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The coffee house

Broken dreams

By Destiny HughesPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

It alway started and ended in that coffee shop. It was a curse I was under, I always bumped into someone or had a first date there. Things would be going smooth then circumstances just were not in our favor. Then I would meet them there where we first met, I would order the most bitter cup of coffee the cafe had and their dark chocolate cake. We would sit and talk, they would try to convince me to stay but I would stay persistent on ending it all.

Today was another day for a heartbreak. “I am sorry” I whispered looking down into the cup holding by my bitter tears. “Patten, baby. You got the wrong idea I just brought my sister here.'' He said try to take my hand from my cup and fail because I had a strong grip on the cup. “Never seen a brother and sister snog before, '' said Allisa as she passed by our table. Allisa was my roommate, best friend and she worked at this trendy little coffee shop. I did too a long time ago thinking I was going into the family business but later pursued art. “ Why did you kiss your sister like a lover then?” I argued, looking up from my cup with furious tears. “FINE! I Cheated! But you are no walk in the park and she was!” He stood up pounding the table and pointing a finger at me. “Just leave me for her then!” I cried. “Maybe I will” He harrumphed walking away as all eyes watched him go. I burst into tears and I felt a gentle hand on mine. “It was just not meant to be” Allisa comforted.

After that break up i did my normal heartbreak routine, cut at this point very long red hair, cleaned out my closet, worked out furiously and painted like a mad woman. Six months had gone by and I was in the best shape of my life. I felt amazing then all it took was running into the sorry excuse of a man to fall back down to my first week break up mode. Lay in bed doing nothing but listening to break up songs and crying. “Patten what are you doing?” came the british accent that I knew and loved. “I saw him propose to that snake.” I cried. Allisa sat at the edge of my bed and rubbed my back. “Hon I hate to break to you but life goes on after a break up.” I began to cry all over again, why did I care so much? “Okay hon lets get up and take stroll through yanks park.” she said, pulling the blankets off of me. “No!” I protested trying to grab the blanket but Allisa was faster. “You need fresh air” Allisa growled “there is no fresh air in New York!” I protested. What proseded was a pathetic battle of nurse vs ill patient, Allisa as always won.

Central park was beautiful in the summer, it was even a beautiful sunny day out. We walked in silence then I spotted a bench and sat myself down. My spirits were dragging me down. “Oh ice cream, would you like some ice cream, Patten?” I looked up Allisa’s caring smile and my cold heart melted just a tiny bit. “Sure but I am staying here” I huffed and Allisa jogged away to the ice cream cart ahead.

I sat there brooding while she was approaching. “Excuse me but is this seat taken?” She asked if I looked up and I soaked in every detail. She was the color of a fine moka and her eyes were a unique hazel. She was curvy yet fit and she was wearing a neon pink sports bra with a matching pair of yoga pants. Her skin was glistening from sweat even her copper hair that was not in a ponytail was soaked with sweat. I could feel my heart begin to race and my cheeks grew warm. “U-uhh n-no, g-go ah head” I stuttered and she cheerfully sat next to me. It was quiet except for the idle chatter of passers by and I stayed hunched over without making eye contact. “So what is wrong?” she said after a while. I sat up looking her in the eyes and she had a confident grin as though she could solve my problems, and maybe she could. “Uh what?” was all I could say “I don’t mean to pry but you looked down and I just wanted to help someone in need.” she explained. I took in a deep breath understanding her intentions now and let it out. “My boyfriend or should I say ex boyfriend cheated on me and today i saw him propose to the woman he cheated on me with.” I confided and she made a wincing face. “I am sorry that happened to you but purchase that is for the better, now you can find yourself a better man.”she said lay her head back. “Or I could find myself another woman.” That got her attention and she gave me a rie smile. “Hi I am Rosa and I am bisexual as well” she said putting out a hand to shake. “Hi I am Patten and single but not ready to mingle.” I took her hand in response. We talked till Allisa returned with three cones. “Saw you talking to this lovely lady and thought she might like a spot of ice cream too.” Allisa beamed brightly at Rosa and from that day on Rosa was a part of my inner circle.

The next six months I spent most of my time with Rosa learning all about her. Rosa was guitarist for a local indie band called The dreamers. She drew and painted as a hobby, and I gave her tips and tricks as a professional. She jogged and worked at a downtown trendy little boutique. To me she was the best thing to have happened to me, she was confident, caring and blunt as Allisa. “Oh dear you got it bad.” Allisa said, looking at me from across the room. I was blushing from a text from Rosa, on the couch while Allisa made breakfast. “I don’t know what you mean.” I denied and Allisa rolled her eyes, turning her attention back to the stove. I hopped up from the couch and stretched. “Well I am meeting Rosa at the art studio and maybe this crush will become more.” I said picking up my bag and winking at Allisa. “Good luck.” Allisa yelled to me as I walked out the door.

Rosa was first to get to the studio, she stood by the door in a lovely yellow sundress. I let us in and showed her some of my artwork that was going to be showcased in my next art show. “And finally my big piece I have worked on for the past month.” The painting I pointed out was me giving a loving smile. My short hair lay fanned out and I was surrounded by purple flowers covering my nudity. “I call it Rosa who let me grow.” I looked over and Rosa was crying. “Rosa what is wrong?” I asked her. “This is the kindest thing that anyone has ever done for me.” She hugged me “do you want to be my girlfriend?” I asked softly in her ear. “Yes she whispered back and we kissed.

The next three years were the happiest of my life. Rosa moved in with Allisa and I within six months of dating. Then she and I moved into our own apartment when Allisa got a boyfriend who also moved in. We got kittens together, traveled and met our families. It was all so perfect well in tell today. Yesterday Rosa asked if I could meet her at my family's coffee shop and wouldn’t go into any more detail than that. We sat across from each other. I ordered a white mocha and vanilla cake and Rosa ordered the opposite a strong coffee with dark chocolate cake. Oddly that scared me as that was what I would order when I ended it with someone. I stayed silent wishing the best woman in the world not to end it with me. Rosa put a little white box with a red bow on the table. I looked from her to the present then to her again, her face shined in the sun. “What is it?” I asked “open it and see” she said, nudging it forward. I took the box and opened it slowly and inside was a silver ring with a rose on top made from sapphire, my birthstone. “Patten Miah Greens, will you marry me?” Rosa proposed. “Yes, I love you, my beautiful flower!” I cried going to hug her not caring if the table flipped over or the mess it made. I had found my one and it ended in that little coffee shop.

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About the Creator

Destiny Hughes

Just starting out.

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    Destiny HughesWritten by Destiny Hughes

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