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Dealing with a crazy roommate

By Adiba MurtazaPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Ever since Grace moved into her new apartment, she had a nagging feeling that something was off. It started with small things, like items in her apartment being moved or misplaced, but then escalated to waking up to strange sounds in the middle of the night. Despite feeling uneasy, Grace had tried to brush it off, until one day she found a note under her front door that read, "I'm watching you."

Grace's anxiety skyrocketed, and she became paranoid, constantly looking over her shoulder and locking her doors. She even considered moving out but couldn't afford to break her lease. She didn’t even have any relatives near by or any close friends in this new city that she could crash with.

One night, as Grace was watching TV in her living room, she heard a noise outside her window. Her heart raced as she peered through the blinds and saw a shadowy figure in the alleyway below. She quickly called the police, but by the time they arrived, the figure had disappeared.

The police took a report and advised Grace to be more vigilant, but they couldn't find any evidence of a break-in. The next day, Grace came home to find her apartment in shambles, with her belongings strewn across the floor.

Grace felt like she was going insane. What the hell was happening? She didn’t believe in paranormal stuff but she wasn’t sure what was happening. Was this a person or was this something paranormal? Grace had had enough. She went to her closet and started packing up her things. She would sleep on the street but no here in this apartment or she would go insane. Whilst she was taking out her clothes, she was a really dim red light coming from behind on of her scarf. Her heart started besting fast, and she could feel the adrenaline in her. She slowly grabbed the scarf and pulled it away and thats when she saw a tiny camera peeping at her through the closet door.

She felt nauseous. This camera had been recording her every move. When she was home, when she wasn’t, when she was changing, sleeping everything.

Her stomach dropped as she realized that the stalker wasn't an outside threat, but someone who had been living in her apartment all along.

She thought about her roommate, who had moved out two weeks ago, and realized that she hadn't seen her since. Grace called the police again and told them about the camera, and they immediately dispatched a team to search for her former roommate.

Grace was too scared to search her oen apartment. She didn’t know if the person, maybe her former roomate was dangerous enough to attack her or hurt her. She stayed still in her room, cautious, scared to move. An hour later , they got ahold of her roommate hiding in a closet above the doors with a crazed look in her eyes. How did she even get there??? It turned out that she had been stalking Grace, jealous of her new life and trying to sabotage her at every turn.

Grace was traumatized and couldn’t able to go to sleep for the next week, but she was grateful that her roomate got caught. But she didn’t think she could be comfortable enough in this apartment now. She moved here for a fresh start, which was ruined now and she felt she was back in the loop again.

Grace couldn't believe that the person she had trusted was the one who had been terrorizing her. She knew she had to move out, but she also realized that she would never be able to trust anyone again.

MysteryShort Story

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