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The Fog of Millfield

Rainbow of Peace with sarah

By Mahendrarajah MithusharanPublished about a year ago 4 min read

As the sun began to set, a thick fog rolled in over the small town of Millfield. The streets emptied quickly as the locals hurried to get home before darkness fell. All except for one young woman named Sarah. She had always been a bit of a thrill seeker and the thought of walking home alone in the fog only added to the excitement.

As Sarah made her way down Main Street, the fog grew denser and she could barely make out the buildings on either side of her. She wrapped her coat tightly around herself and quickened her pace. It wasn't long before she began to feel as if she was being watched. She turned around to see if anyone was there, but the fog was too thick and she saw nothing.

Sarah shook off the feeling and continued on her way, but the sensation only grew stronger. She could feel eyes on her, even though she knew she was alone. She started to run, her heart pounding in her chest. She burst through the front door of her house and locked it behind her, panting and shaking.

That night, Sarah couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. She kept the lights on and tried to distract herself with TV, but she could feel the presence in the room with her. It wasn't until she was drifting off to sleep that she heard the scratching at her window.

She sat up in bed, her heart racing. The scratching grew louder and Sarah could see the fog pressing against the glass. She tried to tell herself it was just a branch, but she knew deep down that it was something more sinister.

With shaking hands, Sarah reached for her phone to call the police. As she did, the scratching stopped and she heard a voice whisper her name. She dropped the phone and let out a scream.

The next morning, Sarah's neighbors found her body huddled in the corner of her bedroom. She had been clawed to death, her face frozen in a look of pure terror. No one knows what happened to Sarah that foggy night, but some say that if you walk alone in the fog in Millfield, you can still hear the scratching at the windows and the whispers in the night.The news of Sarah's murder sent shockwaves through the small town of Millfield. People locked their doors at night and avoided being out after dark. But as the weeks went by, it seemed as if the killer had struck and vanished without a trace.

Then, one by one, more people began to disappear. Some were found dead, just like Sarah, with claw marks on their bodies. Others were never found at all. The town was in a state of panic and no one knew who or what was responsible for the killings.

One night, a group of brave townspeople decided they had had enough. They armed themselves with whatever they could find and set out to find the killer. As they walked through the foggy streets, they could feel the presence of something evil watching them. They turned every corner with their hearts racing, expecting to come face to face with the monster at any moment.

Finally, they came upon an old abandoned house on the outskirts of town. It was said to be haunted and no one had dared to set foot inside in years. But they knew they had to face whatever was inside if they wanted to bring an end to the killings.

They kicked open the door and stormed into the house, ready for a fight. But what they found was something they never could have imagined. In the dim light, they saw a figure crouched in the corner. It was human-like, but its skin was a sickly green color and it had long, sharp claws.

The group attacked the creature, but it was stronger and faster than any of them. It killed several of them before they were able to subdue it. They tied it up and brought it back to town to be put on trial for its crimes.

It was revealed that the creature was a former resident of Millfield who had been experimenting with black magic. He had summoned a demon and made a deal with it, trading his soul for power. The demon had possessed his body and used it to commit the murders.

The creature was sentenced to death and was burned at the stake as the town watched in horror. From that day on, the fog in Millfield never returned and the killings stopped. But some say that on foggy nights, you can still hear the whispers of the demon calling out for its next victimThe town of Millfield was finally at peace once again. The killings had stopped and people were starting to feel safe to walk the streets at night once more. But Sarah's death would never be forgotten. Her friends and family kept her memory alive by starting a scholarship in her name, helping other young people afford a college education.

As the years went by, the town began to thrive once again. Businesses were flourishing and new families moved in, bringing a renewed sense of hope. And on the anniversary of Sarah's death, a memorial was held in her honor. The town came together to pay tribute to the young woman who had lost her life far too soon.

As the sun set on the memorial, a bright light appeared in the sky. It was a beautiful rainbow, stretching from one end of the town to the other. And as the townspeople looked up at the sky, they all felt a sense of peace wash over them. It was as if Sarah was there with them, watching over them and finally at rest.

The rainbow shone brightly for a few moments before disappearing, but the memory of it remained with the townspeople forever. They took it as a sign that Sarah was at peace and that the town of Millfield would always be protected. And from that day on, there were no more killings or mysteries to haunt the town. It was a place of love, hope, and healing, where everyone could live their lives in peace

MysteryHorrorFantasyFan FictionClassicalAdventure

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    MMWritten by Mahendrarajah Mithusharan

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