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The City Below


By FarhanPublished about a year ago 4 min read

John had always known there was something strange about his house. The foundation creaked and groaned in ways that didn't make sense. Doors opened and closed on their own, and he could hear whispers coming from the walls at night.

One day, while inspecting the basement for a potential water leak, John found a loose brick in the wall. Curious, he pried it out and was shocked to find a small tunnel leading downwards. He couldn't resist the urge to explore.

As he descended into the tunnel, he felt the air grow colder and damper. He soon came across a large cavern, and in the dim light of his flashlight, he could see that it was filled with buildings and structures, just like a city. But this was no ordinary city - it was underground, beneath his very house.

John couldn't believe his eyes. He explored the strange city for hours, marveling at the intricate architecture and design. He even found a library, filled with ancient tomes and manuscripts that spoke of a long-forgotten civilization.

As the day turned to night, John reluctantly made his way back up to his house, his head buzzing with questions. How had he never known about this underground city before? Who had built it, and why had it been hidden away for so long?

Over the next few weeks, John became obsessed with the underground city. He spent every spare moment exploring its mysteries, trying to piece together the story of its inhabitants. And slowly, as he delved deeper and deeper into its secrets, he began to realize that the city was not as abandoned as he had first thought.

There were signs of life, faint whispers in the air, and strange movements in the shadows. John began to feel that he was being watched, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he was intruding on something that he shouldn't be.

One day, as he was exploring a dark corner of the city, he heard a voice calling out to him. It was faint at first, but it grew stronger with each passing moment. And as he followed the sound, he found himself face-to-face with a group of people, dressed in strange, ancient clothes.

They welcomed him into their midst, and John soon realized that he had stumbled upon a community of people who had been living underground for centuries, cut off from the rest of the world. They had their own culture, their own language, and their own way of life.

John was fascinated by these people and their customs, and he spent many happy hours getting to know them. But he knew that he could not stay forever. He had a life to lead above ground, and he had responsibilities that he could not ignore.

And so, with a heavy heart, he said goodbye to his newfound friends and made his way back up to the surface. But he knew that he would never forget the strange, underground city that lay beneath his house, and he would always wonder what other mysteries lay hidden in the depths below.

As John made his way back up to the surface, his mind was filled with questions and wonder. He couldn't believe what he had discovered and the fact that there was a whole other world beneath his feet. He knew that he couldn't keep this discovery to himself, and he immediately began to research the history of his house and the surrounding area.

To his surprise, he discovered that the underground city had been built by a group of people who had been seeking refuge from an ancient war. They had constructed the city using advanced technology and had managed to keep it hidden for centuries. But as time passed, the memory of the city had faded, and it had become nothing more than a legend.

John was determined to bring the city back to life and to share its wonders with the world. He contacted archaeologists, historians, and other experts, and together, they began to excavate the city and document its history.

The project took years, but eventually, they were able to fully explore the city and learn about its inhabitants. They discovered that the people who had built the city had created an advanced society, with a complex system of government, a rich culture, and advanced technology.

As the world learned about the underground city, people from all over the globe came to visit and learn about this incredible discovery. John became a celebrity, and his name became synonymous with the discovery of the city below.

But even as the world celebrated the discovery of the underground city, John couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness. He missed the quiet moments he had spent exploring the city on his own, and he longed to return to the world beneath his feet.

And so, years after the initial discovery, John decided to return to the city below. This time, he came as a guest, not a discoverer. He spent weeks exploring the city once again, reconnecting with the people he had met before and learning more about the incredible history of this hidden world.

As he prepared to leave, John knew that he would never forget the city below, and he vowed to protect its secrets and preserve its memory for generations to come.

Sci Fi

About the Creator


Nothing special about me...... Still in a struggling period, I'm just following a simple rule "Whatever happens life has to go on"

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  • HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)about a year ago

    Nice writing 📝 ❤️

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