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Subsistent Lies

Chapter 18: Darius

By Kimmie HitePublished 2 years ago 7 min read

I watched as Lady Gabriella and what seemed to be her sisters arrived. The lady seemed to be very intrigued with all that was going on, and had talked to the King like he was an old friend. I shook my head and walked to find Blaine. I never thought that I would be bested by a lady but the day came and I still was trying to recover from the shock. My anger before came only because I thought she was Colin, but when a lady was revealed, I didn’t know whether to curse the gods or laugh until there was no more in me to laugh at. I had won the rest of my fights this day and the fact that I lost one didn’t do much to my pride. It was an honor to me that I had finally found someone who could compare to my fighting skills as much as this lady could. I knew, however, that Blaine felt another way. He was quite embarrassed and grew with more anger at the fact that his skills had been bested with a lady. I walked toward him now as he sipped his wine, looking over at Lady Gabriella. “Smile my brother. You act as though the gods have cursed you on this fine day.”

Blaine cringed and took a long sip of wine. “She smiles because she has bested the both of us. We are of the best in the Kings eyes and she makes good use of us in only a matter of seconds.”

“Her skill is divine I must admit but there is no use in walloping in pity. Come, we must go to her and apologize for our deeds.” Blaine snorted and I sighed. “You let your pride get the best of you. It is an honor a lady would even think of fighting us. We must commend her for her courage, to say the least.”

Blaine sighed and finally got up from his seating place. We started to walk toward the place in which Gabriella was being complimented by all the ladies in court. After we had excused her from the ladies, I made a note to thank Gabriella for her time in the arena. She took it gratefully, but Blaine was no better then he was before. I laughed when she seemed to grab his attention with a remark dealing with his pride. Blaine’s pride did in fact need a change, and I laughed she was courageous enough to say so. We made little more chat before I saw Gabriella’s sisters standing in the distance, and I wanted to make a note to introduce myself. I left, but before my departure I left a whisper in Blaine’s ear,

“You better watch out Jacqui’is this one might ruin that privacy barrier you have put over yourself, letting everyone see into something you don’t want them to see.” I bowed once more before walking over to the two sisters who were examining the courts festivities.

“Excuse me my ladies,” I said walking over, but my breathe was caught in my throat as I recognized one of the sisters to be the lady Forbes fawned over. The beauty that had caught my eye. “Allow me to introduce myself, Captain of the Guard Darius Harte, at your service.”

They both curtsied and I smiled at the dancer who kept her head bowed. “Thank you my lord. You fought well today, aside from my younger sister.”

I smiled at that and nodded. “Ah, you are right. She had bested me at my swordplay skills, and proved to be a worthy challenge.” I looked up to the one who had spoke and this time lost my breathe.

She was beautiful, but she shocked me with her eyes. They were similar to my own, only more vivid and brighter. “And your name?” I bowed some more. She smiled and said, “Lady Zaria.”

“Well Lady Zaria, your sister is skilled. Do you show her expertise as well in swordplay?”

She laughed and shook her head. “Between you and me, I prefer archery over a sword any day.”

I smiled but couldn’t help but stare at her. Archery, not many ladies in training knew how to handle a bow and arrow. What had these sisters done in their lifetime? And this Lady Zaria, she seemed so familiar to me. It astonished me that she was a sister to Gabriella; she didn’t look anything close to her. I felt that I’ve known her forever and her eyes…what about her eyes seemed so familiar? “And who is this fair lady to your right.”

Zaria smiled and gestured. “This is my sister, Lady Isabella.”

“Isabella,” I grabbed her hand and kissed it. “Would you honor me with a dance?”

She blushed and looked toward her sister who nodded. “Yes my lord.” She said, following me to the dance floor.

I took her hand in mine and slowly brought her close to me as I spotted Blaine dancing with Gabriella. I raised a brow, but turned my attention to Isabella when I heard a sigh. “What seems to bother my lady?” I asked as I felt her shake her head.

“Tis nothing?”


“I will not like to bother someone like you with my worries.”

“I would not mind hearing your worries at all. Tell me my lady, what bothers you?”

She sighed and finally said, “I wish for tomorrow to never come.”


“Tomorrow we will be announced to the King’s court. All of my sisters and me will have to find a suitor to marry.”

I cringed at this thought and held Isabella closer to me. She sensed this change in me and looked up. “Is there something wrong my lord?”

“No my lady. And please call me Darius. I can tire from the word lord after a while.”

She smiled and rested her head on my chest. I tried not to take in all of her; the feel of her skin on my hands and the smell of flowers in her hair as I held her closer to me. I tried to find distance from her, but each time I was renewed in bringing her closer. “What of you, Darius?” she asked after a while.

“Of me?”

“Are you fitted for a lady at court?”

I smiled down at her and shook my head. “No ladies at court have ever captured my attention enough like you have.”

She blushed and looked down. “No?”

“No.” I spun her as another song came on. Once she came back to my body, she was smiling. “What has amused you now, my lady?”

“The spinning. When I’m whirled I see many colors all blending together. It dizzies me.”

I smiled back as I pinned her to me. “I’ll try not to spin you as much.”

“Please do. I do feel that I will never find my way toward my sisters after this if we do not.”

I nodded and held her close to me through another song. There was something about her that calmed and relaxed me. When I was around others I was always Captain of the Guard; I was feared by all and no one could ever be themselves around me. Isabella, on the other hand, only cared for me for who I was. She never pretended to be bashful toward me; I knew her blushes were true. I could be a penniless merchant and I’m sure she would not look down on me as others would. It was a feeling I hadn’t felt in a long time. “Excuse me Captain,” I turned to the voice I knew could only be Arthur’s. “This fair lady promised me a dance.”

I nodded, kissed Isabella’s hand once more, and walked away. I sighed at my lost, and sighed even more when I saw her sister Zaria was dancing with Gabriel. I shook my head at both my losses and started to head toward my quarters. It was now I realized how much my leg pained me and sleep seemed like a wonderful relief. I was almost close to leaving the ball room when Lady Joan cut me off. “Yes, my lady.” I tried to contain my sigh as I bowed toward her.

“You have not wished me to dance all night. It saddens me.” She pouted and I tried everything to try not to wave it off.

“I am sorry. I tired myself dancing with Lady Isabella.”

“Oh.” She seemed angered at this, but quickly hid it with a smile.

“I go to court tomorrow to find a suitor. Will you perhaps be there?”

“I have to as a duty.”

“As I have heard. Well I bid my lord a good night.”

“And you my lady, good night.” I bowed once more and headed toward my room.

I didn’t know what pained me more, my leg, seeing Isabella in the hands of someone else, or being in the presence of Joan.


About the Creator

Kimmie Hite

Born in the Philippines as a military brat I grew up as a kid exposed to all walks of life and cultures. Currently, working on releasing self published book while living with lupus nephritis as a single mother waiting for transplant

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