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The Ghost of John, Isabel, and Sweetie

They live or die

By John SonPublished about a year ago 3 min read


A Family Haunted by the Past

John and Isabel were a happy couple with a young daughter named Sweetie. They lived in a spacious and elegant Victorian-style house, surrounded by a beautiful garden. The house had a rich history, and it was said to be haunted by the ghost of a former owner. John and Isabel were skeptical about the ghost stories, but they soon discovered that their home was indeed haunted by a spirit from the past.

The First Encounter:

The Mysterious Knock at the Door

One night, John was awakened by a loud knocking at the front door. He got up to answer it, but there was no one there. He searched the garden and the surrounding area, but there was no sign of anyone. John was puzzled and frightened, but he brushed it off as a dream and went back to bed. However, the knocking continued every night, growing louder and more persistent.

The Second Encounter:

The Ghostly Apparition

Isabel was the next to experience the ghostly presence. She was getting ready for bed when she saw a figure standing in the doorway of her bedroom. The figure was dressed in old-fashioned clothing and had a blank, expressionless face. Isabel screamed, and John rushed to her side. When he turned on the light, the figure had disappeared.

The Third Encounter:

Sweetie and the Poltergeist

Sweetie was the next to be haunted by the ghost. She started having nightmares and waking up in the middle of the night, screaming and crying. John and Isabel tried to comfort her, but the nightmares continued. They soon realized that the ghost was targeting their daughter. The house was now plagued by strange noises and objects moving on their own. It was clear that they were dealing with a poltergeist.

The Investigation:

Uncovering the Truth

John and Isabel decided to investigate the history of their house. They discovered that the ghost was the spirit of a young girl who had lived in the house in the 19th century. She had died in a tragic accident, and her spirit was trapped in the house, unable to find peace. John and Isabel realized that the ghost was seeking help and that they had to find a way to lay her spirit to rest.

The Resolution:

Finding Peace for the Spirit

John and Isabel consulted with a psychic, who told them that they had to perform a ritual to lay the ghost to rest. The ritual involved making an offering of flowers, candles, and incense, and reciting a prayer. John and Isabel performed the ritual, and the ghost finally found peace. The house was no longer haunted, and Sweetie's nightmares stopped.


A Family Reunited with Peace

John, Isabel, and Sweetie were finally able to live in their home in peace. They learned to appreciate the rich history of their house and to respect the spirits of those who had lived there before them. They cherished their memories of the ghost and were grateful for the lessons she had taught them about the power of love and the importance of letting go.

John and Isabel were a happy couple with a young daughter named Sweetie. They lived in a spacious and elegant Victorian-style house, surrounded by a beautiful garden. The house had a rich history, and it was said to be haunted by the ghost of a former owner. John and Isabel were skeptical about the ghost stories, but they soon discovered that their home was indeed haunted by a spirit from the past.John and Isabel were a happy couple with a young daughter named Sweetie. . .


About the Creator

John Son

Hi, I'm Johnson, a storyteller at Vocal Media. I specialize in horror, thriller, love, and comedy. Come explore my diverse stories.

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