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Tales of Castle Wall

"If walls could talk"

By Lawrence EyongPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Castle Wall

"If walls could talk," the wall of the old castle began, "oh, the tales I would tell of the secrets and events that have taken place in front of me. I have seen it all, the good and the bad, the joy and the sorrow, the love and the hate."

The wall leaned back against the centuries of weathering it had endured and continued. "I remember the day the young prince, the future king, rode up on his horse and declared his love for the princess from a neighboring kingdom. She stood before me, her eyes shining with love and her smile as bright as the sun. They were married in front of me, with the flowers and the music and the laughter of their guests."

"But then," the wall's voice grew somber, "there were darker days. The days of war, with the clashing of swords and the roar of the battle-cries. I saw the wounded and the dying, the broken bodies and the spilled blood. I remember the day the castle was sacked, and the invaders stormed through the halls, setting fire to everything in their path. I was the only one left standing, the only witness to the destruction."

"And then," the wall's voice softened, "there were the quiet moments. The moments of reflection and solitude. I saw the old king, sitting alone on the bench in front of me, staring out at the world with a look of sadness and regret. I remember the young servant girl, who would come and sit in the corner with a book, lost in her own world. And I will never forget the night the thief tried to scale my surface, only to slip and fall to his death."

"I have seen it all, the laughter and the tears, the triumphs and the failures," the wall concluded. "But now, I am old and worn, and my tales will be forgotten. Yet, I will always be here, a silent witness to the history that took place in front of me..."

..Oh! "If walls could talk," the castle wall continued, "I would tell you of the secrets that were whispered in front of me. I heard the hushed conversations of the knights, plotting their next move in the war. I heard the laughter of the servants as they shared their gossip and their dreams. And I heard the desperate pleas of the prisoners, begging for their release from the dungeons below."

"But most of all," the wall's voice grew stronger, "I would tell you of the love that I have seen. The love between the prince and the princess, which only grew stronger with each passing day. The love between the king and his queen, who ruled the kingdom with wisdom and fairness. And the love of the people, who flocked to the castle to celebrate the joyous events and mourn the sad ones."

"I have seen it all," the wall said, "the grand banquets and the silent vigils. The battles won and lost, the births and the deaths. I have been a silent witness to the history of this kingdom, and I will always be here, standing tall and proud, a testament to the memories and the tales that I have seen."

And so, the castle wall remained, a silent sentinel to the centuries of history that had taken place in front of it. And even though it could not speak, its presence was enough to remind all who saw it of the tales and the secrets that it had kept hidden within its stone walls.

Short Story

About the Creator

Lawrence Eyong

I am an Architect/ Affiliate Marketer who loves Making money online as a side hustle.

I help people get started, making money in the online space, showing them how to work smart, rather than hard.

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