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Sir Theodore Edward Donald Dennis Yetman Bear

The fairytale of a boy and a bear

By Rose WrightPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Sir T.E.D.D.Y Bear

When I was a young girl, I was given a teddy bear as a gift for Christmas. I would tuck the bear in with me every time I went to bed. It just made everything feel calmer at bedtime and the comfort it gave to have something there to kind of protect me. The bear I had been given I passed down to my children and it helps them as well.

This is the fairy tale about a boy and Sir Theodore Edward Donald Dennis Yetman Bear. Enjoy!

Once upon a time a Young Fairy Queen was given a special treasure. It was the most extraordinary treasures in her entire kingdom, so extraordinary that one day the treasure would be the legacy of the kingdom. To keep the treasure from getting lost she put an enchantment on a teddy bear to protect the treasure. The bear came to life because of the enchantment. “You will be knighted, and we will call you Sir Theodore Edward Donald Dennis Yetman Bear and you will serve and protect the crown by taking care of a treasure,” The Fairy Queen said. Decades went by and the Fairy Queen had passed away and turned into fairy dust but the bear still watched and kept a close eye on the treasure he was protecting.

One day in the present a boy named Michael went to the attic of his house. There were boxes upon boxes of old things from his mother’s family. Thinking it was a good idea he decided to go through the boxes and see if there was anything useful in the boxes. A box in the far back corner that had what looked like old clothes and costumes in it. He scrounged through it hoping to find something useful in it for a costume he had been working on for a Halloween get together with his classmates.

He tipped the box upside down and everything fell to the floor. The last thing to fall out was an old Teddy bear. He picked up the teddy bear for a while. The teddy looked familiar although he had been sure he had never seen it before in his whole entire life.

“Michael, What are you doing up here?” said a voice from the manhole. It was his Mother who had been looking for him for a while.

“Come on, you will get absolutely filthy in this attic,” She said.

Michael looked at the teddy bear again and took it with him out of the attic and into his room. He left it on his bed and went to have dinner down in the kitchen.

After dinner he went back up to his room and the bear was gone. Looking around his room and under his bed he was sure he had put the bear on his bed.

“Mum, have you been in my room?” He yelled out to her. “No”, she replied as what sounded like she was doing the dishes in the kitchen.

Michael shrugged and started to get ready for bedtime. His mother was coming up stairs to tuck him in.

“Hey mum, whose boxes of stuff is up stairs?” Michael asked his mother.

“All that stuff is from my family. Some of the things are so old they might be antique,” She replied.

“I found a bear in one of the boxes and I brought him down to my room then went and had dinner but when I got back, he was gone from my bed.” Michael told his mother.

“Hhmmmm… sounds like Sir T.E.D.D.Y Bear has done it again.” She said with a smile. “That old teddy bear had been lost and found that many times. Almost like he just moves on his own,” she said with a big smile. “He will be around somewhere,” she leaned over and gave Michael a kiss on the forehead.

“Goodnight mum,” Michael replied.

“Goodnight baby,” she said back to him as she walked out the door.

Michael dozed off to sleep when suddenly something was pulling the blanket off him. Michael sprung up in his bed, but he couldn’t see anything in the darkness. A strange feeling came over him and he was frozen in fear. Something creecked and scratched from under his bed. Michael went to look and when he went to look under his bed it was pitch black under there. Suddenly 2 red eyes fluttered open and stared back at him. A big, elongated smile formed a face. Michael jumped on the middle of his bed holding his knees to his chest whispering to himself, “it’s just a dream, it’s just a dream, its just a dream,” repeatedly.

He felt a hand grab at his sheets under him as if something was pulling itself up. Two red eyes and a maddening smiling mouth came into view. Michael stayed frozen on his bed in fear almost hyperventilating. Then it happened… as fast as lightening… “Heeya!” a gruff voice shouted. The face of the monster from under the bed squealed in pain.

“Be gone with you!” the voice said.

Michael could not believe his eyes. The Teddy bear from the attic was fighting the monster. He was wearing a cape and a breast plate and had a sword in one hand. Every time the monster would come at Michael the teddy bear would fend him off until the monster surrendered and finally retreated under the bed.

The Teddy bear huffed and puffed.

“Who are you?” Michael finally was able to speak again.

“I am Sir Theodore Edward Donald Dennis Yetman Bear. Sir Teddy Bear for short and I am at your service Michael,” he said bowing low leaning on his sword. For a moment Michael couldn’t understand what was happening.

“And what was that thing?” He asked.

“That was the monster under the bed. He comes out and terrorises little children and makes them afraid. I was made for an incredibly special purpose and that is to protect you at all costs,” He replied.

“I am sorry but why me?” Michael asked.

“Because I was created to protect the treasure and for years and years, I had waited to find the treasure that needed me,” The Teddy bear replied.

“Now its time for bed and you need a goodnight sleep for tomorrow,” the teddy bear said as he grabbed Michaels blanket and threw it over him.

Michael snuggled into his blankets.

“It’s ok Michael I am here now, and the monsters will never get you again,” the Teddy bear said sitting at the end of the bed.

And just like that Michael had awoken to a streaming of sun through the window. He looked around the room and everything was normal. He could not help but wonder if what happened last was a dream or not. He was just left in a daze.

Knock! Knock! Knock! On the bedroom door. It was Mum.

“Breakfast is ready! Oh and it seems you found him,” she remarked looking at the pillow next to me.

Sir Teddy Bear was tucked into the blankets snuggled up next to me. How he got there Michael has an idea.

“Mum whose was he?” Michael asked his mother.

“Well, he’s a family heirloom. Passed down from generation to generation. He was mine and before that he was my fathers and before that he was his father’s I’m fairly sure,” she said making her way downstairs.

Michael looked over at the bear and thought about everyone in his family that had owned this mystical bear at some point. He though about the events that happened last night and what could have happened if Sir Teddy bear was not there. He shivered at the thought and leapt off his bed and out the bedroom door.

From then on, Every night afterwards Michael never had nightmares, never was woken up by the scary monster hiding under his bed. Michael slept peacefully next to Sir Teddy Bear.


About the Creator

Rose Wright

I'm from a sunburnt country and find solace in the rain when it beats down. As if the world tells me to slow down and enjoy so when that time comes I submerse myself in fiction books, inventing stories and painting.

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