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The End of Tyler Olsen


By Zac TordikPublished 2 years ago 9 min read


Alarms blaring. Orange hazard lights flashing. “The facility is under attack, be on your guard for intruders” repeats on the loudspeakers, echoing throughout the halls of the building.

A young boy, maybe sixteen or seventeen, is running through the corridors bumbling about. He is frantically trying to find, either a way out, or a member of his team so they could regroup but every way he turns there are more and more guards blocking his path.

Taken by surprise, he trips on his own feet, falling backward into a corner between a heavy duty locked door and a dense concrete wall. He is nearly cornered by the robotic guards when, from out of thin air, two women appear standing in between the two cybernetic humanoid figures. Within a fluid and quick instant the two women are now standing amongst two piles of scrap metal. The teenager says “Oh Kaitlin, Lindsay! Boy am I glad to see you two”. Kaitlin, whips her emerald green eyes to the boy with a stern look on her face that says “come on let’s go”. Lindsey smiles at him and in a playfully joyful way says “Come on Crowley, try to keep up okay?” which oddly calms Crow but also sends a shiver down his spine reminding him of how deadly a foe Lindsay could be despite her bubbly personality. Crow’s head nods like a bobblehead that had just been tapped, springing up and down quickly. The three of them start to make their way deeper within the facility. Crow, puzzled, asks “Shouldn’t we be heading the other way? Aren’t we going further into the laboratory?”.

Kaitlin leers back, again cutting through him with a ferrel glance, that makes him feel a sense of shame for having asked the question. Lindsey tells Crow “We have to go in deeper to meet up with the others”. The three of them move through the halls swiftly, overcoming any of the robotic units that they come in contact with.

As the three of them snake their way deeper and deeper into the building, all three begin to hear a familiar faint voice in their heads slowly getting stronger. “... L here, does anyone copy? This is L here can anybody read me?”. “Hear you loud and clear L what is your status?” Kaitlin replies. This telepathic conversation gets louder and clearer as they continue down the hall. L’s voice echoes “Munroe and I have found the captives, we are heading to the east exit. Let’s meet there so we can get these people out of here”.

“Copy” says Kaitlin and Lindsey in unison and Crow mutters out the same seconds behind. The five of them reunite in the east exit, a parking and loading area for the facility. Munroe tells Lindsay to get onto one of the nearby buses and hot wire it so they can get all of the captives out. Lindsey playfully smiles and nods at the order and teleports herself into one of the nearby buses. She quickly removes the panel that is covering the wires and makes quick work of it. With a quick twist of three wires, she says to herself “ that should do it” and the engine revs and stats. Lindsay takes a seat and begins to press buttons and flip switches that turn the bus’s hovering operations online and gives her manual control over the vehicle. Using the oddly outdated steering wheel, Lindsay brings the bus around, opens the door and says “please enter in an orderly fashion, and don’t forget to buckle up” smiling and in the manner of a bubbly flight attendant.

Kaitlin and Crow start to help the captives onto the bus while L and Munroe discuss how well the plan worked out. L standing proud that his plan worked. Munroe however felt uneasy about their situation and “this feels a little too easy” then two step onto the bus and stand on either side of the isle just behind Lindsay. After everyone had been rushed on, she again announces telepathically to all of her passengers,“Please keep you hands and feet inside the ride at all times”. As she starts to pull away there is a large muscular man standing in their way in a general’s uniform and L says “Crap”. To which Munroe replied “told you so”. The man has short gray hair that resembles a slightly outgrown traditional military cut, and even though this man looks older, he also looks sturdy and formidable.

Munroe tells everyone to stay on the bus. He then looks at L and tells him to stay as well and to keep them safe. L Looks back annoyed but Nods nonetheless. Munroe vanishes and reappears a few feet away from the bus and takes three steps towards this man.

The two men stand about 8 feet apart and begin to size each other up. Munroe telekinetically unearths a nearby yellow metal pole that is intended to protect pedestrians from cars at the general’s head.

Without even moving the general stops the pole in its tracks, floating inches away from his face. The general unimpressed throws the protective pole at the bus, to which L immediately teleports outside of the bus and catches and redirects the momentum with his mind, hurling it even faster than Munroe had thrown the pole back at the general. The general side steps to dodge the pole the brushes past his cheek and simply says “impressive”, nodding his head and giving L a slow clap to applaud his telekinetic prowess.

The general still standing in the way of the bus begins to advance towards it, walking slowly to L and Munroe. Now standing about 4 feet away, L clenches his fist and sends a jab in the direction of the general and as his arm begins to straighten, his fist begins to bend the light the way blacktop does on a hot summer’s day. When his arm fully extended a large flame catapulted at the general. The general jumps up and over the two of them and L fist follows with a continuous breath of flames continuing to emanate from L’s fist. At that moment, Lindsey slams on the gas and passed L and Munroe and headed for the exit. As soon as the bus clears the exit, Munroe slams the gate door closed telepathically, then threw two cars at the gate so it would be jammed, trapping himself and L inside.

Lindsey says “ what are they doing?” and Kaitlin replies ”going off book”; “Take these guys to the safe zone, I’m going to monitor the fight from outside”. Lindsey nods her head and continues to drive as Kaitlin disappears.

Kaitlin dematerializing in an alley that Lindsay had just driven past, a block away from the exit of the Lab that they had just escaped, shuffles into the crowd and makes her way back to the Lab. Kaitin walking in an unbreakable stride has gone unnoticed by the other pedestrians as she makes her way through the busy sidewalk. Her pace, unwavering, continues even when the crossway sign tells her to stop. Ignoring the electrical command she continues and not a soul stops her from entering into the soon to be busy street.

Staying true to her stride, she continues to walk; her long worn leather jacket brushes the driver’s side door that nearly hits her. The driver doesn’t flinch or bat an eye as he makes his way, probably to work, only sees an empty road. She enters back into the crowd on the other side of the road, bumping into the pedestrians on the other side, but their physical exchange goes unnoticed.

Kaitlin tucks herself into an abandoned building that was being prepped for demolition. Having reached a safe scanning range of the complex, she closes her eyes to focus, in an attempt, to monitor the fight but her telepathy was being interfered with. Kaitlin opened her eyes and decided to leave the structure and moved in closer to try and get a better read. Keeping out of the security camera’s line of sight, Kaitlin moves another block closer and another, until she could just about stand outside of the facility where she had rescued all of those kids. Kaitlin thinks to herself that she has to be very careful not to get spotted but this is as far as she can be and somewhat hear what was going on inside. Finding a little nook between two buildings right across the way to hide from the cameras, Kaitlin begins to focus on telepathically monitoring what is going on inside when all of a sudden a large explosion went off right in the parking area of where Munroe and L were fighting that general.

A shock wave knocked down kaitlin as well as anyone who was about ten feet from her, and the windows of the buildings within the shockwave have either cracked or shattered. With panic in her eyes, Kaitlin picks herself up, moving her now disheveled hair out of her face and behind her ear, and starts to run closer to the source of the explosion. Kaitlin now standing just outside of the building that is on fire is scanning for any sign that Munroe or L somehow protected themself and escaped the blast. People are frantically passing by her as the fire continues to gnaw at the side of the building. As she stood scanning for her comrades, a woman walked up to her asking if she was alright. Kaitlin looked at the woman puzzled as to how she was seen by this woman who was wearing a rescue uniform. The Woman began to walk Kaitlin to the emergency truck when Kaitlin noticed a small piece of shrapnel that had flown in her left bicep. Kaitlin pulled away from the woman and quickly removed the thin piece of metal then stood still. The woman who had asked if she was alright standing about three feet away looked around to see where Kaitlin had gone off to but couldn’t find her. The Emergency Agent spoke into her radio about a woman, approximately 5’6”, green eyes, and long black hair that almost reached her waist with purple tips had been injured and is amongst the crowd. Even though Kaitlin had been standing directly in front of her, the woman turned back to the building in search of others who may have been injured.

The building now having a large gaping hole in its side, Kaitlin again attempted to mentally reach out for L and Munroe but to no avail. As she was scanning the rubble, Kaitlin heard one of the emergency agents that the rescue and demolition-droids were on their way, which meant that that was Kaitlin’s que to get out of there. As much as it hurt her to leave her friends, but more importantly her brothers, behind it would do them no benefit if she herself got captured as well.

Kaitin, tired from the mission and the sap from the adrenaline from the explosion, decided to find a place to lay low and bandage herself up. Having walked in the opposite direction from where her team had escaped in hopes this would keep the G.R.N.T.S. off of her trail.

Having found a place that was just off the street, easy to make a clean getaway and far enough away from the scouting parties, Kaitlin found herself at a Thai restaurant called Emerald Thai. She stood outside leaning against the side of the restaurant scanning the thoughts of all of the passersby, confirming that her illusion guard was up and functioning.

Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath in, Kaitlin took a moment to collect herself when she felt as if someone was looking at her. She opened them to find a young man around her age looking directly at her. Kaitlin looked directly at this guy and tried to scan his mind to see if he was looking at her but failed. Confused, she looked down at her hand holding the little piece of metal and then back up to stare back at him. The young man looked down at the ground, which brought Kaitlin a sliver of ease, but he looked back up at her again just before getting out of sight. Kaitlin scanned everyone else, even tripping some guy to make sure she was still “invisible”. To her delight she was, “but how did that guy see me?” she thought. She then patted herself down to ensure that there were no other pieces of metal lodged in her that she had missed, but there wasn’t.

Kaitlin looked down at her hand again. Her fingers curling the piece of metal, squeezing it tight in her hand and began to stare at the twenty-something who saw her.


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    ZTWritten by Zac Tordik

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