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A dinner murder mystery

By Joe PattersonPublished 6 months ago Updated 6 months ago 8 min read
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Photo by 𝓴𝓘𝓡𝓚 𝕝𝔸𝕀 on Unsplash

Josh and Carmen are getting their house ready for their friends arrival for their weekly couples game night with dinner. “How long before the wreckin’ crew arrives?” Carmen asked sarcastically. “Well you know Olivia and Stephen are probably playing lovey dovey on the way here, where as Giselle and Tyrone will probably kill each other before they get here. You know they can’t resist a good squabble.” Josh replied sarcastically.

“Tell me again why they haven’t broken up or went to the joint for all them hellraiser bloodbath fights they always have?” Carmen asked humorously. “Maybe they’re just kindred spirits.” Josh added. “Maybe they’re just a couple of knots of crazy that are meant to be soulmates. Even the biggest mass murdering tendencies can’t break that type of bond.”

“PARTY PEOPLE IN THE PLACE TO BE, I’M DJ S-T-E-P WITH MY AMAZING WIFE O-L-I-V.” Stephen sang out loud as he and his wife Olivia entered the house. “Welcome to Casa de la Carmen and Josh.” Carmen sang happily. As Stephen and Olivia entered the house they both embraced Josh and Carmen with big hugs. “Where’s Rone and Giselle?” Olivia asked curiously. “Probably locked up.” Stephen replied jokingly. “NO!!! BUT CLOSE TO IT!!!!” Giselle screamed while entering the house. As she entered the house her husband Tyrone came in right behind her as they bickered with each other incoherently. “Would you two put a sock in it?” Olivia asked jokingly.

“Well if she wasn’t always runnin off at the mouth we wouldn’t be goin at it so much.” Tyrone replied. “Come on y’all.” Josh started. “Let’s get ready to eat and hit the games.” “Yes, because I’m starving.” Stephen added. “The pizza should be here in a few minutes. Morello’s moves pretty quick. “Oh I thought we were gonna get our pizza to go, Steve?” Olivia asked. “Eh I just decided to have it brought here at the last minute so the crew could enjoy some of that famous and authentic Morello’s Pizza with us.” Stephen replied.

The group chat was suddenly interrupted by a knock at the door. It was the pizza man dropping off a large thin crust pepperoni to the group. “I’ll take this to the kitchen and start cuttin’ it up Olivia said while taking the pizza to the kitchen. “I’ll give you a hand with that lover.” Stephen added. “Aww thanks babe.” Olivia continued. “Oh please, can y’all love birds give it a rest? That lovey dovey mess gets old.” Giselle said sarcastically. “Girl you just mad because you and yours are always tryna kill each other.” Carmen said jokingly.

The group then gathered at the table where there was a plate by every seat and sat down anxious to enjoy their pizza. “So what game are we starting up first?” Tyrone asked while eating his pizza. “How about Trouble since you get into it enough.” Josh suggested jokingly.” Go to the seat underneath your feet and let me handle mine.” Tyrone added. “Well I’m actually in the mood for Trouble.” Olivia said with enthusiasm. “What about the rest of my girls?” She asked Giselle and Carmen. “Well maybe I could go for-” before Carmen could finish her statement the group was interrupted by a sudden rush of coughing by Stephen.

As his coughing grew bigger the rest of the group became concerned. “Babe are you ok?” Olivia called out. Stephen then grabbed his throat and fell out on the floor unconscious next to his seat. Everyone leaped out of their seats and rushed to his side with haste. “Stephen? Baby? Oh my God what is it?” Olivia cried out. “CALL AN AMBULANCE!!!” Tyrone yelled. As Carmen rushed to her phone to dial 9-1-1, Stephen took his last breath. John then put his hand on Stephen’s throat to check for a pulse, but he did not have one. “John what is it?” Giselle asked in a worried tone.

“I…I think he’s dead.” John stumbled. “NOOOOO!!!!! Olivia screamed. Olivia’s cries of pain quickly turned into a fit of anger as she rushed to the sink and grabbed a butcher knife. “Who did this?” Olivia asked angrily while pointing the knife at her friends. “Which one of you killed my husband?” “What makes you think it was one of us?” Carmen asked in a scared tone. “Oh don’t play innocent Carmen.” Olivia rebuttaled. “It’s obvious you all were just so jealous of us. You couldn’t handle that me and Stephen had it all together and you guys were so miserable.”

“Do you hear how you sound right now?” Tyrone asked irately. “It’s funny you should be the first to open your mouth, Tyrone.” Olivia began. “You still owe Stephen a thousand bucks and he told me he kept hassling you about it and you were getting annoyed. Maybe you killed him.”

“STOP RIGHT THERE!!!” Giselle demanded. “Tyrone didn’t do any-” “Oh don’t play supportive wife now Giselle.” Olivia interrupted. “You did have a crush on Stephen back in highschool. Maybe you killed him in a jealous rage just so you could take him from me. You were bitter about your own pitiful relationship and decided you were gonna destroy mine didn’t you?”

Giselle charged at Olivia in a pit of rage before being restrained by Tyrone. “GUYS STOP!!!” Carmen screamed out. This isn’t getting us anywhere.” “Carmen I’m glad you hit the buzzer.” Olivia exclaimed sarcastically. “You always used to say you thought Stephen was no good for me. Maybe you killed him because you thought you were doing me a favor.” “Stephen may not have been the best egg you made him out to be, but I would’ve never done anything to hurt you or him.” Carmen replied.

“Seriously, Olivia.” John began. “We are your friends and we would never do anything to hurt you or Stephen.” “And of course the pendulum swings on you last, Johnny boy.” Olivia chuckled. “Here we go.” John sighed. “You always try to play so innocent John, but you envied Stephen. “I envied Stephen?” John scoffed. “Yeah.” Olivia replied. “You were always jealous of how socially appealing he was and how he always got the girl. He told me stories about you two growing up.”

“First off, Olivia.” John said firmly. “That boy had nothing for me to envy. He always put on a front that had you guys fooled, but I never bought into it.” “Maybe that’s why you killed him.” Olivia added. “Maybe you got tired of all the praise he was receiving for being deceptive as you so put it and thought he needed to be taken down a peg.”

“I’m not insecure like that and don’t need to go out of my way to make a point about such a person. His mess would’ve eventually found him out anyway.” John suddenly stopped and thought about his words which made him turn his attention to Olivia. “Looks like the only person left in question is YOU Olivia.” John said sharply. “Me?” Olivia asked with a dismissive laugh.

“Yeah you.” John replied. “The streets talk. Everyone knows John was a playboy back in the day. We also know that he never completely abandoned his ways. Does the name Katrina ring a bell?” “The chick who is the daughter of the Morello’s Pizza owner?” Tyrone asked. “Yeah.” John continued.

“I never wanted to say anything because I didn’t wanna start any trouble, but there was a rumor going around that Stephen was messing around with Katrina Morello. Part of me believed but didn’t know if it was true for sure, maybe it was.” “Stephen would never cheat on me.” Olivia said angrily. “You said it yourself Olivia.” John replied. “Stephen was a player back in the day, maybe his old ways caught up to him. Maybe you found out he was cheating on you and it killed you inside to know that this picture perfect image of the perfect couple that you guys painted had been shattered and you killed him in a jealous rage.”

Tyrone, Giselle and Carmen all turned their attention towards Olivia who was now trembling. “Weren’t you the one that ordered the pizza Olivia?” Tyrone asked. “And if I remember correctly, wasn’t that pizza just supposed to be for the two of y’all until Stephen decided to make it our game night dinner?” Giselle added. “And he did say he changed these plans without you knowing.” Carmen concluded.

“Maybe you were gonna poison him in private, but didn’t count on the switch up leading you here, so you decided to throw this whole fake fit of rage to take the attention off you.” John summarized. After a brief silence Olivia finally spoke up. “Well the plan was to frame Katrina Morello for it and make everyone think she had a jealous ceiling on my husband and killed him just to take him from me, but that cheating bastard messed that up when he switched our dinner plans.”

A silent shock suddenly filled the room. An angry Giselle quickly charged towards Olivia who sliced her arm with the knife in her hand. As Giselle fell to the floor gripping her bloody arm Carmen rushed to her side, unaware that Olivia was creeping up behind her. As Olivia raised the knife to an unaware Carmen, she was quickly tackled by both John and Tyrone. As the three fell to the ground Olivia quickly recovered and got ahold of the knife. Tyrone crawled towards her as she readily stabbed him in the hip. As he rolled over on his back. Giselle crawled over to him to hold him in comfort.

As Olivia rose to her feet she was again tackled to the floor by John and they wrestled for the knife. With John’s hand on the knife Olivia bit him causing him to lose his grip on the knife. Olivia then took the knife and cut him across the shoulder. As John rolled over groaning in pain Olivia stood up over him ready to stab him. As she raised the knife in the air she was suddenly hit upside the head by a glass lamp wielding Carmen. The glass shattered on Olivia’s back and neck as she fell to the ground unconscious.

“Are you ok?” Carmen asked as she knelt down to comfort John. “Yeah.” John responded. “Giselle and Rone are you guys ok?” John asked. “Yeah.” Giselle answered while holding Tyrone. “Yeah we’re ok.” Tyrone added. Within minutes paramedics and police converged on the scene. The bloodied Olivia was being carried away in handcuffs and Stephen’s corpse was bagged and taken away by the coroner’s van.

John, Carmen, Giselle and Tyrone were all packed in Tyrone’s ambulance holding each other with awareness of their new trauma, but appreciative that they were still alive


About the Creator

Joe Patterson

Hi I'm Joe Patterson. I am a writer at heart who is a big geek for film, music, and literature, which have all inspired me to be a writer. I rap, write stories both short and long, and I'm also aspiring to be an author and a filmmaker.

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Comments (6)

  • Shauna Mullen6 months ago

    I am amazed at how well you portrayed each characters personality in so little words. A classic murder mystery done with such elegance!

  • Tiffany Gordon 6 months ago

    You flame-broiled this challenge Joe! I hope that you place! Great pace & story development! I also love the nickname Rone! Great job my friend! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  • Judah LoVato6 months ago

    I enjoyed the chaos of the situation! How a simple dinner party can... Escalate. There were too many adverbs for my taste (I was frightened by a School House Rock episode as a child, so take my stance as you will), but I enjoyed the sentence: "Tyrone crawled towards her as she readily stabbed him in the hip." I found that incredibly satisfying. Thank you for sharing your work!

  • L.C. Schäfer6 months ago

    Yikes, that was action packed at the end there 😁

  • Suze Kay6 months ago

    A wild ride. I may never be able to peacefully enjoy a slice of pizza again... at least, not the first one of the pie!

  • Mariann Carroll6 months ago

    Great story 🙂

Joe PattersonWritten by Joe Patterson

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