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The Dark Princess: A Dark Moon: The Blood Altar Fanfic

Based off the Dark Moon: The Blood Altar Webtoon, part 1.

By LynnPublished 10 months ago Updated 9 months ago 4 min read
Dark Moon

It's Monday morning, the first day of school. I remembered everything that happened in the relm. Dardan raged on about taking princess Selene's powers. Of Course, Heli and his friends would protect her. As the battle continued, my father, Shik, An vampire, the strongest was killed by one of Dardan's henchman, an werewolf. Then....."Hey Angie!" Shion said excitedly. "Did you hear?" He continued. "Hear what?" I replied. "The new student, Sooha. She'll be in our class." I shook my head, and said, "No. I didn't hear this. But you sound excited." Shion eyes glowed, he swung in his chair, and said, "Of course, Ange, why not." Solon butted in, "I told you not to hang with her, you very well know, we don't hang with humans." He said sternly. Shion responded, "We hang out with Angie. What's so different about her?" I said, answereing before Solon could say something, "I don't think bringing me into this is neccessary." Solon grunted. "Fine."

Class ended, as I was walking to my dorm, I was stopped by Heli. Heli was like a big brother I never had. He was even like that before we was sent to the future. The only difference, I didn't lose my memories and I still had my full abilities. They didn't.

"Angie. How was class?" Heli asked politely. "Fine." I said back. Heli smiled. "I was wondering, if you can help Sooha around. Please?" I took a look at Sooha, and looked backed at Heli and said, "Okay." Heli kindly rubbed my head as he would always do, "Thank you." I turned my head and pouted. "Sure." I said.

Heli explained to Sooha, that I will be helping her around the school to keep her from dangers. Heli then left her with me.

Sooha excitedly extended her hand towards me, "Hello. I'm Sooha." She said. My eyes grew big, when I saw her. She reminded me of the princess. "Hi. I'm Angie." I said. I then asked her, "Why did you transfer to this school?" Her body language turned from jolly to cold. She simply said, "I hate vampires." I nodded. "I see." I said. As we was walking to the lounge, and She looked at me and asked, "Do you hate vampires, as well?" I stopped and turned to her and responded. "No. I hate werewolves." She shrieked, she hesitated, but asked me, "Why?" I paused. Thought about what happened in the relm. I sighed in grief, but I kept my composure.

"My dad was killed by an werewolf, who was used by an vampire." Sooha looked down, feeling the guilt of her question. "I'm sorry." she responded. I said back, "Don't worry about it." I walked her to her room. She smiled and thanked me for walking her to her room. "Can we be friends?" she asked nicely. "Sure." I responded and left.

Three weeks has passed,

Since I met Sooha. I decided to take a breather outside the school and walked to the square, then I ran into Enzy, Najak, Tahel, and Khan, who approached me. "Great, just what I needed to see, 3 clowns." I said irritated. Najak protested, "We don't want to see you either." I stood up, "Then get lost." I said angrily. Before Tahel could say something. Enzy came in between us. Enzy was the only one I could tolerate, “Hello Angie. I’m sorry to had disturbed you, we just wanted to ask if you heard anything about the murder that happened, it was an human girl that went to our school? They said an vampire could have done it.” He said politely. I nodded. “No. I don’t know anything about that.” I said. Khan approached me, and he glared at me suspiciously and asked, “Are we supposed to take your word for it?” I glared at him back, “I couldn’t care less if you did or didn’t, now leave me alone before I get pissed.” I said as I walked away.

Tahel said to Enzy, “I never met someone like her before, I mean, I know she’s a vampire, but she’s so angry at us, but yet she seems to be nice to you, Enzy.” Enzy responded, “That’s because I met Angie, here in the square, a kid was being attacked by an vampire, Angie was there to save him. I asked her, why would she do that, she was just like those vampires, and she snapped at me, and said if that was the case then all werewolves were the same, since her father was killed by one or should I say was used by an vampire.” “That would explain why she wasn’t afraid of Khan. By the way, where is Khan?” Asked Najak. Khan has caught up with me, as I was walking, “Hey.” I turned around to see Khan standing in front of me. I sighed. “Don’t you have better things to do, than follow me?” I asked. Khan, sighed and asked, “how is Sooha?” My eyes widened, “She’s fine.” As I turned to walk away, then he stopped me again, “Tell her, I missed her.” He said softly. “Do I look like a messenger!” I protested. “Sorry.” Khan said, as he walked away. “Weirdo.” I said underneath my breath.

I got back to school, I was headed back to my room, when I saw Jakah standing outside my door with his arms folded. “Can we talk?” Jakah and I was in two different grades, he was in ninth I was in tenth. Yet, for some reason, I was in love with him I didn’t think vampires was even capable of love but it was true I loved him. “Talk about what?” as I went in my room, passing him by. “I heard you haven’t been in class? Is everything okay?” “I’m just stressed.” I responded. “He lifted my chin, as my face turned red, then I shall help you with that.”

Stay tuned for part 2. (🥰❤️)

Short StoryYoung AdultSeriesFantasyFan FictionAdventure

About the Creator


I'm a writer. I write fanfiction, screenplays, and novels. I also watch anime and also listen to K-Pop. I also write for hire. I tend to daydream alot which is probably one of my secrets to writing.

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