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The Death of Shanks Foreshadowed

The death of Shanks foreshadowed

By Aakash MuruganPublished 6 months ago 2 min read
The death of Shanks foreshadowed

There are several theories about the fate of Shanks in the One Piece universe. One of the best accepted theories is that he will die at some point in the story. This approach is based on several clues and hints from the manga and anime.



Shanks is cutting a skull-shaped Khakis which is the 1st afterlife banderole on Shanks. If you bethink the afterlife of Ace, it was adumbrated by a agenda bold area Luffy has best the skull agenda and absent the game. But there was additionally a Spade of Ace agenda in his duke and the face what will do in that scene.



In chapter 1054 we see the Red Hair Pirates are sailing about Wano’s waters. Shanks adventures about the time he blanket the Gomu Gomu no Mi from Who’s-Who and CP9, and the time he spent with Luffy in Foosha Village. Anyway he decides not to accumulate with Luffy aloof yet.

He reminds to the aggregation that Bartolomeo fabricated a blend afresh in one of their territories by afire his banderole and replacing it with Luffy’s and he wants to handle that situation. So he decides to go afterwards Bartolomeo.

If you remember, in the awning folio of affiliate 875 Bartolomeo austere bottomward Shanks’ Jolly Roger to the citizens’ horror. Now it’s not afterwards purpose that Shanks goes afterwards Bartholomeo and tries to annihilate him.

Shanks can’t artlessly not affliction actuality as best bodies believe. Bartolomeo has not alone angered Shanks but all the Red Hair Pirates. Shanks has to act on it because a Jolly Roger is the actual actuality of a charlatan crew. If a aggregation does not account it, it artlessly agency they accept no honour as pirates. That is why Luffy did not let Chopper’s banderole to be alone during the Drum Island arc.

Bartolomeo burned Shanks’ flag

Second, Bartolomeo austere Shanks’ banderole which agency he declared war adjoin Shanks (when Ussop austere the World Government banderole they said it meant the Straw Hats had declared war adjoin the World Government).

If Bartolomeo starts affliction those bodies like he did on the aftermost island, Shanks won’t aloof beam it off. He didn’t get to be a Yonkou by activity accessible on pirates who ache and blackmail the bodies in his territory. Shanks is a acceptable guy but still he is a pirate. Don’t balloon what happened to Eustass Kid in his encounters with the Red Hair Pirates.

Bartolomeo is afire up the Jolly Roger of Shanks. As you saw that, aback Whitebeard died, his banderole was burnt aback in Foodvalten by Brownbeard. So the aforementioned situaion has occured by Bartolomeo’s flag-burning for calling him for a fight. But that’s either not gonna appear or Shanks aloof doesn’t appetite to move his little feel to beating Bartolomeo out.


How will Shanks die?

His afterlife will be absolutely emotional, because I accept consistently apparent a father-son accord amid Shanks and Luffy, because every boy’s idol and better afflatus is his father. Shanks will die by the easily of Blackbeard and Blackbeard will be dead by Luffy during the binge of Gear 5 about the end of Laugh Tale arc.

shanks death

Fan Fiction

About the Creator

Aakash Murugan

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