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The fight of their lives.

By Tyrone LivingstonPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Photo by Keagan Henman on Unsplash

Poe and Stella otherwise known as Starbeam and Moonglow are two of Earth’s greatest heroes. They’ve helped save the planet on countless occasions. Their wedding was a who’s who of celebrities and other superheroes. Matter of fact even a few super villains made appearances as well. They were the most powerful and the most loved. About a year ago they had a beautiful daughter together. They were warned numerous times that star people and moon people don’t mix but they didn’t care. They wanted a child and they had one. They had thought that everyone had been proven wrong. That was until last night when the green light came. Now they are in the greatest fight of their lives.

“So tell me again what happened?”

“How many times can I say it? I came into her room last night and she was like this. Glowing green and not responding! I don’t know what this is or what we can do. Did you talk to your father?”

“Yes. He was acting really strange and told me that there wasn’t anything that he could do.”

“Yeah my mother said she had no idea what was going on.”

“Well I’m going to go talk to Ivan.”

“Ivan the Erector.”

“Yes, his powers involve all kinds of light. Maybe he knows something about this or maybe he might even be behind it!”

Poe arrives at Erector’s stronghold and is immediately attacked by his defense systems. After quickly dispersing them he looks into a camera and tells Erector that he just came to talk.

Erector opens the door to his chambers and reluctantly welcomes him in.

“To what do I owe this displeasure?”

“I know that we’ve had our differences in the past but I really need your help right now.”

“Oh and none of your other super friends couldn’t provide that help for you?”

“Listen, it's about Ajay! Last night she started glowing with this bright green light and now seems to be in some kind of coma. I don’t know what to do!”

“Oh that’s simple. Take her to the hospital. I mean really isn’t that the least these humans can do for you. You’ve literally saved the lives of every last one of them. Hell you’ve stopped me from enslaving that pathetic species on more than one occasion. Now they can’t help you save your only child. That’s a damn shame.”

Starbeam's eyes start to light up. His palms start sparking. He’s about to attack Erector. It takes everything that he has in him to not blast Erector away. He has to calm down and remember why he was there. That he needed to save his daughter.

“You know they don’t have the knowledge or the technology to help me!”

“Oh are we just gonna brush over the fact that I just saw you all charged up? So is that the deal? If I don’t help you, are you gonna blast me into oblivion?”

“Sorry about that. No, I’m not going to blast you. I’m just here to see if you can help, that's all.”

“And what makes you think that I would help you?”

“It’s not for me! It’s for my daughter!”

“The same daughter that will no doubt grow up to be quite another thorn in my side. The daughter who’s goal in life is going to be the same as yours. To protect this race of humans that I despise. This daughter who is already a sworn enemy of mine!”

“Listen, I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t desperate. If you can help me please, I'll do anything!”

“That offer is quite intriguing but I’m not sure that I can help her. All I know is that light always needs a place to go. In your daughter’s case her light is also her energy and that too needs someplace to go.”

“So what are you saying?”

“I’m saying that you charge up and then you release your light. Your energy, your Starbeam! She’s charging up and all of that energy has nowhere to go! Now you can have that bit of information for free. Only because I look forward to destroying your precious daughter in the future.”

Starbeam flew home with that new information. He wasn’t sure how it was going to help him but for now it was all that he had. He had to try and find a way to get Ajay to release her energy. He thought that maybe Stella would have an idea. Once he made it back to his home he was greeted at the door by Ventor.

“Ventor, what are you doing here?”

“Starbeam, I along with a few others were informed by your father of a dire situation involving your daughter Ajay.”

“Oh great. So you’re here to help us.”

“Well not quite. You see, based on what your father has told us we’re gonna have to destroy the child!”

Starbeam immediately blasts Ventor into the sky and flies up to continue the fight. He then notices Moonglow in a fight with Spectrum. After a long hard fought battle Starbeam and Moonglow manage to defeat their foes. They then grab Ajay and fly to Starbeam's home planet of Superion so he can confront his father.


Stargod comes out as calm as ever.

“My son, why have you brought that child here?”

“This is your grandchild and you send people to kill her!”

“I had no choice. I’ll let your mother explain it to you.”

Helena, Poe’s mother, starts to speak.

“Son. we tried to warn you of the dangers of being with a moon woman. There’s a reason why star and moon people don’t marry each other. What is happening with your daughter is what I’ve feared all along. See our powers come from an energy that we get from the stars called Starnergy. Over the course of our lives our starnergy gets stronger and stronger inside of our bodies. Our bodies are equipped to absorb the starnergy until we are at the proper age to use our powers. Ajay’s body is not. Her starnergy is building up and not being absorbed by her body which means that it has nowhere to go.”

“So we help her! We figure it out! We don’t kill her!”

“Sorry son but it doesn’t work that way. We live by the motto that one life is not worth the lives of many. The release of Ajay’s starnergy after a whole year of buildup will produce a blast that could destroy an entire planet. There’s no way to prevent it. So we have to destroy her before she explodes!”

Moonglow then places Ajay down and flies into the air in rage.

“No one is going to destroy my daughter!”

Helena then answers her. “Sorry my dear, but there is no other choice.”

As she finishes her statement Ventor, Spectrum and an army of Star people fly up and a fight ensues. As Starbeam and Moonglow fight to keep the attackers away from their daughter they notice a bright force field around her. They look over and realize that the Erector has joined the fight. Erector has put an energy shield around Ajay and has carried her away. Starbeam and Moonglow, becoming overwhelmed in the fight, decide to flee. They leave Superion trying to find Erector and their child.

As they fly through space they notice a really large bright green light emerging from one of the moons of Saturn. They land there and that’s where they find Erector and Ajay!

Starbeam is fully charged up and set to blast him when Erector immediately stops him.

“You’ve got to be kidding me! I just saved your daughter and you’re gonna blast me for it!”

Moonglow then starts to question him.

“What are you doing here?”

“As I told your husband, I’m going to be the one to destroy your daughter. No seriously I couldn’t have your daughter exploding and destroying any planets that I plan on ruling. I’m not here to save her. I’m here to assure the safety of Earth so that I can conquer it later. Once I saw Ventor and Spectrum I knew that the fight would end up on Superion and I can’t have her destroying that planet either. Let’s just say I have unfinished business there as well. So I tried to put this force field around her hoping to contain her Starnergy but as you can see she’s built up even more than I can handle. So there’s only one other solution.”

“What is it!” Starbeam screams out.

“You’re gonna have to absorb it.”

“Won’t he still explode.”

“Yeah that’s the sad part. At least he’ll be able to fly into a void in space where no one else will die. I’m sorry but that’s the only way.”

“Oh I get it now. You’re not here to save my daughter. You’re here to destroy me!”

“Well the choice is actually yours.”

Just then the green light starts to get brighter.

“Better hurry up and decide. Time is running out, hero.”

Starbeam looks at his wife. She is clearly distraught because she knows what he’s going to do.

“Poe I love you.” she whispers as she watches him pick up Ajay. Then he starts to charge up. Moonbeam and Erector watch as the green light transfers from Ajay’s body to Starbeams. The light gets brighter and brighter. He then throws Ajay into the air. Moonglow flies up in a fury to grab her daughter. She lands and looks at Ajay as her eyes open up.

“Mommy” she says in the sweetest little voice.

“Yes baby I’m here.” Moonglow replies.

Just then Starbeam lets out a huge scream and then takes off into the sky.

Moonglow, Ajay and Erector watch as the green light slowly fades away.

Six months had passed and everyone had mourned the death of Starbeam. Moonglow clearly remembers the last time that she saw him flying away from the moon of Saturn. She keeps thinking of the day when Ajay is old enough to understand the sacrifice that her father had made for her. She also feels guilty. She feels like it was all her fault. She was told that star people and moon people were not to be together. She was told that they were not to procreate. She was selfish. Her love and desire for a child almost destroyed a planet. It almost killed an innocent little girl. Her selfish desires cost a child her father, cost her a husband and cost the entire universe one of it’s greatest heroes.

Then one night Moonglow gets a mysterious knock on the door.

“Who could this be at this time of night.”

She opens the door and she can’t believe her eyes. She immediately falls to the floor unconscious. She wakes up and still can’t believe what she’s seeing. Starbeam is standing over her as she lies in her bed.

“Hi honey, I’m home.”

Then his eyes glowed in a bright green light!


About the Creator

Tyrone Livingston

My name is Tyrone Livingston. I was born, raised and currently still reside in Philadelphia. I'm the host of the Lisper Podcast and I've written three books(published on amazon kdp)

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    TLWritten by Tyrone Livingston

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