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Summer at Grandma and Grandpa's By: Danyel Fields

SSS #1 Is a fiction story that will leave you wanting to read the next. It has it's own little twist and turns that will make you think one way but may lead to something you never would have thought of!

By Danyel FieldsPublished 3 years ago 17 min read
Summer at Grandma and Grandpa's By: Danyel Fields
Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

Growing up we never really went over to my Grandma and Grandpa's all that much. I don't know why but it was only really during the holidays and sometimes I would get to go over there in the summer for a week at a time. Either way we never really went over there. I figured it was because they didn't like kids but then again they were never mean to us kids when we were over there. Just had to do the normal chores like doing dishes and weeding some of the gardens.

The only rules were we were to stay out of Grandma's wine cellar, stay out of Grandpa's barn, and stay away from the bull. He has gotten out a couple of time's and he likes to chase the cars down the road. I guess bull thinks it's a dog or something. Oh, and there was no snacking throughout the day. If you didn't eat at meal time's you weren't eating at all. Plus, if you didn't clear your plate there wasn't any dessert for you at the end. So, if you like sweets you ate everything on your plate because grandma's chocolate cake was the best.

In the summer of 1982, I spent most of the summer over there helping the grandparents do stuff around the yard and in the gardens. It was always long day and early nights. Grandpa had this thing to where he would wake me up before the sun was raising. This way we were ready for when the sun came up and was shining. Grandma would already have breakfast ready for us. A good days work started with something good in the stomach, is what she used to say to us kids.

Grandpa would start the day off pointing out the things that needed to be done. Weather that was cutting the lawn, weeding the flower beds, or tilling between the rolls in the big garden. Sometimes it was an easier morning where I was to ride into town with him to go to the feed store to get supplies for the farm. Every once in a while grandma would grab me a take me with her to the grocery store. This way I could do all the heavy lifting for her because the more you buy the cheaper it was. Grandma and Grandpa loved to save every penny they could when it came to food and supplies.

Todays goal was mowing their two acre yard with a push mower. Now, that might not sound like much to some but it really is with a push mower. Anyhow, I normally started in the same area and that was working from the mailbox to the front porch. It is the hardest part to do because of the flower beds around the trees and along the front porch. Once done with the mowing part, it is time to get the weed eater and go around all the edges of the flower beds and mailbox. It normally took me until a little after lunch to do the front law. Then I moved to the side yard and then the back.

I was sit to quit by the time the dinner bell would sound for Grandpa and I to call it quits for the day. We both would head into the house and take turns washing up for dinner. This evening the house smelled of pork chops, fried taters, and some french style green beans. The green beans had grandma's little twist with bacon in them. The meal made me hungrier by the smell with every passing moment. By the time grandpa and I made it to the table it was time to sit down and say grace.

Grandpa was the one that always led the prayer. Thanking God for all that he had provided us with and going on to what he was thankful for. Surprising enough I was one of those things on this list. Then it moved to grandma and she was also thankful and happy for all my help around the farm and house. Now it was my turn and well I was thankful for both of them for allowing me to come over to help and also all of grandma's good cooking to fill up on. I came from a large family and well some nights I wasn't able to eat my fill but here no one ever went hungry.

After dinner grandma made us some red velvet cookies to snack on. Grandpa and I would head off to the living room and watch the news for the day and also catch the weather for the next day. That way we were ready for whatever mother nature throw our way. After the news it way time to jump in the shower and the hit the sack to get a good nights rest for the coming day.

The whole time Grandpa and I were in the living room; grandma was taking care of things in the dinning room and kitchen. After she was finished with putting food away and doing the dishes. Grandma would always slip away to her wine cellar for a bit. About just the same amount of time as it took the news took to run through. By the time I was out of the shower she would be back up to say good night and sweet dreams and then we would all head of to bed. Or so I thought so anyhow; at time's grandpa would head out to his burn for awhile before he would make his way back inside and then he was off to bed.

I did find it strange that no one was allowed to be in the burn or in the wine cellar but rules are rules, so I had obey them while I was here. Anyways, like other people they probably don't want anyone to be in their business. Everyone has something that they don't want other's knowing about. Like my Playboy stash in the air vent at my parent's. Something's are better off hiding!

After that I slid into a deep restful sleep. My dream just happened to be about the bull out back. I don't know why but my dream was like real life. He seemed to be in a playground of car's. All different kinds and he was running through and into them like they were his toy's. I was just sitting back on the tree line watching him play. There was a pond on the far side right behind the car's, almost like they were hiding it. I never went to the pond to check it out, just stayed where I was. I didn't want the bull to notice me, not one bit.

The next morning bright and early grandpa was knocking on the door. Right back at it the days of living on the farm. Down the stairs for breakfast than the walk around the farm to see what all needed to be done and the order of what to do first. I never would have thought it would be this much work to keep up a farm. No easy life here that's for sure, there was always something to do and keep you busy until dinner. Shot, and sometimes there was still stuff to do after.

Today was going to be a fun filled day of planting and weeding the already planted. Grandpa liked to plant in different intervals and the plant's would be at different growth stages in the garden's. He told me it was because of the smaller ones would make the larger one strive and produce better fruit. In some ways I think he is crazy but in other's, well his garden looks amazing every year. So, there has to be something to his madness.

Another long day down and time for another sort night of sleep. Good thing there was rain tomorrow but that didn't mean a lazy day at all. Grandma was going to give me cooking and baking lessons tomorrow. She always told me that if I don't find a woman! You are going to have to cook for yourself, so you mind as well learn. So, tomorrow is another fun filled day just inside, baking and cooking with grandma.

Some nights it felt like I just fell into darkness. A deep sleep to where all I remember is being woke up. Other nights the dreams were so vivid that they made me feel like I was in them. Some nights were like I was a part of the dream and others; I was just there to watch. It was strange me dreaming in these manners because it was the first time I ever did. It wasn't going to be the last time either!

Tonight it was like I woke up a couple years from now but when I went down stairs it wasn't grandma cooking breakfast! It was a younger gal that was around my age, give or take a couple years. When I got to the table, she brought me, two eggs over easy with six pieces of bacon and a tall glass of orange juice. Grandpa was already eating his breakfast and almost done. When he looked at me he said it is time for you to come in the barn. Come out when you're done and don't forget the coffee. I didn't know what to say so I just agreed with him. Then he was out the door and I began to eat.

Once I was done the gal came over and grabbed the plate and glass that was sitting in front of me. Then asked if I had enough to eat? Of course thanks for cooking. She smiled gently and gave me a kiss on the cheek. You're welcome give me a moment and I will grab the thermos of coffee for you to take out with you. It's going to be a long day for you, I know it because it has been a long couple of weeks for me too. How long have you been here? Was my next question. We have been together for about a year and I have been living here with you for about a month.

The next question take her by surprise, where is grandma at?

Grandma is at the bakery in town. Are you feeling okay today honey? You seem to be a little bit off today.

Yeah, I am feeling fine, just seem to have lost track of time is all. How long has grandma been working at a bakery? Well, it has been four or five years since she opened the doors. She told me that it was you that gave her the idea to open it, when she was teaching you to cook and bake.

Wow, has it really been that long?

Yes, dear it has been that long but here is the thermos of coffee for you and grandpa. You better get going we both know how he doesn't like to wait.

I grabbed the thermos and started for the door when she stopped me one last time a gave me a kiss.

Just as I stepped out the front door my eyes opened wide as I heard grandma yelling for me up the stairs. Holy Cow that seemed to be so real and believable but reality just kicked back in. Be down in just one minute grandma I yelled back. I had to hurry to get dressed it was like I over slept but I hadn't. As I got down stairs grandpa was just finishing his breakfast and gave grandma a kiss as he grabbed his thermos of coffee and told her he was going out to the barn for a bit. Then he looked over at me and said good luck your grandma is the tough one out of us two. He turned heel to toe and just like that he was out the door.

Well today is going to be all about cooking. I have a couple of your favorites that we are going to be working on and then around ten o'clock and five we are going to load all the food up and bring it to the church. They are having a sit down for all those in the community that don't have the chance for a hot meal all the time. This is our way of giving back to those who have helped us along the way. The first things we are going to cook is breakfast food. We have ten pounds of bacon and twelve dozen eggs and the only baking is going to be the twelve dozen biscuits to go along with the bacon and eggs.

When the bacon is done it will going into these two deep pans. The eggs will go on these four platters and the biscuits will be placed over here on these large round plates. Sound simple enough for you Alex?

Yes, ma'am.

Okay then let's get started. You can start with the bacon and I will start with the eggs so you can see how I work them and make them to perfection. When you start the bacon it should be on medium heat and make sure not to over cook or more less not burn it.

Grandma cooked six dozen eggs and to tell you the truth it looked pretty easy. I cooked five pounds of bacon and had it resting in the heating pans waiting to head out the door. Now, it was time to switch up and my turn to cook eggs and grandma started working on the rest of the bacon. Before we really got started on the switch we made up four cookie sheets of biscuits to go into the oven. We fit a dozen on each sheet so there was going to be three change outs for the biscuits and we should be done with the eggs and bacon by the time the biscuits are ready to go.

Once everything was done and all the bacon was in the pans and the eggs on the platters and biscuits were all on the plates it was time to load. Grandma pulled her mini-van up to the front door so we wouldn't have to walk in the rain with all the food. It only took about fifteen minutes to get everything loaded into the van and by quarter to ten we were on our way to the church. The church was only five minutes down the road and when we got there, there was already people outside ready to help us unload. After getting inside I could tell almost everyone from the community was already there waiting on a plate of grandma's food. On our way back out we were getting thanked by almost everyone we passed. Then the trip back to the farm to get moving on making dinner for the same people.

Grandma told me as we pulled in that we were going to take a short break before we started cooking again to get some food ourselves. With a honk of the horn to tell grandpa we were back. I seen him poke his head out and wave at us to let us know he heard us and then right back in the barn he went. We parked by the front door again so again we didn't have to walk through the rain, we were back inside. Shortly there after grandpa came in the door behind us. Asking how everything went.

It went good Alex here is a natural in the kitchen. We made it just in time and everyone seemed to be ready to enjoy the food. Now it is time for us to get something to eat and then get right back at it to bring them all dinner. I hope you don't mind honey but we are just going to warm up some leftovers to eat and then we have to start mixing things together to get the food ready.

You know I don't mind your leftovers and know how much more work you have to do. So, yes I'm okay with that dear.

So, what are we cooking after lunch grandma, it seems to be a lot of ingredients!

Oh no not too many just the right amount. We are going to be making meatloaf. The average meatloaf most people don't like because there is half of the stuff I put in. These are the things you are learning today Alex. Everyone can cook but that doesn't mean their food taste as good as it should. I have fed this house and community for years, just ask your father he will tell you they never went without when he all your aunts and uncles were here.

We ate fast so we could get back to work and get this job done. I had no clue that it was so much work making meatloaf. I can't recall at the moment but it was the same amount that went into each mixing bowl in a precise time. That way each one would come out tasting the same. Four at a time went into the oven and every fifteen minutes it was opened just long enough to baste them to keep them moist. Just about four o'clock we basted the last four for the last time. Quarter after four we were finally done with the cooking at last.

Grandma told me to cover them in five minutes and she would be back in ten. She headed out the door and on her way to the barn. The only thing I could think of was she was going to tell grandpa we were going to be leaving here in a few minutes to drop the meatloaf off at church. I did as grandma had asked of me and got the lids on the newest ones and had them all ready to go by the time grandma was coming back. To my surprise grandpa was in toe about two steps behind her.

When they entered the door grandpa look at me and said well Alex the food smells great. I am so glad to be a part of this.

Grandpa a part of what?

Well you see this is the last weekend of summer and it is about time for you to go back to your parent's and grandma and I have been putting you to the test in a manner.

A test?

Yeah see this is where I am going to ask you a question and you have until the end of the weekend to give us your answer. The question is, how would you like to come stay with us and take over the farm after we pass on? Now, you don't have to give us your answer right now like I said but you do only have so much time like I said. Now, help us load up this food and go sit down with the community and see what they think of your meatloaf!

The whole ride to the church no one said a word. They were letting me mow their question around in my mind. When we got to the church there was enough people outside we didn't even have to grab anything. Instead grandpa and grandma led the way to the front of the tables and then sat at a table that was facing the rest of the people. I didn't know what was happening but I guess it was something for grandma and grandpa with how much they have done within the community.

After everyone was seated the preacher said now lets all bow your heads and pray. I did as everyone else and bowed my head. As he was saying grace there wasn't a sound in the room. He gave thanks to grandpa and grandma and even added me into his thanks because this has been one of the best days and meals they have had in a long while. As he closed he said Amen and then the whole crowd repeated him with an Amen. And now it is time to eat and be merry. Mr. and Mrs. Wildly and Alex you three get your plates first as our honored guest.

We were the first in line and everyone else followed in suit. Back in our seats there were a number of people who came up and thanked us for all we have done throughout the year and the past years. I know I wasn't part of the past but I was part of the now and it felt good to be a part of it. After everyone was done eating. More people came up and gave their thanks to us. They even talked about how that was the best meatloaf they have ever tasted.

Grandma just looked at me and said I told you so. I had to laugh at that one.

Later that evening back at the farm we were all seated around the table. It was nice just sitting there instead of working. It was time I gave them their answer. Grandpa and grandma I have my answer for you, I am more then happy to come and live with you and learn what it takes to keep the Wildly name going after you two pass away.


About the Creator

Danyel Fields

I have fell on hard time's many times but the things that keep me going are the songs, stories, and poems that I write within. They can make me smile on dark days or they help twist dreams the dreams I have.

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