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The Ghost of Crimson Peak

The most horror story

By Kishore kumarPublished about a year ago 8 min read
Horror, thriller, adventure


Alice: a young woman who inherits an old mansion called Crimson Peak after her father's death.

Thomas: Alice's childhood friend who is in love with her.

Lucille: Thomas's older sister who lives with him in the mansion.

Dr Alan McMichael: Alice's fiancé who becomes suspicious of the strange occurrences in Crimson Peak.


Alice had always known that her father was a strange man, but she never expected him to leave her with an old, decaying mansion in the middle of nowhere. Crimson Peak was a grand house, but it was also an ominous and frightening one. Alice had never been superstitious, but the rumours surrounding the mansion were enough to give her pause. People said that the house was cursed, that it was haunted by the ghosts of those who had died there.

Alice had no desire to stay in the mansion, but she couldn't bear to sell it either. It was the last piece of her father she had left. So, she decided to move into Crimson Peak and try to make the best of it.

Thomas, Alice's childhood friend, had always been in love with her. When he heard that Alice had inherited Crimson Peak, he was ecstatic. He had always wanted to live in a grand mansion like this, and he hoped that Alice would see him in a new light if he could help her fix up the place.

Alice was grateful for Thomas's help, but she couldn't shake the feeling that there was something off about the mansion. There were strange noises in the night, and sometimes she felt like she was being watched. Thomas dismissed her concerns, insisting that the house was just settling and that her imagination was getting the best of her.

Lucille, Thomas's older sister, was another matter entirely. She was cold and distant, and Alice couldn't help but feel like Lucille resented her presence in the mansion. Lucille seemed to take pleasure in pointing out every flaw in Alice's plans for the house, and Alice found herself growing more and more uncomfortable around her.

Dr Alan McMichael, Alice's fiancé, was also wary of the mansion. He was a practical man, and he didn't believe in ghosts or curses. But even he couldn't deny that there was something strange going on in Crimson Peak. Doors would open and close on their own, and there were mysterious stains on the walls that no one could explain.

As the days wore on, Alice began to feel like she was losing her mind. She would hear whispers in the night, and sometimes she would catch a glimpse of a figure out of the corner of her eye. She tried to ignore it, but it was getting harder and harder to do so.

One day, Alice found a secret room in the mansion. It was hidden behind a bookshelf in the library, and it was filled with strange artefacts and books on the occult. Alice was horrified, but also intrigued. She started reading the books, hoping to find some explanation for the strange occurrences in the house.

What she found was far worse than she could have ever imagined. Crimson Peak was built on a site where a tragedy had occurred years ago. A family had been brutally murdered in the house, and their ghosts still haunted the mansion. The artefacts in the secret room were meant to summon and communicate with these spirits.

Alice was terrified. She knew that she had to get out of the mansion, but she didn't know how. The ghosts seemed to be growing more and more powerful, and Alice was certain that they would never let her leave.

Thomas and Dr McMichael both tried to convince Alice to leave the mansion, but she was determined to figure out a way to banish the ghosts. Lucille, however, had Lucille had been watching Alice closely, and she knew that the young woman was getting too close to the truth. Lucille had always been jealous of Alice's relationship with her brother, and she couldn't bear the thought of Alice taking him away from her. So, Lucille decided to take matters into her own hands.

One night, when Alice was alone in the mansion, Lucille cornered her in the library. She confessed to Alice that she had been the one summoning the ghosts, using the artefacts she had found in the secret room. Lucille had hoped that the ghosts would scare Alice away, but she had never intended for anyone to get hurt.

Alice was horrified by Lucille's confession, but she knew that she had to act fast if she wanted to save herself and the others in the mansion. She demanded that Lucille tell her how to banish the ghosts, but Lucille refused. She was too far gone, consumed by her jealousy and her love for her brother.

Just then, the ghosts appeared. They swirled around Alice and Lucille, their moans and wails filling the room. Alice knew that she had to act fast. She grabbed one of the artefacts from the secret room and began to recite a spell she had found in one of the books.

The ghosts seemed to recoil at the sound of the spell, their screams growing louder and more frantic. But Alice persisted, her voice growing stronger and more confident with each passing moment. Finally, with a burst of light and a deafening explosion, the ghosts were banished from the mansion.

Alice collapsed onto the floor, exhausted but relieved. Lucille was nowhere to be seen, but Alice knew that she had gotten what she deserved. She called the police, and they were able to track down Lucille and arrest her for her crimes.

With the ghosts gone and Lucille behind bars, Alice was finally able to start a new life. She sold Crimson Peak, and she and Dr McMichael moved to a new city. But even though she was safe and far away from the mansion, Alice knew that she would never forget the terror she had experienced there. The ghost of Crimson Peak would haunt her for the rest of her days.

Years passed, and Alice tried her best to forget about the ghosts and the horrors she had experienced at Crimson Peak. She married DDrMcMichael and they had children, and she devoted herself to her family and her career as a writer.

But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was still watching her. Late at night, when she was alone in her study, she could feel a cold breeze blowing through the room. Sometimes, she thought she heard whispers in the dark, and she knew that the ghost of Crimson Peak was still with her.

One night, while Alice was working on a new book, she heard a knock at the door. She got up to answer it, and there, standing on her doorstep, was a young woman named Edith Cushing.

Edith was a writer, like Alice, and she had just published a book about ghosts and hauntings. She had heard about Alice's experiences at Crimson Peak, and she wanted to interview her for her next book. Alice was hesitant at first, but she eventually agreed.

Over the next few weeks, Edith and Alice spent hours talking about their experiences with ghosts and hauntings. Alice told Edith about the ghost of Crimson Peak and the horrors she had faced there, and Edith shared stories about the ghosts she had encountered in her research.

As researched, Alice began to feel a sense of relief. She realized that she was not alone in her experiences and that there were others out there who had faced the same terrors that she had. She began to feel a sense of closure, knowing that her story could help others who were dealing with similar fears and anxieties.

Finally, Edith had enough material for her book, and she thanked Alice for her time. As she was leaving, she turned to Alice and said, "You know, I don't think the ghost of Crimson Peak is still with you. I think you've banished it for good."

Alice smiled, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. She watched as Edith walked down the street, and then she turned back to her study. As she sat down at her desk, she realized that Edith was right. The ghost of Crimson Peak was finally gone, and she was free.

From that day forward, Alice lived her life without fear of ghosts or hauntings. She continued to write, and she even wrote a book about her experiences at Crimson Peak, hoping that it would help others who were dealing with similar terrors.

But deep down, she knew that she would never forget the ghost of Crimson Peak and the horror and had faced in that haunted mansion. She would always carry that memory with her, a reminder of the terrors that could lurk in the shadows, waiting to strike.

As Alice grew older, she became known as a writer who specialized in supernatural thrillers. Her books were bestsellers, and people came from all over the world to hear her speak about ghosts and hauntings.

But even as she told stories about haunted houses and vengeful spirits, Alice knew that the ghost of Crimson Peak was the only one that had ever truly terrified her. She knew that she could never forget the moans and wails of the ghosts, the way they seemed to reach out and try to grab her.

Despite her success, Alice never returned to Crimson Peak. She knew that the mansion was still standing, still haunted by the ghosts she had banished all those years ago. But she was content to leave it behind, knowing that she had faced her fears and triumphed over them.

Years went by, and Alice's health began to fail. She knew that her time was running out, and she began to worry about what would happen after she was gone. She had always been afraid that the ghost of Crimson Peak would return, haunting her even in death.

One night, as Alice lay in her bed, she heard a noise outside her window. She sat up, her heart racing, and looked out into the darkness. There, in the shadows, she saw a figure. It was the ghost of Crimson Peak.

Alice felt a surge of terror, but then she realized something. The ghost was not reaching out to grab her, or to drag her away into the darkness. Instead, it seemed to be waving to her, beckoning her to come closer.

Alice hesitated for a moment, then she got out of bed and walked to the window. As she looked out into the darkness, the ghost of Crimson Peak seemed to fade away, disappearing into the night.

Alice smiled, feeling a sense of peace that she had never experienced before. She knew that the ghost of Crimson Peak was not a harbinger of terror, but a messenger of hope. She knew that she could finally let go of her fears and embrace the unknown, knowing that the ghosts of her past had finally been banished for good.

And with that, Alice lay back down in her bed, content in the knowledge that she had finally triumphed over the ghost of Crimson Peak, and all the other terrors that had haunted her throughout her life.

Short StoryHorrorAdventure

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