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The Darkness Dismantled

Love Always Prevails

By Tiffany GermainPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
The Darkness Dismantled
Photo by Andres F. Uran on Unsplash

I used to be full of love and joy, but not anymore. Not since the curse began. Things were different now. The world was different. The people I loved have been torn away from me. Brutally and permanently.

I wiped a silent tear from my eye. Closing my heart-shaped locket, I let out a sigh. The heart was rather plain. No intricate designs on it, just solid gold. The inside contained the true gold, though - the only picture of my husband and children I had left. If I closed my eyes I could still see their smiles and hear their giggles.

I had to be strong, though. The cursed creatures living around me ate those that were weak. And I was about to enter the home of the worst one around.

When the alpha requested your presence, there was no denying it. You had two options: come promptly or die. There was no hiding either. His dark wolves could smell a spec of dust a mile away.

Choosing the former option, I knocked at his door. It gave way, squeaking open. Red eyes glared at me through the darkness. My heartrate picked up, beating in my ears. The creature glided out from the darkness, the rays of the porch light reaching his charcoal black fur. The wolf’s pink of his gums and large canine teeth were visible as he snarled into my face. My hair moved with the stenchy breath.

“Back off Stein. Stop scaring my guest,” a deep voice commanded.

The wolf snapped its jaws in my face. I stood my ground, but my heart lost another ten years of its life. The wolf then darted off. I stared at the empty spot in front of me, my lungs reclaiming the fresh night air.

“I’m so delighted you could make it, Nadia.”

The lights flickered on in the house revealing a tall man. His pupils were dilated like a black hole and his hair matched them to a tee.

“Thank you for the invite, Brach.”

His eyes roamed over my body, giving an approving nod. “Please come in. It is awfully cold out here. Especially in such a delicate dress.”

The inside was void of any decorations or pictures. The walls were painted the same color as the dark wolves that were once the people of the world. “Follow me into the dining room. It is time for dinner.” He turned on his heel and strode around the corner.

Sitting down, we silently ate before he broke the peace. “So please tell me about yourself. I know little of the loner of my wolfpack. I’ve been told you’ve shut down many suitable mates.”

He had that right. I would never in a million years take on a dark wolf mate. They were all wicked and evil to some varying degree. They relied more on their baser instincts rather than their God-given soul. “There is not much to tell. I prefer the peace and quiet of my home and haven't found a man that I’ve taken a liking to.” Emphasis on “man” and not “beast.” I also enjoyed reading which was a big no no in this new world.

His smile grew. Brach reached over and pushed my hair behind my ear. A visible shiver ran down my body. My stomach recoiled. “My wolves were never suitable for a beauty like you. You were meant for greatness.”

My body went rigid in it’s seat. I’ve heard rumors that alphas choose their mate whether their mate was in compliance or not. “Actually, I’m really quite boring. I listen to human music and read their books.”

His eyes narrowed and his jaw ticked. His chair flung backwards almost falling to the ground before he strode towards me. He pulled me out of my chair, his hand gripped my cheeks. Sharp claws pricked my sensitive skin. “You do realize that I could easily kill you for consuming human media?” His eyes bore into mine.

I nodded hesitantly.

“Lucky for you, I’m in a forgiving mood. Tonight is your special day. You will soon become my mate. I’ve been watching you and there is a certain strength to you I haven’t witnessed before.”

My heart dropped. This could not be happening.

“How much do you know about dark wolves, Nadia?”

I swallowed. “The stronger you are the more intune you are with your wolf.” Or rather, the more evil you are, the more the wolf controls you.

Brach gave an approving nod. “And what do you know about alphas?”

“Each district is led by a strong alpha who keeps the pack in line.” I’ve been able to stay out of the pack ever since this wretched curse began. If I were a male, they would have forced me in the pack. But females they like to enter as a mate into the pack.

He stroked his chin. “Hmm, yes. But do you know who leads those alphas.”

I fidgeted with my necklace. Was I supposed to know this? “I’m sorry, but I haven't been part of a pack, so I don’t have a whole lot of knowledge.”

His eyes twinkled in the flickering light. His smile grew. “Me.”

My breath escaped my lungs. I stared at him wide eyed.

“No need to be speechless, my mate-to-be. You are about to be my second in command.”

My veins turned to ice. This was the exact opposite that I had hoped for. I was trying to live under the radar not on the tippy top. “This is such a generous offer Brach.” Do I call him by his first name? “I would like to think about it, if that so pleases you.”

His claws tightened on my cheeks. Warm blood pooled at the tips. “You do not have a choice in the matter.” His hand dropped down. Black pits of doom glared at me. “I’ve been searching for years for the perfect mate. I will not let her slip through my clutches.”

“I understand. But we’ve only just met. Mating is an exciting and long term union. Wouldn’t it be nice to get to know each other more first?”

Brach growled. “Those human books have polluted your mind! No wonder you haven’t mated yet. This isn’t about love. Love is for the weak. Wolves do not love. This is about partnership. Strength. Power. Pleasure.” Hair lengthened on his face, a brilliant fire red. It was of no color I had seen on a wolf before. I was sure I was about to be consumed in the fire that I stoked.

Part of me wanted to ignore what he said, but there was only so much I could let slide. “Love is not weak. It is one of the most powerful things. You have just not experienced it yet.”

Brach roared into my face. “Stein, bring in the pup.”

Brach took a step back and waited expectantly. I glanced around searching for the black wolf.

After a tense silence, Brach snarled, “Stein, bring in the pup now!”

A few seconds later, the front door opened and closed. A wolf in human form slowly walked in. His electric blue eyes were solemn but angry. In his arms was a sleeping newborn baby. It had a human face, but with extra dark hair fluffed on the rosy cheeks. On the crest of the head were two small floppy ears. As much as I hated the dark wolves, this one was adorable.

“Stein, I am going to have to deal with your disobedience later. You should feel honored to have your very own pup participate in the ritual.”

Stein stared directly in Brach’s eyes. A deep guttural growl emanating from him.

Brach’s bright red fur grew around his face and his tattooed arms. He roared. “That is enough!”

Stein whimpered, his attention turning to the baby.

“Nadia, have you ever witnessed the mating ritual?”


He turned his attention back to me. “It is a three part process. The first part is done in adoration of our Lord, the evil one.” My stomach nauseated just thinking of adoring anything other than God. To worship the devil was beyond despicable.

“So what do we do in the first part?” If I had a better idea of what was going on, maybe I could formulate a plan.

His nose elongated while fur erupted from every porrus. “The evil one requires a sacrifice of an innocent life,” Brach spoke through his sharp canines. “We have to call upon our wolf form to kill and eat the pup.”

I turned to the side and vomited all over the porcelain floor. Straightening myself, I said, “No, there is absolutely no way I will do such a despicable thing.”

Brach grimaced. “I was not expecting quite that reaction. But no worries. I am an apex alpha for a reason. I have the power to control all the wolves. I will force you if I have to.”

I glanced back at Stein and the baby. A single tear fell from Stein and landed on the newborn. A new flame erupted from within me.

I looked Brach straight in his soulless black eyes. “Then you will have to force me, because I will not do it.” I opened my locket, remembering all the love I received from my family. I would rather die a thousand deaths than do such an evil act. Maybe I would even see them soon.

“Nadia, turn into your wolf form now!” Brach ordered.

Icy cold air blew at me and surrounded me. The smell of fire and ash filled my senses. I opened my eyes expecting to turn into a wolf for the first time. I held my hands out in front of me. No claws. No hair.

I turned my attention back to Brach. His eyes were wide. “Looks like your curse doesn’t work on me.” I smiled for the first time since I walked into this foreboding house.

His hands tightened into fists. “Nadia, kill the pup!”

The burning smell grew stronger and the temperature dropped further, but there was nothing. I smirked.

He blinked a couple of times. “What are you? Are you a human?”

“I am and always will be.”

His shirt burst as his body morphed and grew. He roared and growled until his entire body was covered in thick red fur. He looked different than any of the other dark wolves I have seen. Typically they are a spitting image of an overgrown wolf. But Brach looked like a cross between a human and a wolf. He stood on two legs, but his entire body was covered in fur and his feet and hands were paws. A long tail swooshed behind him.

“Fortunately, I haven’t eaten a human in many months. Tonight I will have a human and pup feast.”

He leapt at me, tackling me to the floor. A certain peace enveloped me, though. My body warmed with what could only be described as love. Drool splashed onto my cheeks. Brach’s eyes were entirely inky black. A sight like that would normally cease my heart from beating, but instead I smiled. A sense of warmth and love flowed around me like a gentle breeze.

Just as jaws closed around my head and the pressure grew, Brach began spasming. He jumped back, his claws slicing deep within me. His eyes widened. In the next breath, he burst into flames as red as his fur.

“Stein help!” There was no use, though. One second he was engulfed in flames, the next, he was but a pile of ash.

I glanced over at Stein. Tears of joy poured from his eyes. His infant no longer had floppy ears or overgrown fur. “The curse has been lifted. We will never forget your sacrifice. Thank you.”

I smiled as my life faded away. Closing my eyes one final time, I knew I would soon see my family. Love has saved the world.


About the Creator

Tiffany Germain

By day I homeschool and parent my five kiddos, by night I write. I’ve been blessed with an amazing and supportive husband. Although all of the above consumes just about every spare minute I have, I do love reading and all things nature.

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    Tiffany GermainWritten by Tiffany Germain

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