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The Cursed

Chapter 1

By GiaPublished 11 months ago 4 min read

Did I asked to be seen as cursed? No, never.

But I still fail to understand why people see me as some sort of beast when they pass by. When children see me, they scream and run away and even those who try to pet me, their parents stop them, what's wrong with me? However, I see some but not all humans feeding and petting stray dogs, they just shoo me away.

Am I....scary? I'm just a black cat who doesn't mean any harm.

My family, you ask....As for them, I don't know where they are, all I know was that I was left in a box.

I always wondered what family...what friendship is like. Is it a good feeling? I want to feel it if its good, more than ever, infact.


Its become dark which means its time to find food, I usually find good leftovers in garbage dumps. I found one a few days ago, behind a restaurant, a big green one, I figured I could find something there but a silly human came out from the back door and shooed me away. I decided to try my luck again.

When I got to the dumpster, I made sure nobody was around and just as I was about to jump in, I realized that it was shaking, was it alive? That's when I saw a pair of eyes looking down at me. I was about to run away thinking it was angry human, instead it jumped out. It was not a human, right, of course, humans don't live or jump into dumpsters like we do. It was a dog, that was even worse, I started resenting dogs ever since I realized that humans liked them more, what's so great about them anyway?

"HI!" he said.

I just glared at him and was about to walk away when he said something that intrigued me.

"I found some leftover chicken and bread in the bin, you want some?"

I looked at him, surprised. "You-, you want to share with me?"

"Well, yeah. If you want, I found a big amount and I can't eat it all by myself," he said.


"I'll take that as a yes since you probably came here to do just that, hold on."

He jumped back into the bin and after coming out, he showed me the biggest leftover of chicken and bread I'd ever seen.

"Good find, am I right?" he said, looking proud of himself.

Just before I could say anything, the backdoor slid open, revealing an angry looking human who started yelling at us.


So I did just that, I ran but instead of running my own way, I found myself following the dog. Why was I doing this? Was I so desperately hungry that I was depending on a silly dog? Well, I couldn't help it, the leftovers looked so good.

When we stopped, I found myself in an unknown place.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"My hideout," he replied.


"Yeah, this is where I live."

"You live here?! It's so big." I said.

I looked around, realizing it was an abandoned place where humans hadn't occupied themselves.

"It is big, I'm good at searching."

"Ok, nevermind that, lets dig in." he said.

I was about to when I stopped, no, I couldn't do this, I wasn't going to let this dog act all kind and fool me, why was I even talking to him?

"Um, yeah thanks for the food, I'll take it to my own...uhh, hideout." I said.

"You have your own hideout? I thought you lived in a box,"

What? How did he know that?

"What?! No..." I lied.

"Yeah, I've seen you before, but I never approached you cause I was nervous but you seem nice now."

"Why were you nervous?"

"Well, because cats especially strays are known for their temper and stuff and also your...your black so humans kinda think you're...cursed or what's that word? Right, its called a superstition. You know the saying? Don't let a black cat cross your path?"

"Yeah! I know! Thanks for reminding me!", though I actually didn't know that.

"Every person thinks the same, though they don't know what I'm really like, I'm so sick and tired of this. You dogs get 5 star treatment."

"That's not true, some dogs live a tough life."

"Yeah, but I think they're at least not as resented like us cats."

"Thats also not true, cats are also kept as pets."

"Fine, then I guess its only me who's resented."

"Thats not-"

"Stop it! It is! Everybody hates me!" I said feeling tears stinging my eyes.

"I don't."

That caught me by surprise, I looked back to see him smiling, he pushed some leftovers towards my direction.

"I don't hate you. You just think that everybody does, you still haven't met a big part of the world who does like you."

"The important part is that you should love yourself. And oh! Why don't we dig in now? I'm super hungry, by the way, you can call me Oliver."


About the Creator


"To gain your voice, you have to forget about having it heard." - Allen Ginsberg

"Stay faithful to the stories in your head." - Paula Hawkins

“I write because I don't know

What I think

Until I read

What I say.” - Mary Flannery O'Connor

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