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The Dragon Beside Me

The Dragon Beside Me: A Tale of Friendship and Fire

By Chevz MunandarPublished 4 months ago 2 min read
The Dragon Beside Me
Photo by Jonathan Kemper on Unsplash

Once upon a time, in a land not too far away and not too close, there existed a village nestled between rolling hills and lush forests. In this village lived a young lad named Finn, who had a peculiar companion - a dragon named Ember. Now, you might be thinking, "Whoa, a dragon? How did that happen?" Well, let me tell you the tale.

Finn wasn't your typical hero material. He wasn't the strongest or the bravest, but he had a heart of gold and a knack for getting into trouble. One day, while exploring the forest near his village, Finn stumbled upon a small dragon egg nestled among some ferns. Being the curious soul he was, Finn decided to take it home and keep it warm by the fire. Little did he know that this egg wasn't just any egg - it was about to hatch into a fiery friend.

Sure enough, a few days later, a tiny dragon emerged from the egg, all scales and claws and adorableness. Finn named him Ember, for the tiny flames that danced across his scales. From that day on, Finn and Ember were inseparable. They'd roam the forests together, causing mischief and mayhem wherever they went.

Now, having a dragon for a best friend might sound like a dream come true, but it came with its fair share of challenges. For starters, not everyone in the village was thrilled about having a fire-breathing creature lurking around. Finn had to constantly keep Ember hidden from prying eyes, which often meant sneaking around like a pair of bandits in the night.

But despite the risks, Finn wouldn't trade Ember for anything in the world. The bond they shared was stronger than steel, forged through countless adventures and daring escapades. They'd soar through the skies, with Ember's wings beating against the wind and Finn clutching onto his scales for dear life. They'd dive into crystal-clear lakes, sending water splashing in every direction as they frolicked like children.

Of course, not all their adventures were sunshine and rainbows. There were times when they'd stumble upon trouble in the form of greedy knights or fearsome beasts. But with Ember's fiery breath and Finn's quick wit, they always managed to come out on top. They were a team, through thick and thin, facing the world side by side.

As the years went by, Finn and Ember became legends in their own right. Stories of the boy and his dragon spread far and wide, whispered around campfires and sung in taverns. Some called them heroes, while others branded them as outlaws, but to Finn and Ember, none of that mattered. All that mattered was the bond they shared, unbreakable and everlasting.

And so, dear reader, let this tale serve as a reminder that sometimes the greatest adventures come from the most unexpected friendships. For Finn and Ember, the journey was just beginning, with countless more tales waiting to be told. So the next time you find yourself wandering through the forests or gazing up at the stars, keep an eye out for a boy and his dragon, for who knows what adventures they might be embarking on next.

PsychologicalFan Fiction

About the Creator

Chevz Munandar

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    Chevz MunandarWritten by Chevz Munandar

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