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The day does not understand the darkness of the night

The day does not understand the darkness of the night

By Kendra JacksonPublished 12 months ago 5 min read

When the day languidly undresses itself, the night comes in a prowling walk.

Night is to make a person's body and soul close to the nearest time, the hustle and bustle of the day makes people look together, only in the dead of night, a person's body and heart will not be misplaced. Therefore, a person's true disposition will be freely revealed.

If reading the day is like reading a colorful picture, then reading the night is like being in a black and white Chinese landscape painting, the complexity of the day will inevitably make people feel dazzling, let people overwhelmed; The night is simple and innocent, pure like a circle of light blue lake, mysterious and deep.

Night is the most beautiful moment in life, beautiful beyond words, because of the silence of the night.

Night can listen to the worm singing, the noise of the day even the lovely flying insects are not singing, only to the night, they rushed to jump out, fly on the grass, the curtain of the night opened, a grand concert is about to begin! The poet said, "Seven or eight stars away, two or three in front of the rain, listen to the sound of frogs." It used to be difficult to understand the true darkness, until a sunny night after a rain, my wife and children were walking on the wet path, a frogsound came surging, looking up, the distant sky is scattered placed a few stars, I instantly understood the great poet, indeed, some things are not in the scene, may never be able to end the beauty of it, some sincere feelings without the backdrop of night, The pen of understanding will never write anything enlightening.

Night can admire the bright moon, the sun during the day is an incandescent lamp, people dare not look at each other, the lack of eye communication, the feelings of the heart naturally can not be close contact; And the moonlight is different, it or thick eyebrows, or almond eyes, or willow eyes, or like a peach, or like a lake... Let a person look up, can breed the emotion of blending, no wonder the poet said: "raise your glass to invite the moon, to the shadow into three people", at this moment raise your glass, wine is not intoxicating, only the bright moon will give people drunk! Otherwise, why would a poet catch the moon? So, a pool of blue water, a graceful moon in the water, the poet stepped on the lotus step by step into her, in another world, they jumped a happy dance.

The night can hear the sound of rain, in the sound of passion, the dust has fallen, the air is fresh, and an earthy fragrance has come to the nose, this is the great message from Mother nature, to the touch of love, comfort your every pore; And like a messenger of wisdom, to the people in the dream to drink, like the night will not suddenly follow, the heavy rain will not suddenly stop, after the heavy rain is drizzle, this continuous drizzle turned into a kind of nutrition, "the wind into the night, moistening things silently."

Night is the world's metabolism, all things in nature germination at night, all aging things are also dying at night, the old people living in the countryside often say that plants are afraid of people, do not grow during the day, only at night, they are full of strength, scrambling to join, this I believe, because, in their own bamboo garden I have heard, the night bamboo shoots squeak to join, Flowers also like to bloom, may be afraid of stained with the daytime tacky, even young children are growing up at night, no wonder even their parents do not know, the child is unconsciously more than their own at night.

When I was young, I often read such a poem in my mouth, the two sentences of which are "the sound of wind and rain at night, how much flowers fall." In fact, I feel that flowers blossom and fall have little to do with wind and rain, because of the night, let them dress up, and let them fall into the soil, soil is the mother of flowers, night is the father of flowers.

Night is the soil of inspiration, I do not know how many good works are written under the green lamp at night; I don't know how many Zen masters have attained enlightenment at night; I don't know how many inventions are made at night; I don't know how many problems are melting in a moonlight... Night is the achievement of talent, this even the sage Mencius also believe, because Mencius once had "night gas", he thinks that all "get gas" people, the most easy to pass God, night is a person clear heart to see the nature, the perfect opportunity to come to think carefully, Mr. Meng is of course right, the hustle and bustle of the day makes people unable to hold their breath, do things, naturally easy to be distracted; And night is different, it can let all scattered thoughts focus here, can put all scattered forces here, so the night has become the soil of creation.

Night is a time for a person to return to himself, during the day people are busy, busy for home, busy for business, busy for relatives, busy for friends... And night people are different, all the affairs are packed properly, all the troubles are stranded on the night beach, as the day tide fades, the night tide gracefully overflowed, not noisy, not conventional, the deeper the night, the closer the body and the heart, a true self will be restored more thoroughly, so, the poet said, the night is elegant, day is vulgar, because, a person only at night, To hear their own complete heartbeat, that is the soul whisper and sing.

Always like such a song, called "day does not understand the night of the black", think carefully, this is quite commendable. Like a traveler wrapped in worldly thorns, how can he know the melodic sound of the piccolo of the mountain shepherd boy? Day does not understand the night of the black, people understand? A person's life will be dominated by night half, in this half of the time, you and I have done what? Is it an empty dream? Or the naked reality? At night, people should learn to break free from the embrace of the day and enjoy the night, not only because of the silence of the night, but also the depth and wisdom of the night, because when the world is dark, the eyes of the soul will overflow with brilliance, however, many people ignore such eyes, so they do not understand the black of the night...


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