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The Best Thing I Never Had

Chapter 1 - Like a Fat Kid Loves Chocolate Cake

By T Gaither StuckeyPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
The Best Thing I Never Had
Photo by Ayesha Firdaus on Unsplash

It was a beautiful day for a wedding. The sun was shining, it was a perfect 80 degree low humidity, light breeze in the air, not a cloud in the sky type of day. There was only one problem with it. It wasn't her's! Monise slumped down in the chair next to the bay window of the resort and continued to stare out thinking about the possibility of having her own special day, if/when her long-time boyfriend Ben ever got around to actually proposing. Every time the subject of marriage came up, Ben's consistent response for the past year of their relationship had been, "I love you, just like a fat kid loves chocolate cake!" Monise was a little chunky growing up and the thought of chocolate cake made her absolutely sick, so needless to say the whole analogy was lost on her.

Nonetheless, she got up showered and put on her Maid of Honor pre-wedding t-shirt and shorts for the pre-ceremony photo shoot in the bride's suite. As she walked in she found her best friend Leslie in frantic tears. Initially, Monise couldn't make out if these were tears from bridal jitters or if there were something more serious taking place. She prayed for the better but braced herself for the latter as she asked "Les, are you ok? What's going on?"

Leslie immediately ran to Monise, embraced her tightly, and started a fresh set of tears on her friend's shoulder. By this time the other bridesmaids had begun to come into the room, each one equally bewildered at what was going on. A feeling of dread began to take over the room and the once radiant sun now seemed a lot dimmer.

Finally, Leslie spoke. "My girls. I love you all for being here but there is not going to be a wedding today or any other day." There were looks of shock and gasps of disbelief. She continued, "This morning I was met with 2 very unpleasant surprises. The first was an envelope that came from Kenny, or I thought. I excitedly opened it to find pictures of him and another woman, date stamped with the date and time that coincided with a recent business trip he was on."

Monise immediately grabbed for the envelope and was about to object when Leslie waved her off and continued talking through tears, "Mo, I know what you're going to say. They're not photoshopped. Even if the date is incorrect, the face is not. The tattoo on the back of his neck is not. The Louis Vuitton travel bag with his initials monogrammed on the side is not. The sly smile of the woman in the photo who was clearly snapping away on his phone no less, was not photoshopped."

"How do you know it was from his phone?" Tara asked as she took a seat to look at the photos that were thrown all over the bed.

Leslie dropped her head. "Kenny has always shared all of his passwords with me. I don't know if he ever knew the images were on his phone but I checked the Google Drive that backs up photos. Every last picture and more were there. There were even videos. I would have believed she was a hooker and he was getting his last hurrah before a lifetime with me, until he called her by name and in their pillow talk after it was over, said how much he loved her and that marrying me was convenient because I can help his career flourish."

Standing in disbelief, the bridesmaids huddled around their friend for a group hug and then immediately began to go into action. "Ok. Les," Kristen started, "we know there's not going to be a wedding today. Even if you tried to go through with it, we were all objecting, right ladies?" Murmurs of "yes" followed by affirmative head nods and eyerolls ensued. "So, who do we need to call first to make this whole shindig disappear?"

Now exhausted from the horror of her morning, Leslie weakly pointed to a binder that contained all of the details for the wedding. Just as Monise picked up the phone to call the wedding planner, Leslie stopped her. "No, don't call her just yet. There may not be a wedding but we are not wasting any of this today!!"

"What???" the unison cry of the women in the room.

"Hear me out, Ladies. There's a mess in this message. Yes I am hurting, but this is the biggest gift God has ever given me. I dodged a life of infidelity. So we're still celebrating today! There will be a party. We will be fancy. We’re taking pictures. Drinking champagne, making Live videos, all that! We can even let everyone arrive. This thing is getting aired all the way out today!”

“Ummm …. You sure this is what you really want to do? Shouldn’t we call your Auntie? Because you know your cousins stay on go. They were going to be cool for the wedding but you already know!” Tara asked with a look that was a cross between genuine concern and mild disbelief at what she was hearing.

After a quick sideways glance, Leslie said, “You’re right. Let me do this with some dignity. I will make the appropriate calls to my family, ONLY. The make-up artist is here. We’re not wasting these dollars. Furthermore, HE PAID for this day. We will eat, drink and be merry on Kenny. Think of it as a parting gift!. Y’all remember that Blue Cantrell song “Hit ‘Em Style!” We’re not going shopping but we will have this party and who can be off next week? We are recreating movies and songs. It’s about to be jilted wedding girls trip just like the Sex and the City! Who’s with me???”

“Now Boo, you know I love you,” Tara chimed in, “but this is nuts! Are you sure you’re alright? Are you even processing right now?”

“T, I promise you, I’m good. The time away will help me clear my head. And thankfully, I had not given up my place yet! Can you imagine?? At least I have someplace to call home without even having to deal with him. I know this is off the meter and not what would normally happen in this situation, but I’m not giving in to normal. This event will not be a relapse into depression.”

Tara hugged her friend and kissed her on the cheek. “Ok, bet. If you cool, I’m cool. But the way your god kids are set up, I can’t roll out for a week. But you might have me until Tuesday or Wednesday. Mo and Kris, you in??”

Monise took a deep breath, “Well where else do you think your maid of honor would be other than right by your side?? Yeah I’m in!! I was already off this week anyway. After this planning and running, I was looking forward to a week of Netflix and nothing! Kris you coming??”

Kristen was on the phone and signaled for everyone to give her a moment. “Ok so the flight was changed from 2 seats to 4. We also now leave at 9 am instead of 7. The hotel has switched the Honeymoon Cabana for a poolside suite. You had me at party!!”

The girls shared one last group hug as they continued to make phone calls and proceed through hair and make-up appointments. In spite of the hustle and bustle, Monise still felt an uneasiness, but not for her friend, for herself. Kenny and Ben were best friends. In fact, they all met at a summer concert 2 years ago. They are roommates for crying out loud! How long has he known that his boy was doing her girl dirty?? And why would he not say anything at all.

“Like a fat kid loves chocolate cake, my behind. How do you keep something like this from the person you say you love??” This day was about to be full of fireworks and Leslie might not be the only one ending it out single.


About the Creator

T Gaither Stuckey

Christian encouragement author who dabbles in fiction from time to time for fun!!

Owner of The Ready Write-Her editing and formating company.

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