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The Beginning of the End

Get ready, Be prepared!

By Veronica SomaratnaPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Green Book and heart shaped necklace, worth more than their weight in gold.

The Beginning of the End.

They called me an alarmist or conspiracy theorist back in 2021, but I hate to say it but, I was right. Back in 2021 the Russians became partners with China to develop their space program together. I had told people that this was just the beginning. See Russia and China already had a partnership that was developed in Sri Lanka over 20 years ago. See the Chinese was making a large port bringing sand from the bottom of the ocean to make the huge Port of Colombo.

Meanwhile, the Russians were a part of a “project” that involved digging a huge hole in the middle of Sri Lanka so deep that they could test their hydroelectric and electromagnetic weapons that they ended up putting on one of their submarines that was constantly stationed in the Straits of Gibraltar. The middle of Sri Lanka is perfect because Sri Lanka is 400 miles north of the Equator. This so called “project” was under the vail of a hydro-electric mission to help the Sri Lankans with a dam. To help the country with directing water and creating electricity. The Russians and Chinese are very patient people who play the long game with any of their endeavors.

I remember when the Chinese bought up all the cattle in Belgium and the Bordeaux wine in France. They also take all the intellectual property they can when America would send them work to do so we could have cheaper products. They got rich and used that money to infiltrate world. For example, they spent billions making that port in Sri Lanka. They also built highways there. They also built roads and in many countries like Africa, and India. These “good will” roads in third world countries assisted them in their logistic issues. By building the roads it gave them the access and mobility to move whatever they wanted within the countries.

The Russians on the hand, did not have many resources so they put their energy in technology and cyber warfare. They have been responsible for many Ransomware attacks in the United States and other countries. They started with big corporations like the airlines and insurance companies. Then they started to attack infrastructure sites like gas, water, and electricity. Many corporations paid whatever was asked because they did not want to have their company or branding ruined. Once again Russia used these funds to get all the parts needed for their space mission which ended up being a Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP). On July 4th 2025 they used this EMP weapon. They fired a missile over North America. It was just like Revelation 18:17 from the Bible coming true. “In one hour, such a great wealth has been brought to ruin.”

All my talk about “Russia and China being the beginning of the end,” came true. I only wish that more people believed me. I had this drive then to get ready and prepared. Many that survived 4th of July 2025 were so devastated they were in shock and could not function. The population of North America was about 580 million people, of which about 335 million were Americans. Now there are only about 59 million people left here. Over 88 percent are gone. Many died because the EMP destroyed power everywhere. Also, anyone who had a pacemaker and was not shielded from the EMP died immediately. People on oxygen or hooked up to medical equipment and in hospitals died. Babies on incubators, people on respirators died.

Imagine, a place without electricity. No gas pumps work without electricity, no water treatment plants work without electricity. No cell phones, computers, radios, cars with electronic chips would work unless it was originally shielded from the blast without a faraday bag or other protected shield.

The president back in 2021 stopped all programs that was to help protect America from and EMP attack. He “robbed Peter to pay Paul” so to speak. He did not think there was an imminent threat, so he nixed the program. He would not listen for reason when advised by his counsel. So, he left us wide open for this attack. The attack that killed over 88 percent of the population.

Standing outside my door looking at devastation everywhere not knowing what tomorrow would hold but for today, I was prepared. Let me tell you how I got ready and prepared for today. It took a few years of planning and preparation. I had this drive in me to be ready. I am not sure where this drive came from, but I just knew that I had to get certain things in place, just in case. It is always better to have it and not need it then the other way around. I am a very strategic person my nature. I always try to plan for every contingency. This time I felt like something was different. I felt like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. Now I know why.

My journey down this road started with a simple task. I started collecting seeds. I had a green house and was not someone with a green thumb but like to see things grow. It started as a hobby. But then, this drive in me turned it into something else. I started going to the local farmer’s market and learned from this guy called Tom Clarke the Plant guy. He knew everything about growing things and even the history around certain plants. I even started planting fruit trees. I planted apple, tangerine, peach, pear, clementine, and blueberry bushes. I read about how to treat them for diseases and how to keep pests away.

I started what I called “The Green Book” to keep all this knowledge fresh in my mind. It was just one of those old U.S Army green books that I bought when I worked for the Army. I wrote on it “GET READY, BE PREPARED” in bold marker on the front. I started making what looked like a survivor’s manual. See back when we had computers, cell phones and the internet we could use, I searched all the “how to’s” and “Do it yourself” about everything that you needed to know to live without electricity.

First, I researched how to protect your electronics in an EMP. I purchased a Faraday bag and other EMP protective boxes and cloth that I could afford. I bought solar batteries, generators and panels, two-way radios, cell phone and kept it in there with batteries and flashlights. I but a tarp around my old motorcycle and gas generator. I had a storage crate full of gasoline, water, medicine, propane canisters you name it. I did not want to be one of those who had to suffer if there ever was any type of emergency.

I put my son’s old Boy Scout manuals in the crate too; they are extremely helpful for instruction. You realize how important books become when you do not have a computer. I also, put what I call my “crown jewelry” in a safe in the crate. Part of my jewelry collection includes a heart-shaped locket that has been in my family for generations. I was passed down to me by my 101-year-old grandmother. She is still with us. She is “one tough old bird” they say as she turns 105 this year. This heart-shaped locket is special because it was the only jewelry that brought over on the Ivernia, which was a passenger ship that brought my family to American. That ship later sank, but the record of my relatives was on their manifest. It showed their signature and much money my great, great, grandmother had when she came to America. She had over $200, which at that time, would have been a lot of money.

I am glad that my grandmother is still with us because she has a vast knowledge of how people lived hundreds of years ago. She is the one that taught us how to can our vegetables. She taught me how to make jelly and jam from the fruit on our trees. In the green book I put all the instructions for those who come after us. I also put in there how to make a solar grill, how to dry fruit how to cure meat, and how to make weapons. I also learned how to make bullets because in desperate time’s, people do crazy things, and I had to have a way to protect my family.

My brother Chuck, he is a genius and can make anything work with just about nothing to go on. He had an RV and installed solar panels on it so that all the electronics like the fridge and oven worked. We had a gas grill, and we also make a fire pit grill and solar oven as well just we could bake bread.

Back in 2020 when we had the COVID-19 pandemic I had an unction to buy supplies of every type to keep on hand. I guess you would say one terrible event prepared me for this one. I would go to the dollar store and buy shelf stable milk by the cases. I also started buying flour and other dry goods from this mill in Kentucky. I put it aside and used it then replenished it time and again. I also had other food stored away like peanut butter, nuts, and can food. We put bidets in all our bathrooms so the lack of toilet paper would not be an issue. I even put a sign in our guest bathroom as a joke back then that read “save toilet paper, wash don’t wipe”. Who knew it would become the “new normal”?

Life after the EMP for most people was hard. Everyone was told to go West. Once the planes were cleared to resume flights from North America many people fled to other countries who were not affected by the EMP. But citizenship was always an issue. If you were not a citizen of that country, you had to prove that you were able to provide support for yourself and those with you before they would let you enter. It was hard for many people to provide that proof since, the banks did not have their financial information any longer. Most people’s fortunes were wiped clean the day the EMP hit. Only those who had hard crypto wallets, cash or gold could prove their worth.

I did not have it in me to go anywhere. I had my family with me and could endure anything. I had my fruit trees, and garden and everything I needed right here in North Carolina. Even though we were taken back 200 years, we were content. It was a simpler life. We didn’t want for anything really. We found ways to entertain ourselves. My Son-in-Law played the guitar and my granddaughter the flute. We used to go fishing or hunting with bow and arrow for our dinner sometimes. It was a wholesome way to live.

The last page of my “Green Book” said, be content with what you have, live the simple life and enjoy your family being together. This book and that heart-shaped locked will be the only things that get passed down but it will be worth more than their weight in gold.

Short Story

About the Creator

Veronica Somaratna

Veronica Somaratna is a story teller/writer who enjoys mixing fact with fiction and leaving you guessing what is which. Her experience of over 20 years as a military spouse has added to her unique and interesting perspective.

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    Veronica SomaratnaWritten by Veronica Somaratna

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