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The Camp

Farm System 7

By Eric AbneyPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

A visit from one of the Ministers was coming soon. Keiji had told himself he would not see another. But worse than that, he had promised Brianna that she wouldn’t, either. With this impending visit, he knew his guilt would soon add another broken promise to its weight. There was no mistaking the signs, however. Patrols had been increasing for four days in a row. Extra guards were easily spotted in the towers and along the walls. And the constant roar of helicopters and planes above left no doubt.

Life in the camp was never easy. But when one of the Ministers would visit, everyone realized the extent to which their existence was miserable. And how much better citizens’ lives were. The pale faced guards protecting the pale Ministers and their assistants. Their bodies and uniforms free of stains of sweat and grime. They didn’t smell like shit and decay. And no one would mistake them for starving. What was life like outside of these walls? Did everyone have access to the luxuries the guards and government officials sported? It seems so odd for so much to be unknown. But life within the cramped quarters of the camp was all the information available.

The last time a Minister came they abducted Brianna’s two brothers. Though the company’s word was harvested. There are four different Ministries. Every time they visit their flags go up everywhere. The guards will attach a patch that matches the emblem all the officials wear. Each year, the camp would be visited by two different Ministries. Last time, it was the labor Ministry. They were recognized by their emblem: an ‘X’ made up of a red hammer and shovel on a white background. They seemed to take people in their late teens to early thirties, who show little to no signs of starvation. It was widely agreed amongst the camp that physical labor is what they were seeking to fill.

But that was last year. The Health Ministry also came last year. Which means this impending visit would be from the Purity Ministry or the Gaming Ministry. The Purity Ministry’s flag was a white background with two blue stick figures, one male and one female, on their knees. The Gaming Ministry’s flag was made up of an outline of a large blue ball with streaks behind it. Again, set against a white background. These two ministries were the biggest secrets to those in the camp. It seemed like the Gaming and Labor Ministries were always competing for the same people. Those strong, healthy, and younger. The Health Ministry usually took the older, sickly, or those that seemed have completely given up. The Purity Ministry always took young people. There was no exception to this that anyone could remember. Usually those late in their teens. On occasion they would take some as old as 25. Then, a bit more frequently, they would take some young children. Just two years ago they took 4 kids that were just 13 years old.

Keiji looked around the apartment. Though calling it such was a stretch. Barely a room, really. One of 300 identical units in their six-story building. But it is where he and Brianna were fighting to live another day. There was no door, so as not to handicap the patrols or allow for private gatherings. The small counter was wide enough for a faucet, bar of soap, and their one burner stove. Above that was an open-door cabinet with two shelves. Though that was plenty of room for the three cans of food they had claimed. The window could not be opened and was too small for anyone to fit through. Much more of a porthole than a window. The couple slept in the corner near the entryway. And there lay Brianna. Still sleeping in the early morning hours before the sun rose for the day.

Keiji was not what anyone would call a particularly handsome man. He was not a muscular guy. His thin frame and small wrists didn’t belong in a conflict. Most women were taller than him, a point that he often found was not funny to the girls. A bit bony in the face, even more so recently, as Brianna and he have not been eating regularly. His full head of black hair didn’t seem to sit well. It would go in several different directions. But it didn’t matter much to him. Somehow, he had been able to spend the last two years with the woman he had loved since he was a small child. And Brianna, she was what everyone would call attractive. Her dark skin was smooth, mired by scratches from life in the camp, but Keiji loved those scars. She had gotten most of them when they were together. He would spend many sleepless nights tracing over her scars and remembering the harrowing circumstances of their origin. Her thick, corkscrew hair she kept around shoulder length. Her body curved like an hourglass. But what Keiji loved more than anything was her mind. She was clever and quick. Fiercely loyal. And was always thinking about others.

Brianna began to stir. Her right arm swinging out to the other side of the couple’s blanket. She began to pat up and down, trying to find Keiji without opening her eyes. After a few attempts, she must have realized that he was not there and let out a frustrated grunt. “Hey,” she mumbled still mostly asleep.” You’re supposed to be sleeping.”

Moving down from his chair, onto their blanket on the ground, Keiji wraps his arms around her bringing her head to rest on his chest. “I know. But I wanted to watch you as the sun rose. The days are going to get,” he paused. Looking for the right word. The word that wouldn’t show his fear. Wouldn’t reveal his panic about losing Brianna. “They’re going to be long.”

“Hah!” Brianna snorted as she chuckled. “You are so bad at lyin’.” After contemplating it herself for a few seconds, she timidly said what she was thinking. “You know you can just say what you mean. Just tell me that you think I’m going to get picked this time. We both have been thinking it. If it’s purity, I don’t know exactly what they do. But I know they pick a lot of women like me.” Keiji tried to cut her off, but the more she spoke, the more her strength returned to her. It always took a little bit after waking up to feel herself again. It was coming on. She was not a timid flower. She was a stubborn weed, dressed in thorns and not easily plucked. “They can’t pick me if I’m not there. And we have a plan now.”

Keiji was thankful the sun had not fully risen. She would have been pained to see the defeated look on his face. He hated that he made it. “We had a plan.” Keiji corrected bluntly. With very hope in his voice. Damn! Now his voice was betraying him, too. “Remember, it turned into nothing. Raul and Luis were caught. They were betrayed. The entire rumor was a set up!” His voice raising into an unintentional yell. He didn’t mean to yell at his love. But just three days ago their plan they had worked on for eight months fell apart. Their friends, Raul and Luis were found, hung, the morning after they were to escape. It was going to be Keiji and Brianna the night after. Then Kayla and Chao. After the first night, they had already planned to talk. At the bath pits the next day, they were supposed to chat. It was the only place so many were allowed to gather in the same place for any significant of time at all. It was an easy decision. Not even a conversation really. Just brief eye contact with everyone shaking their head ever so slightly.

Brianna was ready for this. It irritated her that her and Keiji never really talked about it. So she pounced. “We did! And then you just abandoned it. You promised that we would be gone by this one! You swore we’d find a way out. Now we did, and you’re too afraid to take it. I HAVE to go! I will be chosen. You know that I will be taken away. Tomorrow or the day after they’ll be here. Then no hope. And I’ll be locked away and taken from you! She started to bawl. Frustration, anger, and sheer terror spilling out.

Keiji just tilted his head and nodded. He held her close until her tears stopped. “Babe, the extra guards are already here. Even if, best case scenario, and the route were doable, it isn’t now. Not with the extra security. Not with the extra eyes watching. You know that!” He paused. He wanted to be gentle. He was terrified, too. “My whole family has been harvested…no, they’ve been stolen. I’ve lost everyone but you. I can’t bare to think of losing you, too. But the only way to get out of this is to hope that we both make it and try after the Ministry leaves.” That was it. That was all the case he could stand to make. He thought that it was the right thing to do and that he was right. But truthfully, he was about to do whatever Brianna said she wanted.

Sensing his trepidation, she pounced. “No! We both know I won’t be here the day after they start. We leave now. Or we will be torn apart. Who knows how they’ll do it this time. We may not even get a chance to say goodbye.”

She was right. Sometimes the Ministers lined everyone up. The entire camp occupied with inspections and interviews. And sometimes the deputies in charge of the place give names and locations of who the best ones are to take and it is done first thing in the morning, or overnight. Those days are the worst. The morning air is filled with tears, grief, and anger.

“Ok,” Keiji gets out with a single nod. We leave tonight. But let’s just stay here all day. I know we should be out trying to haggle for food. But this might be it for both of us. We may not need food for tomorrow. Let’s just lie here and be together.” He put as much passion as he possibly could into these sentences. Trying to make sure they were drenched in a plea that could not be denied. He didn’t have to try so hard.

Brianna quickly grabbed the back of his head and brought him in for a slow, deep kiss. After a kiss that seemed to last forever, but also no time at all, she climbed on top of him, her hips straddling his and whispered in his ear, “I was hoping you’d say that.”

They were in and out of sleep all day. Moving from passion to exhaustion to passion to complete contentment effortlessly.

It must have been early in the night still. But the sun had completely set and it was dark outside. Brianna began to shuffle. Mumbling something. A flashing light seeming to wake up her. Finally, she’s able to open her eyes. They meet they eyes of another. His pale skin mostly covered by full fatigues featuring a white patch with two stick figures in the middle. She let’s out a screech like she has never heard. “Keiji!”

Keiji jumps at the sound. Not sure of what is happening, his mind fills in the blanks quickly. Brianna tries to scream, she’s cut off, but it’s clear. “I love.” And that is all she get’s out before her mouth is filled with something and a bag goes over her head. He struggles to get up. His face is soon met with a boot while soldiers laugh. He loses consciousness when another boot hits his jaw. He hopes he doesn’t wake up.


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