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The Fire Stone

Run !

By Ismael AgassePublished 8 months ago 3 min read
The Fire Stone
Photo by Joshua Fuller on Unsplash

The stone had been lying on the table for some time now. They were all looking at it not knowing what to make of it. Should they take it, or leave it where it was? Who among them would have enough mastery over himself to not be subdued by it. As they were looking at each other debating mentally as if by telepathy what they should do, the distant sound of explosions was becoming louder and louder and finally woke them up from their semi hypnotic state.

‘What should we do guys?’ Asked Peter, a short guy wearing glasses. ‘Should we take it?’

‘Whatever we do we can’t stay here!’ exclaimed Jeannie, a young blond woman. ‘We have to go fast!’

‘Alright I’ll take it!’ said George, but as he was moving to grab the stone somebody grabbed his hand and held him back.

‘Not so fast! Don’t touch it!’ said John ‘You don’t know what’ll happen to whoever touches it, remember it’s cursed!’

‘Damn you’re right!' exclaimed George. As he looked around in a frenzy, he saw a piece of paper lying on the table. 'Let’s grab it with this paper and put it in the bag!’

George opened his bag and Lucy grabbed the stone using paper and put it in his bag.

‘Alright, now run!’ said John.

They all rushed out of the room and started down the stairs. They had to climb down quite a few flights of stairs as they had been on the fifth floor. Just as they got down to the first floor, a huge explosion was heard just above them. Many debris started falling around them and the first floor became filled with dust and smoke.

‘No !!!’ yelled Jeannie.

‘Go, go, go guys!' shouted Lucy, 'don’t stop, run!’

Just as they got outside the whole building collapsed. They kept running until they reached the edge of the woods and threw themselves on the ground in the cold snow. They were watching as in a daze the whole town burning in the distance. Just a few hours ago, the place had been peaceful, though oddly empty. Now everything was a mixture of rubble, fire, and smoke.

‘We have to keep on moving, it’s not safe here!’ said Peter.

‘I know of a small cabin further down in the woods, we should go there! I think we will be safe there.’ Said Jeannie.

‘Lead the way!’ said John.

After walking for almost an hour they finally reached the small cabin but were startled to see it was inhabited. They could see a fire was burning inside through the widows and the small chimney was letting out smoke. They ducked in the snow out of fear.

‘What should we do?’ asked George.

‘We have no choice we should go in. I’d rather take my chances with whoever is inside rather than freeze to death…,’ said Lucy.

‘She’s right let’s go!’ replied John.

‘Wait! I’ll have a closer look first,’ said Jeannie.

‘I’ll come with you,’ said John. ‘You guys stay there behind those trees and wait for us.’

‘Alright boss,’ said George.

Jeannie started moving forward slowly keeping a low profile. She motioned John to start following her. They got behind another tree that stood between them and the house.

‘Let’s go through the back, there are no windows there!’ said John.

‘Alright let’s go!’ Replied Jeannie.

They started running to the house and reached the wall of the house.

‘Do you see something?’ asked Jeannie almost out of breath.

‘No wait, I’ll move closer…,’ said John.

As he was about to move to the edge of the wall, they felt a presence behind them. Their blood froze, they did not dare turn their faces. As they eventually slowly turned around, a huge silhouette was standing motionless over them…


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    IAWritten by Ismael Agasse

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