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The End of Everything

Chapter 2: Make a Decision

By Rebecca KeenePublished 2 years ago Updated 11 months ago 3 min read
The End of Everything
Photo by Donald Teel on Unsplash

Presidents Log


June 14 2048


State of the nation: Crisis


Terror Threat level: Red


Dooms Day Clock: Midnight


The world is in danger of complete annihilation, yet Congress and the UN are fighting me on the issue of launching a nuclear bomb. While they are arguing about possible outcomes, I have to deal with the facts. A meteorite is headed directly at our country. Russia has threatened to bomb the United States to stop the nuclear launch. Normally I am a diplomatic president, but there is no time for diplomacy. It won’t matter if Russia bombs us, if the meteorite hits the Earth.

James Brunson, My science advisor, was in today with Rayna Sonn, the head of NASA. They both confirmed that this meteorite is headed for Hawaii and big enough to send the world into an ice age. Russia’s scientist are debating the size of the destruction and claiming a nuclear detonation would do more damage to the world than the meteorite. They are wrong and acting out of fear. They hope that the meteorite will only destroy the US, but of course they aren’t saying that. It is my job to protect America from the people who would sacrifice her.

The clock on the wall reminds me that it is 8 PM. If we don’t launch in the next 12 hours it will be too late. I have to make a decision. I can launch the nuke and break the meteorite up in space. Russia will then attack the US and war will follow. I can let the meteorite hit Earth and pray all the experts are wrong, but if they are not wrong the entire Earth could be destroyed, starting with the US. Neither option is one a President wants to make. I have tried talking to the UN, but all attempts at negotiations have failed.

I have already informed the nation that all citizens should move to their closest bomb shelter. The national guard and military have been activated to deliver supplies and maintain peace. Each shelter is being given food, water, and gas masks. Either decision I make is dangerous, and the people are safer underground. At least, that is what my advisors keep saying. Being claustrophobic, I have my doubts. This bunker is huge with a full communication system, and still I feel the earth crushing in on me. I placed the country under Marshall law 24 hours ago. No one can legally be above ground now, but those moving to their nearest shelter, the military, and the national guard. The US has declared a no fly zone over our country and grounded all air craft.

Similar situations are playing out in most countries around the world. Russia, of course, has decided not to move their people underground yet. To do so would be admitting that they believe the damage from the meteorite might actually destroy the world, not just the US. I fear for the civilians of Russia, but I have no power to help them. My duty now, is to the US first then to the world as a whole.

I’ve decided to wait till the next update from NASA before making a final decision. Maybe we miscalculated the size or maybe it will change course. Neither of those situations are likely, but if there is any chance it is worth the wait. NASA should report with any changes in less than an hour. At that time, I will become either the man who saves the world or the man who destroys it. Until then, I am just another scared Earthling trying to spend the last few hours with my family.


May God protect our planet, our nation, and out families.




With prayers love and bravery,


President Evan Roxwell


US Commander and Chief


Freedom is worth the fight. In God we trust.

AdventureSci Fi

About the Creator

Rebecca Keene

Visit Rebecca Keene’s author page and purchase her books. Read her twice-weekly column at Rebecca Keene author: [email protected]

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