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The demon train

The last free human

By Bekah M. Brightstar Published 2 years ago 20 min read
 The demon train
Photo by Adam Rhodes on Unsplash

Max was awoken, or rather, jostled from his slumber and discovered he was not where he thought he was before he fell asleep. His body was curled up rather peacefully on a bench seat. It was a deep slumber and he remembered that he was dreaming before his foot was kicked sending a signal up his leg and breaking him free from the illusions in his head. He curled tighter and frowned.

"Leo, you jerk! Leave me alone!" He spat without opening his eyes.

"Your ticket sir." A robotic voice.

Max didn't respond. He frowned and hugged his body tighter hoping Leo would stop whatever dumb game he was playing and go away. It was summer vacation for him which meant staying up way past his bedtime playing video games and talking to his friends online. If it was before noon it was too early. It was an unwritten rule in his house. Summer time meant staying home and watching his little brother while his parents went to work. It was an easy gig and Max didn't mind his brother so much as long as he left him alone to sleep off a long night of shooting aliens and talking smack to kids in the subreddits forum of whatever video game he was playing that week.

Another kick, "Your ticket."

"Damnit Le-" He sat up face to face with an android with an outstretched hand.

"Your ticket, please. Sir." The voice sounding irritated came from a little slit on the androids face where a mouth would be. The slit blinked every time a word was spoken.

Max suddenly sat up straight and looked around frantically. He swallowed as his chest prickled and heart raced. Rows of benches lined what appeared to be a train car filled with stiff, unmoving people. With sweaty palms he pulled himself up to look over his seat.

"Mom! Dad!" he yelled, searching the other passengers faces for his parents. "Leo, Mom! Dad!" his voice laced with a thread of panic.

All at once every person in the car turned to look at him, eyes open and mouths wide, confusion and surprise on their faces. Max looked at everyone of them but did not see his parents.

Max slumped back into his seat and pressed his palms into his eyes. He couldn't remember the last time he cried in public and he could feel the pressure of tears in his head. He was only twelve, that strange in between age of learning about what it was like to be independent, riding his bike to school and sleeping under the stars in tents with his best friends but still needing his mom when the zombie movie was too scary, or wanting a hug from his dad when he saw a wounded animal. And now neither of them were around to tell him that everything was going to be okay.

"May," the voice of small shriveled man squeaked from the front of the car, "May I see him? May I see him Matthus?" The man stared and pointed a boney finger at Max.

Matthus turned to the old man then back to Max who was still holding his eyes shut and taking deep breaths.

Matthus leaned into Max's face, "Sir," the volume of voice was so low and quiet that even Max had to strain to hear "are you without a ticket?"

Max nodded, his face smiled in pain as tears came out of his eyes.

"Then you will have to come with me. If I am correct you are not supposed to be here and you may be in great danger."

A shot of heat and pin pricks radiated from Max's spine and neck. Danger. Great danger.

Max caught his breath for a moment then panic made his ears ring and breath pant.

Matthus took a hand from Max's face. "Do everything I say, do not to make eye contact, don't say a word and try not to cry. We need to go now."

The old man stood, his face a bluish hue and eyes wide and red rimmed. He began to climb over the statuesque woman who sat in the isle seat. "May I Matthus?"

The passengers began to appear excited, rustling in their seats and licking their lips.

Matthus pulled Max from his seat, "No," he stated calmly to the passengers which Max now noticed from his free eye were all a bluish hue with sunken in eyes. Some covered in gashes or wounds. "Come." he demanded as the android dragged Max to the front of the car door.

The movement of getting up and walking helped Max to not focus so much on the anxiety that was building in his chest and instead focus on his feet to keep up with Matthus who was at the door in a flash, practically walking through it without hesitation as the door opened and closed sharply behind them.

The boy and the android stood in the gangway. Matthus turned to look through the window, the passengers looked puzzled but slowly settled down. He made a noise that sounded like a sigh and his body relaxed.

"What is your name?" He turned and looked at Max with his black circle eyes. He was humanoid looking with the frame of a human; arms, legs, torso and head. But his face was just two black circles where eyes would be and a slit for a mouth that lit when he spoke. The rest of his body was silver metallic except for some painted on clothes, blue pants and a short sleeved shirt, much like a conductor.

He took a few deep breaths and sucked in the snot back into his nose. Matthus recoiled at the sound.

"Max." he whispered.

"Max." Matthus repeated. His eyes and mouth flickered for a few seconds. "I don't see your name on the registry, you are not supposed to be here. I am Matthus. I am going to take you to my master and he will get this sorted out."

"Where are my parents?" Tears threatened his face again.

"Max, I do not know where your parents are. Please, do you remember what I told you?"

Max nodded.

"There are four more cars to go through before we get to my master and if you want to survive it will serve you to do as I say. Hold on tight to my hand." Matthus looked forward towards the next car. "Let's go."

Survive? Max had no time to protest or prepare as he was marched through the door and into the next car. He looked straight ahead as the two passed through a car that looked very much like the one he had just left, or so Max thought, he hadn't thought about taking in any of the details. The floor was wooden and the benches were maroon and plush. Max was reminded about the old movies he and his father and Leo would watch together where someone was murdered on a train with some incredible plot twist. But instead of the western style characters, these folks were of the same bluish complexion as the last car dressed in all types and styles of clothing. Wounds, scars and red sunken eyes too.

Once again Matthus burst through the door and they were in the gangway. The train swayed under their feet and the familiar "chugga chugga" sound of a train on tracks grounded Max for a moment. He took a breath.

"These next few trains are going to be tricky, zombies are-"


Matthus looked at wide-eyed and fearful Max, quite possibly with a puzzled look on his face. "Zombies are easier to fool." He said slowly. "We are going to move fast so keep up."

The door opened and Matthus pulled Max closely behind him. The air was warm and damp and a dim red glow filled the car. Pale people with golden eyes and long fangs laughed and drank red liquid from chalices. There was hissing sounds coming from every direction and Max was sure there were snakes at his feet. Something fluttered in the air and brushed his cheek, it took all his courage not to yelp. A drip of something red fell on Max's arm from the ceiling. Max looked forward watching the backside of Matthus not daring to take his eyes off him.

"Let me get that darling." A woman appeared next to Max and grabbed his arm, halting the android-human parade. Her mouth opened hungrily revealing her sharp pointy fangs as she gently licked the drop from his arm. Max could feel her teeth gently grating on his skin.

"Vampires." the word shouted in Max's head. "This can't be happening." His heart began to beat in his ears. Once again, all eyes were now on Max.

"Do you hear that?" Someone hissed.

Matthus gripped Max tighter, "We must be off, my master is waiting."

Collectively the car ignored Matthus. "That sound? What is it? It sounds so familiar." The men and women in the car searched the room for the sound. Vampires crawled along the ceiling and walls swiveling their heads back and forth searching for the low drum beat.

"Yes, I hear it too!" Said another vampire.

"It sounds like. Like."

Matthus yanked Max's arm lifting him off of his feet and free from the woman who licked his arm In three strides they were once again in the gangway, the door slamming hard behind them. In an instant the vampires were at the window looking at Max with hungry eyes and pressing their ears to the door.

The next door opened and the pair walked immediately through.

Matthus stood still and gently placed Max on his feet which didn't make a sound as they landed on damp dirt. It was dark and strangely quiet, as if they had stepped into a haunted forest. Or a graveyard.

Matthus moved slowly and Max did the same. Dark shadows flickered in the pitch black corners of the car. The hair on the back of Max's neck stood and a cold sweat beaded his forehead. Max was suddenly aware of how cold this car was. The starry night speckled the windows showing little puffs of breath as Max adjusted his eyes to the black.

Matthus lead the boy through dirt covered car, each step moving with intention. A floor board creaked and Matthus froze, the creaks were getting closer. Something was heading towards them. It's footsteps landing heavily on the floor. A floor board creaked loudly and didn't stop. The screech of the floor grew louder until it wasn't a creak at all, it was a voice. The voice frayed and splintered and wrapped around Max's head.

"Maxxx", it whispered. Tears spilled from his eyes.

"Max, you're a bad little boy and you're going to hell. I'm coming to get you Max. I'm going to eat you."

"No!" Max shouted as he dropped Matthus's hand and pressed his ears shut.

"Max!" Yelled Matthus.

In a flash Max was off his feet, his body slammed hard on the ground then dragged across the floor. Max screamed and dug his nails into the dirt and floor trying to get back to Matthus. Splinters caught under his fingernails, chipping the keratin off.

Matthus chased after Max reaching out his android arms trying to catch the boy who was screaming and crying for his mommy. His body was dragged up the wall and onto the ceiling his legs and arms were stretched and pulled in opposite directions. His shirt was slashed by an invisible force and blood dripped onto the ground. Something licked his wound and Max screamed in pain. A bright white light blinded Max and he fell hard to the ground. Something shrieked and scrambled as Matthus scooped up the boy and ran towards the door. In a few strides they were in the gangway. Max crying uncontrollably, arms pressed against his chest, his blood dripping onto the floor.

Matthus held Max in his arms and pressed his head to his chest.

"Shh, Max. You are safe now." Said Matthus in his best soothing tone. "I need to see your wound, please calm down."

Max screamed as Matthus pried the boys blood soaked hands from his chest. Matthus's eyes scanned the wound, his eyes beamed a white light on his wound which began to seal and heal immediately.

"I want my mommy! I want my daddy! Please! Please! Please!" He begged Matthus. "I want my mommy!" Max cried uncontrollably.

With the wound healed Matthus held the boy close again. "We are almost there, he whispered. You have been a very brave human boy." The train swayed, gently rocking the android and human.

"Please, I want my mommy, please." he begged again.

Matthus didn't know what to say, he knew human children needed soothing, it was in his programming to know almost everything about cryptids, humanoids, demons, spirits and everything in between with 99.9% accuracy. But this was more than information, this was an actual screaming, terrified human boy. He scanned his data for soothing mechanisms for children who were traumatized by demons. Not enough historical data for successful treatment could be found. So he did his best with what he had.

Step one: Make the child feel safe.

"You are safe now Max. The locking mechanisms on these doors can only be operated by me. They are reinforced with highly sophisticated technology and magic, therefore, that demon cannot hurt you."

Step two: Encourage the child to talk about their feelings.

"Max, I would very much like to know what emotions you are experiencing right now."

Max was still crying and could hardly manage a word, but he did. "Scared."

"Yes, fear is absolutely understandable. What other emotions can you identify?"

Max sniffed, his breath slowing down, "sad". he managed.

Matthus nodded. "That must be very difficult indeed. Would you like to share anything else?"

Max's breathing slowed a bit more and he wiped his tears. "I don't know, I guess I'm upset."

"I can see that Max," agreed Matthus, making sure to Max knew he was listening.

Step three: Talk about recovery.

"I am an android Max."

Max nodded.

"This means I have many skills to keep you safe and protected so that I can deliver you to my master. I have the capability to quickly and efficiently asses any situation. I am unable to feel pain and have many adaptive technologies and techniques to defend myself against a wide range of creatures, spirits, ghosts and angels and so on."

Max nodded again. He rested his head against the Matthus's chest, his eyes dry.

"Do you know what this means Max?"

Max shrugged.

"It means I am going to get you safely to my master no matter what."

Max looked down and nodded.

"This is the last car we have to go through." The train rumbled beneath their bodies as the gangway swayed through a turn. "It's not as dangerous as the ones we have already been through."

"No more demons?" asked Max.

"No more demons." He answered. "This is the Sasquatch car. Typically gentle creatures but they aren't too fond of humans. But not to fret, they usually just don't want to be bothered by your type."

Matthus stood up holding Max in his arms and gently placed him on his feet. The door opened revealing a warmly candlelit car which smelled of pine trees and wet hair. Matthus took Max's hand and proceeded to calmly walk through. Max looked straight ahead but didn't see any creatures, only large stumps sitting on giant benches. They walked through quietly, the sound of pine needles crunching under their feet. Max looked up to see that the ceiling was a skylight, the milky way shone brightly above them.

The door came quickly and the two walked through. Max turned just in time to see a stump turn into a sasquatch child, who raised her hand and waved at the boy. Stunned, Max waved back before the door closed.

Not waiting another moment Matthus stepped towards the last door. The doors opened revealing a luxuriously decorated car. There were no benches and each of the windows had small red curtains tied back with gold tassels. A red couch with gold details sat on the far end and a beautiful red oak desk sat to one side of the car and a full bar sat on the other. A red carpet adorned with more gold details and tassels guided them towards a handsome man with dark hair and eyes who sat on the couch sipping a glass of what looked like red wine.

"Matthus." the man said, a slight accent in his voice that Max could not identify. "What's all the commotion? I sense the train is in a bit of a state. Oh!"

His golden eyes locked with Max's. A vampire. Max trembled and hid behind Matthus. The man stood and approached him.

"Matthus," he said slowly, "what is this?"

"This is a human boy master, I found him on zombie car A. I sensed a presence without a ticket."

Not taking his eyes off Max he again addressed Matthus. "How in the devil did he get on the train?"

"Please, I want to go home."

"That is quite a mystery master."

Max and the vampire circled Matthus.

"Tell me, what is your name?"

"Max. I just want to go home."

"How did you get here?"

"I just woke up here."

"Matthus?" the vampire inquired.

"I have no answers master. He was just there. I've scanned the registry and there is no one named Max and certainly no humans who are supposed to be aboard this train."

"Could he be stock?" inquired the master.

"I do not believe so. He keeps saying he has parents sir. The program is designed to keep the stock euphoric and not wanting for emotional support, or family. Happy cows make happy milk as they say."

"What do you mean stock?" Max asked.

"And, the stock is labeled, there is no label on this child sir. I scanned him myself."

Max touched his chest. The wound was healed, his fingers traced the raised skin where the demon had scratched him. He remembered the white light from Matthus's eyes that healed him, it must have been when he scanned him.

"Do you think he could be a trade Matthus?"

"I had anticipated that as a possibility master, but no other humans have been detected on this train."

Matthus's master stopped circling and leaned back on his desk. He folded his arms but never took his eyes off Max.

"Please, I just want to go home."

"Home." the master said, finally regarding Max. "And where is that, Max?"

"I live in Elizabeth Colorado sir, if I could call my parents they could come get me."

The master laughed. "Could they?" he asked enthusiastically. "My boy, you are lost aren't you."

"What do you mean?"

The master looked at Max for a moment. "There is no home."


"I assume you are talking about Earth, I have heard of Colorado before. Beautiful place, but, it is no more."

"That's not true, I was just there."

"The whole planet is inhabitable, it has been for centuries, except of course for our type." The master made a gesture towards the door they had entered. "The kind that lives forever."

"That's not true!" Max yelled.

In a flash the master came face to face with Max, his golden eyes blazed into Max's eyes. "Where do you think we are lad? Hm?"

Max swallowed and leaned back, "Colorado."

The master snorted.

"Obviously." He added.

"Obviously eh? Why don't you look out the window and tell me what you see then?" The master outstretched his arm towards the window.

Max looked at the master.

"Go on."

Max looked at Matthus and slowly walked toward a curtained window. Just as he had seen out the other windows the milky way shone above and the stars twinkled in the distance.

"It's too dark, I can't see anything." Max replied, "Just stars."

"Look down Max." Matthus tried.

Max stood on his tip toes to and looked down. There was nothing, just darkness. Except there was something. More stars. They must be traveling over some water Max thought. He looked back at the master and Matthus.

"What do you see?" asked the master.

"Stars on water."

The master cocked his head, "that's not water Max."

Max looked again, he was right, the stars weren't moving. The water wasn't moving, there weren't any splashes or anything. Just stars and darkness.

"What's going on?" Max demanded.

"We are on a train, traveling to our new home because Earth was destroyed by your kind. Long story short, we managed to survive, advance technology and now we are moving through space on a train. Our destination is several hundred years away, no human would see it in their lifetime."


"And you, are the biggest mystery on this train."


"Exactly Max, what. What will we do with you?"

Max's head was as thick as stew. He couldn't believe what he was hearing and seeing. Panic creeped into his chest again and he fell to his knees.

"Max, look at me." The master commanded.

Max looked up into the masters eyes.

"Your head is clear, your mind is sharp, your body is relaxed."

Max took a deep breath and exhaled. All of the fear and panic left with that breath. His eyes were locked on the master and his voice rang clear as a bell in his head.

The masters eyes glowed. "You are the most extraordinary being on this train, the last free human. And no one knows how you got here. Do you understand how incredible that is?"

Max nodded, everything the master was saying made perfect sense. In the background of his mind Max knew there was a mystery, how did he get here, where was his parents, where were they going? All these questions needed to be answered but none of it mattered in this moment while his eyes were locked on the masters eyes.

"Max, I know you have a lot of questions and so do I. But something strange is afoot here and you are at the center of it. I am clearing your head right now because you have a very important decision to make do you understand?"

Max nodded.

"Everything on this train wants to eat you, including myself."

A tear escaped Max's eye.

"But I want to offer you a chance. I am giving you a choice. You can come with me and be my familiar. You will be protected and guided by me and when you come of age I will make you a vampire. This life will not be easy but it will be a life. Or, if you choose so, you may be placed into our stock and become part of the program. You will never feel pain and you will forget any of this has happened. Your body will be slowly drained of blood and you will live out a life in content state."

Max sniffed. He weighed both of the options in his mind.

A familiar meant a lifetime of pain, always wondering what happened to his family and how he came to be on the train at all. On the other hand he would be alive, and maybe he could have his questions answered.

But the thought of leaving this all behind, to live a life full of painless bliss. The terror of the demon flashed in his mind as he relived the experience over again in his head. He touched his chest again, making sure the scar was still healed.

"What will it be my boy?"

"I choose." Max said.

The masters eyes brightened.

"I choose...."

Short Story

About the Creator

Bekah M. Brightstar

Hi! I'm Bekah! *

I'm creating a universe of magic with 10 young witches connected through time and space by the golden thread of fate.

My most popular article is my story of anger and reparenting myself through my pets.

I like cats.

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  • Bekah M. Brightstar (Author)2 years ago

    For Jon- “I choo, choo, choose you!”

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