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The Addiction and Rebirth of Love

Two addicts enjoy their anniversary as an extraterrestrial observes.

By Ebony BurnsPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Reborn by Ebony Burns

Addiction, in the human dictionary, is defined as the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. To witness an addict is always unusual if you cannot understand the cravings. Addicts are everywhere, for there is an addict in most of us. Many are hard to pinpoint to the average naked eye. Here in this fancy restaurant branded as The Cheesecake Factory, are two addicts on a date. The two are on their 2 year anniversary on this planet Earth date of July 28, 2022. I have studied female specimen named Lavender, all of her 33 years of existence. The male specimen with her named Jeremiah, has just become part of her picture, as they say, for almost 3 years.The two has become insatiable for each other, inseparable and yolked as one. Those that encounter them tonight are utterly intrigued, having amazing awe at the sight of them. They are creating their own atmosphere within the classy restaurant's environment.

A sensational sight as the two compliment each other on this warm yet windy summer Baltimorean night. Located next to the Harbor of the Chesapeake Bay, the moon light glistens off of the semi-wavy waters, vivid through the windows of each booth. The two are quite the site to see as they change the brain wave activity of their witnesses. The other grouped diners within the restaurant turn their heads as the two walk to their booth that the cheerful waiter guides them to. Each booth and table that they pass is filled with the sight of Lavender's graceful glide across the tan marble floor while holding locked hands with Jeremiah. She is wearing a silky turquoise gown, fitting to her wide hips and curvaceous apple-bottom. The gown reaching her ankles that are wrapped with the tied strings attached to her golden gladiator style sandals. The bottom of her gown moves like sheets hanging on a line in her backyard as a kid, pushed around by the summer breeze. Each step she takes gives a peep show of her knee and round thighs through the slit that rises to her pelvis.

As she passes, she smirks in a playful manner with cherry glossed lips. She's wearing a golden flower crown aligned with sunshine-glowing marigolds. Her hair swoops over the right side of the crown like a waterfall of small dreadlocks falling pass her shoulders, down her back, pass the turquoise lace attached to the silky sweetheart neckline. Exposing little cleavage under her humble pearl necklace that matches her peach pearl earrings.

Her smooth caramel complexioned fingers are wooven into his dark chocolate hands as she leads the way following their happy host. Jeremiah faithfully follows her footsteps with his vanilla white slippery-earls. His formal Oxford flat shoes accompany his creamy ivory tuxedo with a turquoise handkerchief and a marigold peeking out of the pocket on his chest. On his shoulders rest his sandy-brown-bleached dreadlock tips that hold onto dark brown roots. They reach a table-for-two when Lavender asked for a booth next to the window further towards the back where there is only empty booths surrounding. The young male waiter nods in agreeance as he leads them a bit further. They slid into the brown leather booths almost simultaneously paralleling each other. They begin to scan the plastic menus given to them. The waiter jots down the order for their drinks consisting of Lavender's glass of wine and Jeremiah's cup of Budweiser. The young man parts ways with them to fill their request while they discuss what entrees sound delicious. Within minutes the waiter arrives with Lavender's burgundy sangria and Jeremiah's golden bubbly brew.

As I sit motionless in my croissant-shaped single-pilot spacecraft, I see what no one in that restaurant can see. As they envision the perfect pair's glare into each other's eyes while lovingly speaking to one another, I see where they have journeyed from to reach the destination of this mesmerizing moment. No one knows of the events that molded this couple into the art that they are today. Like two batches of clay made into one new creation by the potter's hands. Like broken glass used to make a mosaic masterpiece, these two worked out somehow and became this beautiful sight sitting in a booth.

This sight being something that Lavender once dreamed of them becoming while she suffered through their once love-hate relationship. She enjoys the fruits of her labor tonight while dinning with her Prince Charming that used to be the torment of her once Cinderella-like lifestyle. The once-upon-a-time beauty and beast relationship that blossomed into a pure-light love, was such a nightmare. Tonight she peers into loving eyes. The same eyes that would pierce flames of hate through the windows of her soul. The same eyes that were held wide open letting in the flies of fear as she stood cornered in her kitchen, hands up begging for mercy. The same eyes that watched ruthlessly while rivers of sorrow flowed down her rosy cheeks that he smacked with his front palm and back hand, collapsing her to the floor. She holds his hands with her hands that meet perfectly in the middle of the booth's rectangular table. The same hands that pushed her down into pits of grief and confusion. This year was heaven compared to the hell that their first year of marriage was.

They've come so far in such a short period of time. Falling madly in love, they made the decision to marry after knowing each other for only 4 months. And when the bond became official, they both began to see each other with new sight and started to manifest true colors that were once hidden away under their hot burning love blanket. The blues of sadness started to drown out the passionate reds of love. The red shades disappeared more and more, each time he raised his voice and hands. She felt as a slave to a master of tyranny. She didn't know what he had been through that caused these demons to rear their ugly faces. Far from perfect yet not deserving of this treacherous treatment. When the abuse first began she lay in shock wondering how this man of faith could become such a monster. The man who once made her feel free had bound her in heavy chains covered in the rush of shame. She wanted freedom but never wanted to be without him. It would take a new start and a miraculous event that would reset their programming glitches. She prayed to the Potter for a redo, yelling from the pits of despair for deliverance. Bystanders, neighbors and Judases mockingly laughed while witnessing her humiliation. The total opposite perception of what the witnesses view tonight. Tonight they witness her victory and pure bliss. The sight of the swans that blossomed from their ugly duckling beginnings. They mirror each other's grace and vibrant auras. Once mixed-matched as a pair of beauty and beast. Sometimes being hard for bystanders to tell who was the beauty and who was the beast. Like the day of their breaking point. The day the cops were called multiple times after they had finally fought a long-time-coming fight. She was at her last limit, nerves plucking like rubber bands as she stood her ground. He had raised his hand to her one last time before she mustered up the courage to finally fight back. Gripping into bravery and into his white tee shirt, she swung him into there almost-broken-down refrigerator. Tearing through the fragile frabic, she rips loose the spirit of fear. Scraping the skin off the back of his neck into a perfectly pink trail of triumph. As she seeks and gains grip onto his draped dreadlocks, she holds on for dear life. The life of struggle that flashes before her troublesome eyes. Fingers going completely numb as she holds on for the ride. Dreadlocks tearing from his scalp as she pulls with her entire body weight towards the doggy bed on the kitchen floor that they collapsed onto. Legs ended up wrapped around his neck like an anaconda as he tries to bite through the flesh of her calf and thigh muscle. Unfazed as she yells her God's name for strength granted. The two lie on floor as a large pile of flesh and bones, with her landing on top of his unconscious body. She didn't kill him, just knocked him out with leg lock strangulation, releasing in time to spare his life. The time she spent watching UFC came in handy when learning the popular triangle choke hold finish move that she used that day. The police showed up after she called and forcefully made them separate.

Some would wonder why these two would choose to stay together. The many naysayers constantly advise divorce. But what they don't know is that these two have a deep addiction for one another. When the two come together in harmony they become a state of euphoric fiends.

Their love causes both bodies to release a flood of feel-good chemicals that trigger specific physical reactions. This internal elixir of love is responsible for making her cheeks blush and his palms sweat and their hearts race. Levels of substances, which include dopamine, adrenaline and norepinephrine, increase when the two fall deeper into the drug called love. Dopamine creates feelings of euphoria while adrenaline and norepinephrine are responsible for the pitter-patter of the heart, restlessness and overall preoccupation that go along with experiencing their bitter-sweet love. Them being separated for days caused great detox and withdrawal symptoms that was hard to handle. They needed to come back together.

As the two opposites attract back together like magnets, their two unfamiliar worlds collide, crashing culture and strong beliefs, leaving a cataclysmic mess to clean up. A blackhole is formed and created from the debris of the impact. Like a vacuum on high they get violently sucked in. It seemed to have been their end. For they were in a black hole; a region of their love's spacetime where gravity strength allowed no escape. A seemingly hopeless state to be in. But if you can understand some laws of nature and the concept of general relativity, then you can see why this wasn't their ending. It was an oppurtunity for a new beginning. Based upon extraterrestrial and human scientific research, stars that collapse into a blackhole are squeezed down to infinite density and time stops. That moment when time stops is deferred by quantum mechanics, by quantum uncertainty, and rather than collapsing to infinite density, the stars collapses to a certain extreme density, and then bounces back and begins to expand again. Those expanding stars become the birth of new universes. The point where time inside a blackhole becomes joined to the point where time begins in a Big Bang of a brand new universe. This destructive moment, of warring and then separation, would then be labeled as Lavender and Jeremiah's breaking point that welcomely invited them into a new universe. One in which they were delivered from the terrorizing spirits of hate, rage, tyrant control and quarreling. Introduced them to a new universe containing spirits of kindness, patience, love, joy, peace, forbearance, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. They decided to remain in the new universe by practicing the good fruits of the spirit and positive expectations with affirmations and gratitude. This brilliant universe of unconditional love and addiction that we witness tonight. Before leaving, they order a slice of chocolate cheese cake to share and feed each other. Lavender takes a bite from the fork that Jeremiah holds. With satisfaction and great lust in her voice she whispers to him, "Happy Anniversary papa, I'm still madly addicted to you. I can't wait to get my dosage when we get home". They laugh as their heart rates increase drastically and their universe of spectacular supernovas and radiant stars blossom furthermore into my study logs and the book of love legends.

Start writing...Fin


About the Creator

Ebony Burns

It's your friendly neighborhood writer and artist Ebony Burns .Check out my art @RainbowEagles44

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