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The Baker's son

Peter's Cake

By Laura LoflinPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
The Baker's son
Photo by Bozhin Karaivanov on Unsplash

Cake is a word most children know by their 2nd birthday. It becomes a part of tradition as we grow and celebrate occasions and milestones. How could anyone not enjoy a slice of decadent, beautiful cake? The flavor and variety of choices are endless.

Today you'll learn the story of a child, quite ordinary, whose love for cake grew into something much more and changed his life forever.

Meet Peter, he's average, in no way would stand out in a group of children. Average in height, average in weight, average in pretty much every way you can think of. Peter's mother and father owned a bakery in a small town. He had seen just about any cake you could imagine, from simple cupcakes to huge glorious wedding cakes. Each cake was its own masterpiece.

Peter often helped his parents in the shop and learned about baking and following recipes at a young age. Most children played outside with friends, but not Peter. He was intrigued by all the ways cake could be baked and decorated.

When asked his favorite cake he would simply say all of them. Until this cold November day he had never been able to choose a favorite. Peter's mother and father were always looking for new ingredients, ways to make their cakes stand out from all other cakes. This day was no different from most November days, with one exception. There was a traveling merchant in the area. Most people in this town were known by each other. Very rarely was a new person spotted in this town. Never had Peter seen such a unique person. The traveling merchant was a robust man, probably in his 50's with very little hair on his head, but a bushy long gray beard. He wore sandals in the freezing November weather and had on a long woven cloak with fur lining. He spoke in a weird accent that Peter had never heard.

"Hello young lad," whispered the traveling merchant. Peter walked toward him, enchanted by his crystal blue eyes. The man was holding a staff with a golden owl a top it. He said " I know you Peter, and I have come to bring you a new recipe. One that only you may know."

Peter was a bit hesitant, but reached for the recipe and asked the man how he knew him. "I met you in a dream and was told this day and time to meet you. It is very important that you keep this to yourself." whispered the merchant. He handed Peter a bag spoke in an language unknown to Peter.

Peter should have been nervous, but he was not. It was as if this man was a friend, someone he had known maybe in a past life. He turned to walk back to the bakery with his bag and confidential recipe. As he opened to door and turned back to wave at the mystery man he was gone, just as quickly as he appeared.

In the bakery was his mom and dad, busy working on a large cake for a town party. Peter went to the apartment upstairs, silently so not too be noticed by his parents. He began to read the recipe "death by chocolate cake, before you begin open the bag and visualize all the ingredients you have; a pinch of salt, a pound of butter..." mostly things you typically add to cake.

Peter continues reading "flour and sugar, eggs and cocoa, one more thing before you bake though. Mix in the purple vial and say these words and mix again".

Curious, Peter opened the bag he was given. It was an old velvet sack with rope around the top. As he looked through the ingredients he saw the purple vial. Opening it he smelled it, but to his surprise there was no smell. Peter began mixing the ingredients, following directions perfectly. After all, this was something he often did. Everything was mixed except the purple vial. He opened the vial and added it to the bowl. "Daytime comes and nighttime goes, friends and family, no one knows. Speak to me from past days forward, be present with me, cut the cord" he whispered sheepishly.. Peter mixed again and baked the cake as directed. He then took it out of the oven to cool and went downstairs to see if his family needed any help.

The town party was a tradition, much like family parties, only this was the whole town, which was around 300 people. Cake for 300 people was a very time consuming task, but his parents had everything under control. He went back upstairs and decided to sample his newly baked treat. Even not knowing the last ingredient, he was too curious not to try it. "A small bite wouldn't hurt with an unknown ingredient after all" Peter thought. It was the most delicious cake Peter had ever tasted. The flavor was rich and pure, it lingered, leaving a pleasant taste long after the cake was gone. He immediately took another slice of chocolate cake eating every last crumb.

Feeling a bit tired, Peter laid on his bed. Eyes a bit unfocused, he thought he saw someone in the corner of the room, but before he knew it he was sleeping soundly. His parents came back upstairs, calling for Peter, who was still sleeping. They shook him awake because he wasn't responding to them trying to gently wake him.

When Peter awoke he began thinking he had dreamed the old man and the recipe. He began getting ready for the town party which he always eagerly attended. He got dressed in his Sunday best and left with his parents, still thinking everything was just a dream.

After arriving to the party, Peter began to mingle and was a bit taken back by the sheer number of people there. Typically everyone in town was there, but this year Peter saw 1000's of people. Some wearing fashions that dated back 100's of years. Confused, Peter asked his parents why so many people were at the party this year. They just looked at him curiously and continued to serve their cake.

In the corner of the room, Peter saw the old, robust merchant. He approached the man and began asking him about the recipe he was given. The old man replied "death by chocolate cake is ancient secret recipe." Just then Peter's mom approached and asked who he was talking to because she saw him standing in the corner talking to himself. Just a slice changed his life forever, now he sees why it was called "death by chocolate". The normal 300 people were there at the party, but Peter was able to see and communicate with those from generations that had come and gone before him.


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