paul grew anxious, as Savannah got out of bed and dug in her backpack.

Paul went into the bathroom to wash his face. He stared into the mirror observing his eyes.

“Why was that dream so freakin real?” Paul asked himself as he splashed water on his face.

Paul then wiped his face and eyes. When he looked back in the mirror, he realized their was a tall transparent being behind him. This being placed his hand on top of Paul’s head. Instantly Paul felt scared and a horrific feeling. He felt like he traveled to a time before him. He seen people that looked like they were made of wood. He also seen the pale faced being that bit him and also seen what resembled big foots. Paul was in front of a ball like structure that was displaying a movie like visual. What he seen was the tree like people running for their lives as a man in a machine was cutting down trees. Paul suddenly felt devastation and could sense the terror the wood like people felt.

“Your kind come to slaughter mine!” A stick Indian said to Paul. The stick Indian shook his head.

“I will let you live if you go back to your kind and tell them to stay away from this area.” The stick Indian said and continued as he gestured back at the fire the big foots, vampires and stick Indian sat around.

Paul looked around the fire and seen that he was at the cabin. He looked back and wondered where Savannah was at.

A vampire said to Paul telepathically, “She is in the other realm, and you are in the bathroom with the door shut. Time is stopped or should I say going very slow right now.”

“Ok, you got it.” Paul said and was in awe with seeing Big Foot.

“Let them know that indigenous knowledge is still prevalent to this day and need to adhere by if you want a future.” Big Foot also telepathically said to Paul.

Paul realized Big Foot initiated some type of mind control on him.

One of the vampires went up to Paul.

“Paul, you have a good heart. Therefore, we do not torment you. Yet always be fearful because we are not the kindest beings you come across. The ghost of this cabin allows us to communicate. The candle being lit allow us to see each other.” The vampire gestured for Paul to walk with him. “Now…” The vampire sighed. “Exploitation can be too much, and lately it has been too much…” The vampire was lightly nodding his head with his hands behind his back toward Paul. The vampire stopped walking. He was now floating. “Now, most aren’t going to believe you, except some. We are expressing to you the importance of the cycles of life. Even us vampires cannot go on a feasting spree, but, if need be, we are on standby.” The Vampire then became translucid. Back into physical form. “When you are at the campfire just know we are sitting with you. We are interdimensional for Christ sakes. Hahahaha.” The vampire chuckled.

“The future cannot sustain humanity if nature is destroyed.” The stick Indian said to Paul.

Suddenly… a deafening sudden of existence overcame Paul and he was back in his bed sleeping next to his girlfriend Savannah. He looked over at her and she was sound asleep. He seen the burning candle in the window, and he peered out the window and seen the vampire, Big Foot, and Stick Indian. He then seen the ghost of the man inside the room.

“They have spoken and shall not attack as long as you do the work.” The ghost said. The ghost then blew out the candle and that realm vanished without a trace except the experience within Paul.

Paul would now need to make sagacity a prime vocabulary word to his psyche. He realized plant life is life too and needs respect and love. Paul did not want the horrors of today to be the horrors of tomorrow.


About the Creator

Kohl Younger

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