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Part 0: Prologue

By Victor ChavarriaPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

With a wave of his hand, the apparently empty air in front of him, turn into light. Light arranged itself and suddenly he was thousands of kilometers away. His empty room was a great hall filled with people from all over the world. He was not alone but surrounded by his friends. All of them, alone at home, and together very far away.

Things that once were considered magic or miracles were now at the reach of every human’s hand. Knowledge without limit, connection without frontier and power so great. Technology that turned the Universe and its power into human’s servant but couldn’t save them from themselves. And never would.

Kevin pressed his index finger to his left temple to adjust the volume of the world around him. That kind of virtual travel usually required users’ mind to take a few seconds to aclimate to the new environment but he was to excited to even notice.

“Hey, Samuel, you hear me?” 
Next to him, Samuel almost jumped out of his shoes. 
“Wait man, you’re too loud”

David laughed behind Kevin while adjusting his own volume. It was him who had insisted they came to this convention. He put a hand on each of his friends backs and slightly pushed them so they started walking.

The great hall was filled with people, some actually there and some somewhere else in the world. Hundreds of stages divided by luminous screens were announced by flashy titles and colorful designs. Every new invention, every new discovery and every new theory, from the smallest and trivial, to the ones that could change the world if true. All had a place there.

Kevin and his friends walked by a lot of stands but nothing really caught their attention. They could just watch the titles and they’ll see a brief description in front of their eyes so they didn’t have to waste their time on something they didn’t really care about.

”Physical teleportation: the traveling of the future”

”A simple pill: The key to eternal life”

”Road to the past, this first human being alive again”

A group of people was on a heated conversation ahead. Kevin could heard something about how far should IA be allowed to go and the ethics involved. Conversation stopped suddenly when Samuel, walked past them and went through as a ghost. The group of people frowning at him and Samuel not even caring to apologize. His gaze was on something ahead.
“That sounds interesting” he told his friends and started walking.
Kevin made an apologizing gesture to the group and quickly followed Samuel, he and David running just through the group again. They were able to hear complaints and grunts but followed Samuel’s example and ignored them.

Samuel was already deeply concentrated on the stand just in front.


Kevin raised his hand to the text and swiped down so a short description paragraph appeared in front of him.

”Every day, every decision we make shapes the future ahead of us. What if we knew the outcome of our choices? Would that improve our decision making and be the next step on the human race evolution’s path? We can know answer this, and ask a lot more”

David who was also reading the description huffed.

“All that time travel stuff is always pure bullshit”, he said.

Samuel shushed at him and focused again on the empty stand.

Kevin stood next to Samuel and waved his hand again. There were no people conducting expositions on every stand, an IA was assigned to present and answer the attendants questions. This meant each of them were watching the same presentation but each on their own time.

“Knowing the past allow us to not repeat our errors” a voice echoed in Kevin’s head. “But, knowing the future could help up us avoid any error, any choice of humanity endorsed but a scientifically accurate knowledge of the consequences of it. This will be the next step of our race, after this, we’ll be a brand new species, a species that don’t know what a mistake is. No longer an animal but a god.”
On the center of the stage a glass floated horizontally and on top of it a white sphere dimly shined. It’s surface smooth and polished gave no indication of buttons or openings.

“This in front of you, is the key to our future, THE FUTURE WE CREATE. Many years ago humanity looked for a key to understanding the ways of the Universe, and now, thanks to the Unified Laws of Physics we can harvest the power of the most extraordinary phenomenons in the cosmos.”
“The Einstein-Rosen Bridges. A tunnel on time-space that is completely oblivious to time. We’ve been alway been able to send a message to the future, we’re doing that just now as we speak and with all records of history. But, what about sending a message back in time? That is theoretically imposible as it has been proved traveling back in time goes agains the laws of physics but what if there was no time?”
Kevin gazed at his friends, they were both as focused as him and their eyes were shining with fascination. They knew they were witnessing something great but Kevin couldn’t avoid a feeling on the back of his head that this was not as good news as it sounded like.

“Beyond the Event Horizon” the voice kept going, “gravity is so great that time stops. Meaning that, if we’re able to use that space as a hard drive, no matter when we add information, it’ll be available at all times in history.”
“This way, if in the future we insert information into the Event Horizon, that information could be accesible from any time. Assuming of course that there’s the required technology.”
“That technology is now in front of your eyes. In just a couple of months, on the first day of the year, we’ll launch the TFW-23 and we’ll be drowned by the knowledge of the future.”

Later that day, Kevin laid on his bed, looking at his room’s ceiling and wondering. He was really amazed, Samuel and David were so excited there was nothing else they would talk about.

“We are going to be gods” Samuel had said jokingly but with seriousness on his eyes.
David repeated the same words from the presentation “We’ll be a brand new species”

Hours had gone by and Kevin was eager to forget about all of it and go to sleep. But what he couldn’t let go was the feeling that something was terribly wrong.

FantasySeriesSci Fi

About the Creator

Victor Chavarria

I am passionate about writing and I wish I can create stories of all types and colors so you can expect anything. Join me in this journey maybe we'll both find something we were missing.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Easy to read and follow

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  3. Expert insights and opinions

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  1. Eye opening

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  2. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  3. On-point and relevant

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  • Just Daniel10 months ago

    I also enjoyed reading this. It sounds like something from a Science-fiction journal and just one of the many possibilities that could happen to our future. Thanks for sharing! ^^

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