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The End

A forgotten tale of The Rebellion

By Nicole SmithPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
The End
Photo by Omar Sotillo Franco on Unsplash

1 year Post


It’s been a year…365 days of complete chaos filled with sleepless nights and hungry days. People have come and gone but we always end up alone. Just you, me, and mom’s locket. Gods, how have I kept that locket safe all this time? Such a simple piece- just a golden heart no bigger than my fingernail but in times like this could be the cause of my own death.

Ever since the rebels took out the main Power supply for the world society has started to collapse around us. No one knows how to exist without Power anymore, it’s been over 100 years since it was brought to us. Not that we weren’t warned about getting too dependent on it for day-to-day life, the rebels saw that obvious weakness and took our only way of survival down in a matter of minutes. Now we all are fighting just to scrape by, it’s like one of those bad westerns we studied in history class.

Whoever was responsible for the rebel troops is one clever bastard; taking out Power all across the world in a matter of minutes is no small feat. Then to already have established communities that were ready to step in and take control during the chaos, no one stood a chance against them. Now they’re all fat and happy in their walled cities while the rest of us are killing each other over their leftovers. Pray to the gods above that I survive.

1 year, 3 weeks Post


My prayers have been heard! I’ve stumbled across a group that’s planning to restore balance in this fucked up world! I can’t say much else, but things will be changing soon.

1 year, 5 weeks Post


This new group has had me busy. They operate with no name, no identifying features – moving within shadows and meeting in the darkest of night. I have spent 2 weeks proving myself worthy of holding their secrets as well as the responsibility of an agent on the ground. Endless hours of grunt work and learning how to be faceless – how to blend with the masses and not draw any lick of attention my way. There has been much to learn, much to practice in these past couple of weeks and tomorrow at dawn will mark my first test. Getting into the city; a small group of us are going in posed as a traveling circus act with the hopes of being allowed to perform a few nights in the city center.

1 year, 5 weeks, 2 days Post


We’ve done it! Our guise has held steady and we are now spending the next week within the city walls putting on shows nightly leaving our days free to roam about and take in the sights. Not that we have any time to enjoy ourselves, or shop in the markets. We have all been given strict orders by the leaders on which areas of this city we are to watch – information is key and I plan on delivering a plethora. Patrol schedules, guard changes, training and weapons available to them are just a few of the key elements I’ve been tasked with memorizing and relaying back at base. If all goes well this group will have between us a full map of the city and details on how it’s guarded.

There are whispers of other groups doing similar scouting missions in other cities in the area. A multi-fronted attack seems the best way to redistribute the wealth and power around here and it seems that is what the leaders have planned for us.

1 year, 6 weeks Post


Our time in the city has come to a close, my head is so full of information for the leaders I can scarcely think of anything else. The knowledge only I hold could be vital to our efforts to take down the city. We were almost caught due to my own foolishness; I had my locket on display! What a flaunt of wealth from outside the city walls. Luckily for me, I was able to pawn it off in the underground market before any prying eyes could take notice of its value. I will not be so careless again!

1 year, 10 weeks Post


We have been informed that plans are closing in. The time to strike is near – we have all been tasked with daily combat training on top of our other tasks. Sleep has claimed me before my head even hits the pillow at night and dawn comes entirely too soon. But this is a small sacrifice to be made in order for the greater good of this world, right?

In the past weeks I have become proficient with not only knives, but a bow and arrow as well. Who knew I had such potential to be a deadly force! Just one breath and move of my hand can separate a man from this life and the next. These so-called Lords of the New World don’t stand a chance against us, the poorest, most desperate- we have nothing to lose and are ready to lay down our lives in order to pave a better future.

1 year, 10 weeks, 3 days Post


We’re told the final details are falling into place and warned to be ready to go with a moment’s notice. We now sleep in shifts with our weapons within arm’s reach. The tension in the air is thick, people are fighting over the smallest things now looking for a way to let off some of their own nervous energy. None us of were soldiers before, we’re just a group of people desperate for a better life.

A frustrated breath rips from the man’s lips – “Where is the rest?” He growls mostly to himself as he flips through the rest of the worn-down notebook. He glances around at the bleak desert surrounding him, no signs of life aside from the tatters of tents that have been left to the gods. How had they survived this long was anyone’s guess, it had been another 3 years since The End and it seemed to him that no one has stepped foot on this battlefield since The Rebellion.

The man lets loose another sigh and turns to begin his trek back to his camp when a small glint catches his eye. Toeing the dirt where the glint was noticed a few feet away the man uncovers the most unlikely item – the very same heart shaped locket the girl had sold 3 years ago. The man smiles to himself as he pockets the necklace, at least one person from The Rebellion will be remembered.


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    NSWritten by Nicole Smith

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