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By Star KylePublished 6 days ago 15 min read





by Star Kyle





The sun rose and shone on the entire city of the Phoenix Wolf Clan. Its rays shone through a royal room, lighting the gold floor through the windows.

What was strange about the room was that the walls were made of pure crystal ice, exuding a chilling cold that could freeze an ordinary person to death.

In the middle of the room, there was a big pool filled with ice water. This pool was 40 meters long and 20 meters wide, enough to contain a hundred people and still have space left. A few meters away from the pool lay a big bed, 20 meters long and 22 meters wide.

Lying on the bed were three people: two women and one man. Both women were almost half-na*ed. One was hugging the man on his left side, and the other was on his right side.


I opened my eyes, looking at the ceiling of my room. I could feel two warm bodies pressing against mine on both sides. Seeing the sunrise, I finally breathed a sigh of relief, knowing the full moon was gone, but it wasn’t over yet.

I would be able to suppress it for a while, but I would like to avoid it happening during the full moon altogether. I slowly closed my eyes. For a minute, I felt it gradually manifesting inside me again, this time ready to fight back with full force.

Opening my eyes, I felt a slight headache filled with pain, making me feel dizzy. At that moment, my whole body became hot, and the temperature of the room began to heat up. Even the crystal ice walls began to melt, and the pool filled with ice melted and began to boil.

Despite holding myself back to prevent the two women from getting hurt, they were still sweating in deep sleep.

I quickly got up from my bed and headed to my bathroom. With every step I took, the gold floor melted beneath me. Entering the bathroom, I immediately locked the door and ran to the big mirror, staring at the worst version of myself.

My eyes were different. My left eye glowed deep blue, while the right shone bright golden yellow. My hair burned with pure red fire, yet it didn’t hurt me. My handsome face began to pale like that of an old man, and my skin started to peel off, oozing blood.

I held myself back, not trying to scream despite the unbearable pain. Clutching myself, I fought to maintain control, but things weren’t going to end easily. Suddenly, a huge red fire covered my whole body, burning my robes to ashes and disappearing into thin air.

I was now curled up on the floor, nak*d, holding myself tightly, gnashing my teeth.

“You won’t defeat me!” I yelled as two wings made of fire emerged from my back, followed by the cry of a Phoenix bird. A golden-yellow fire in the shape of a bird appeared above my head, staring down at me with disdain.

Holding the Phoenix back caused significant damage to my body. I knew I couldn’t control it, but I couldn’t let it go either, as it would destroy not only the room but the whole wolf continent.

It was riskier than damaging my body. If my alpha wolf couldn’t defeat it, what could my body do, let alone the entire wolf world?

I jumped into the pool filled with pure ice water, which was magically created by the most powerful wizard in the empire to calm the aggressive Phoenix. The Phoenix immediately rushed back into my body, and I felt everything returning to normal. Both my wolf and Phoenix stopped fighting.

My face, which looked like that of an old man, began to refine into a very young, handsome man, unmatched in the entire Phoenix Wolf Clan. The Phoenix’s torture of my body caused my skin to become fresher, lighter, and smoother each time I was reborn.

I slowly walked out of the water, took one of my robes hanging behind me, wore it, and walked out of the bathroom.

It has been over 20 years since I inherited the Phoenix itself. Ever since then, I have been living in nightmares and fears—nightmares of being tortured every full moon and fears of knowing I only have a few years left to live. Being the last born of the Royal Family, no one ever believed that one day I would rule the whole Phoenix Wolf Empire with power and fame.

It happened when I was 15. The King, my father, died, and that day I inherited the Phoenix powers—a godly power capable of destroying thousands of alpha wolves with just a snap of a finger. A power feared by many wolf clans.

At that time, I felt like I could control the world in my palm. Now, I understand why people desire such powers, knowing that they can’t live past 50 years, unlike a normal wolf that can live from a hundred to a thousand years.


A big knock at my door brought me back to reality. Before I could say anything, the door flipped open, and the queen of the Phoenix Wolf Empire, a beautiful middle-aged woman in her 150s, walked in.

“Queen Mother! Why did you barge into my room like that?” I asked.

“I have been calling, and you weren’t answering. I rushed down here, thinking something bad might have happened to you,” she said, noticing my outfit and the changes in me.

“It happened again, right?” she asked sadly.

I sighed and looked down.

She looked around and saw the two women still lying on my bed in deep sleep. She clicked her tongue, turned around, and headed to the door.

“Let’s talk in private. A meeting is being held today by the council of elders,” she said and walked out.

I sighed, wondering what problems they were going to complain about today. I had bigger issues to worry about.

I walked to my wardrobe, looking for a suitable garment to wear. As I walked out of my room, I met one of my personal guards standing behind.

“Before I come back, I don’t want to still see those two trashes,” I said to him as I walked out.

“Yes, your majesty,” he bowed.

**“How many years do you have left to live?”** the queen asked.

We were now in the private chamber, sitting opposite each other.

I didn’t reply and kept quiet.

“You haven’t answered my question yet, my king. How many years do you have left to live?” she asked again, seeing me silent, which made her more anxious and scared.

I knew keeping quiet wasn’t the best option. Sooner or later, she would find out. I had no choice but to let the cat out of the bag.

“I don’t know. Maybe a few months, weeks, days, hours, or seconds. I’m not sure, but I don’t think I’ll make it to the next full moon,” I sighed, saying calmly.

The queen tried hard to fight back her tears. She calmed down a little and stared at me.

“Why are you so calm, knowing you are going to die soon? Why don’t you look for a solution?” she asked softly.

I chuckled. “We searched the whole kingdom of the wolf continent, but we couldn’t find a solution. Even the ancestors, more powerful than I am now, failed to find a solution. I’ve given up looking for one. I can only wait for the prophecy to take its course.”

“Prophecy? You still believe in that prophecy that will never happen? Something prophesied thousands of years ago, which everyone in this continent has forgotten?”

“If everyone has forgotten, I haven’t. I remember briefly that a prophecy said the next Phoenix Wolf King would be the youngest ever in the empire’s history, which came to pass. Guess who that is, Queen Mother?” I smirked.

“Okay, fine. I need you to do me a favor.”

“Is it within my power to fulfill your favor?”

“I want you to have an heir, a son. I know you don’t want your child to inherit the Phoenix powers, trying to save them from the suffering you endure. But there’s always a 10 percent chance they won’t inherit it. Have at least one child before you go. I don’t want you to die without continuing your lineage.”

I sighed. “I am not prepared for this.”

“Don’t worry. You don’t have to prepare for anything. I’ve already got everything ready. All you have to do is nod your head, and I’ll proceed,” she said, smiling.

What’s she up to this time? I rubbed my head a little.

“All right,” I finally agreed.

“Great! At least very soon you will stop sleeping with all the women in this continent.”

“Huh! What are you talking about?”

“We need to go to the throne room. The council must be waiting for us now,” she said, leaving.

What is she up to?


“Welcome, Your Majesty and the Queen of the Phoenix Empire,” the 30 elders bowed as I walked in with the queen.

I nodded, sitting on the big throne made of pure gold while she sat beside me on a small silver throne.

“You may sit. What caused such an urgent meeting?”

One of my most powerful warriors, a woman standing not far from my throne, rolled a long scroll and looked at it for a while before reading.

“We have both good and bad news,” she said with a deep voice.

“I want to hear the good news first.”

“As you wish, Your Majesty. The good news is that the Phoenix Empire was able to acquire 10 alphas during the full moon.” She read the names of the successful Phoenix youth who transformed into full alphas during the full moon.

I couldn’t help but be bored, waiting for the so Called Bad news


"And that's all for the good news. As for the bad news, the vampires attacked again, and this time they did something worse. They killed a lot of people living in the village, including two alphas. They left a message for the king, saying THEY WILL NOT REST UNTIL THEY SATISFY THEIR VENGEANCE."

I smirked hearing this. I thought I had exterminated them long ago. It seems that some of them escaped and have now grown strong enough to build an army to challenge me.

They know that my death is drawing near and decided to attack at the right time, knowing that I will definitely not use my powers now. Using the Phoenix powers would not only reduce my lifespan but might kill me instantly.

I immediately stood up, ready to leave, not caring about the vampire attack.

"Your Majesty, what are we going to do about the vampire attack?" the first elder asked, seeing I was about to leave.

"As for the vampires, I will leave that matter for the future to handle. The attack on the villagers, I will leave for you to handle. I am ready to go now!" I said, taking my leave.

"Wait, your Majesty, I have an announcement to make," the queen said, standing up.

I stopped and looked at her, wondering what she was about to announce.

"The king, your Majesty, has finally accepted to marry the princess of the Blood Moon clan!" she announced.

"What!" I looked at her in surprise.

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I gently and weakly opened my eyes, trying to understand where I was. Suddenly, so many flashes of memories of what happened last night started flooding in. The only thing I could remember was running from an angry crowd, swallowing an ice bead, and then jumping into a hole.

I found out that I was lying on a cold floor. I sat down with my back against the wall. I tried to move my hands, only to find they were chained. I tried to forcefully remove the chains, but they were too strong. I tried to force them out, but a voice cut me off.

"Don't even try, you will end up injuring yourself; that's a silver chain."

I turned around, only to see a woman. Her clothes were badly tattered; she actually looked like a madwoman. If not for the gentleness in her eyes, I would have thought she was one.

"Who are you?" I asked weakly, not even having the strength to talk.

She looked at me with pity.

"I'm Petty, beautiful maiden. What about you?" she asked.

Immediately, she asked that, I felt some slight flash of memories in my head.

RAYA!!! RAYA!!! RUN!!! RAYA!!! RUN!!!

"Are you okay?"

Her voice brought me back to reality as I looked at her.

"I'm... R...aya," my voice cracked as I tried to understand why there were so many screams of pain in my head.

"Raya! Such a nice name. Can you tell me why such a beautiful person like you ended up being here?"

I looked at her with confusion. I didn't even know where this place was or how I ended up here.

"Please, can you tell me what this place is and why I am chained?" I asked, expressing my thoughts.

"This place you are in now is a prison called Black Den. It's a place where slaves are imprisoned, ready to get sold or killed."

"Black Den?" I looked down.


"But why would they do such a thing to people by imprisoning them?" I wasn't happy about it.

"That's because the people who own the Black Den are actually terrorists called the Black Blade Wolves. They are cold-hearted and practice black magic. Because of this, they were cast out from the wolf land into the desert. Ever since then, they have been fighting back at us, attacking weak villages and kidnapping young, beautiful women, young boys, and adults too. They use them for many evil purposes, like practicing their black magic, which might kill them in the process. They use women to satisfy themselves, and if they need money, they sell some of them to rich men," she explained, barely taking a breath as she looked at me. This woman seemed to have not talked to anyone for a long time, which is why she was so happy telling me all this now.

"These people are actually evil and wicked." I felt anger and hatred towards them, but suddenly, I felt my heart begin to calm down as I felt something cooling my heart within. I closed my eyes as I felt cold all over my body. I knew something was wrong because the cold was coming from inside my body.

"Are you okay?" Petty asked me, noticing how strange I was acting.

"Yes!" I replied, opening my eyes again.

"What about the others? Are we the only ones here?"

"No! There are others, but they are in different prisons, not too far away from us. This prison magically blocks our wolf senses; we can't actually perceive, feel, or communicate with them. The Black Blade Wolves don't want to take any chances of letting us escape."

I let out a breath, hugging my knees as I thought of so many things.

"You are a princess, aren't you?" she asked.

"No!" I shook my head.

"Then who are you?"

"I don't know. I can't remember my past memories of who I am and how I ended up here. Just some screams, some fragmentary memories, and that's it," I sighed. "Why do you think I'm a princess?"

"Your aura! I know it's been a lot of years, but I will never forget the aura of a special princess."

I looked at her, wondering whether she was okay or about to go mental. But looking at her, she seemed more reasonable.

"When you were brought in here, I overheard one of the Black Blade Wolves discussing you."

"What did they say about me?" I looked up at her quickly, hoping to find a clue about my identity.

"According to them, you were found at the entrance of the forbidden mountain of the Dark Forest."

"Dark Forest?" I asked.

"Yes, and there is also something else they said."

"What did they say?"

Petty hesitated as she stared at me.

"They said..."

Cree!! Kim!!

Her lecture was interrupted by the sound of a padlock being pried open behind her.

Suddenly the prison gates slid open, and two powerfully built men appeared.

These men had black scars on their faces that made them look even more frightening.

"It's time to take you," the men said with evil smiles.

One of them untied the chains binding my hands and grabbed me roughly. Another woman, also in chains, ran towards a guard standing nearby, screaming, "Leave me alone!"

He sneered and slapped her hard. She fell to the ground unconscious.

"What did you do to her?" I cried, struggling in the man's grip.

"That's none of your business," the guard sneered, showing me the Black Blade Wolf crest. Rage and hatred boiled up inside me. I felt something cold and powerful emerge within me. An ice-cold energy began to spread from inside me.

"What did you do to her?" I repeated, changing my voice. My eyes turned a deep, bright blue. Suddenly, a burst of ice shot out from my body, hitting two guards and shattering the prison gate. The force was so great that the entire building seemed to shake. The guards were thrown backwards, their expressions a mixture of shock and pain as they hit the ground.

As the ice melted, I felt an overwhelming surge of power rise up inside me. My feet left the ground and I began to float upwards. My eyes, now a brilliant ice blue, sparkled with an ethereal light. Suddenly, blue wings spread from my back, sparkling with frost and crystalline beauty.

I was a different person. I was no longer a helpless prisoner. I felt like a goddess, capable of destroying heaven and earth. A newfound strength coursed through my veins and a sense of invincibility washed over me. The commotion attracted the attention of the other Black Blade Wolf Guardians. They saw the change in me and rushed in with looks of confusion and fear on their faces. I hovered above them, radiating a cold aura that froze the air.

A wild shriek, like the cry of a phoenix, echoed throughout the prison. With a single snap of his fingers, the icy blue light intensified, instantly freezing all of the guards that had been charging towards us. Their bodies turned to solid ice, glowing eerily in the dim light.

As I floated there, I realized the extent of my power. The prison itself began to melt under the intensity of my icy aura. Stone walls dripped and crumbled, iron bars warped and evaporated into mist. The once impregnable fortress was now crumbling. The other prisoners, who had been suffering in their chains, began to shake and wake up. As the prison around them melted, they saw their chance at freedom. One by one, they were released from their bonds, and a sense of hope and elation spread among them.

As the guards turned to ice and the prison melted, the prisoners escaped, spilling out into the open. The night sky above them was clear, and the cool breeze was a stark contrast to the oppressive environment in which they were locked. At this point I realized something had taken control of me but I couldn't resist. All I knew was that I wanted revenge on my friend but that was too much.

Suddenly I looked south and felt a deep connection to an unknown source and I felt happy without knowing why.

Something inside me said "I finally found it!" and suddenly my adrenaline levels started to drop and I began to float downwards. I landed on the ground and collapsed with each hit, feeling my consciousness slowly fade until it was gone completely.


ClassicalYoung AdultSeriesFantasyFan FictionAdventure

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