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Short horror stories

short horror stories

By JerryPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

1. A pair of parents hired a full-time nanny to take care of the children at home because of their busy work. After taking office, the nanny received a strange phone call for a few days. On the phone, there was a strange man's voice: "Someone wants to hurt the baby... " Then hang up. The nanny ran to the baby's room with a look of panic, but every time she found the baby sleeping peacefully in the cradle. Finally one day, after hanging up the phone, the nanny didn't go to the baby's room to check, just like the story of the wolf coming. But she couldn't take it anymore. She called the police and asked the police to locate the person. After a while, the police responded: Madam, the man's phone number...was called from inside the house...

2. I work in a mental hospital and recently in order to prevent patients from committing suicide, the hospital decided to replace all the door handles, but the only problem with these new door handles is that they often fail and get stuck, locking people in the room, usually It's the bathroom door handle that's the problem. One day, during a meeting in the hospital, we heard someone screaming at the end of the corridor, calling for help. After arriving in a hurry, we found that someone was locked in the bathroom by the doorknob. This person was slamming on the door and screaming. The voice should be a woman. We kept telling her to calm down across the door. At the same time, we were also going to open the door with the key from the outside, but the key didn't work for some reason. similar. We thought the maintenance department accidentally changed the door lock when changing the door handle. The woman in the bathroom was getting more and more hysterical, and we started to hear her slamming her body against the door. We immediately sent people to the maintenance department to find the master key, and at the same time, a few people were going to kick the door from the outside trying to kick the door open. We shouted to keep the woman away from the door, but all we could hear was the woman smashing walls, throwing things, and screaming in the bathroom. She was so scared that she couldn't even hear our voices. But suddenly, the bathroom fell into a dead silence, and there was no sound from the small bathroom. We were even more frightened. Everyone started to kick the door, but no matter how hard it was, it was of no use. Some people even wanted to find an axe. After a few minutes, the maintenance department finally came with the master key. But the strange thing is that as soon as he came to this door, he opened it by himself, and he didn't even need a key. We rushed in immediately... but it was empty. Everything was in place, as if nothing had happened. We searched every corner carefully but found nothing unusual. We immediately counted the number of people quickly and found that all the staff and patients were there, and there was no shortage of one.

3. A couple bought a middle-aged house with low price and impeccable conditions in all aspects. Not long after I started living, my husband found a red crayon in the corridor. The husband and wife did not have any children. Although the husband thought it was strange, he thought that it was probably left by the previous tenant, so he threw the crayons into the trash can. A few days later, the wife picked up the red crayon in the corridor again. The husband said to his wife in confusion, "I obviously lost it?" A few days later, the couple found red crayons in the corridor again. There should be no children around here, but this is indeed the same red crayon. The couple thought it was weird, so they began to investigate the vicinity where the crayon fell. After checking, there were traces of cement smeared on a wall near the crayon, so the couple invited workers to knock on the wall. Stinking. I looked at it with a flashlight, and the walls of the room were filled with red crayons... sorry mom let me out, sorry mom let me out, sorry mom let me out, sorry mom let me out, sorry mom let me out, mom sorry Sorry to let me out, sorry mom let me out, sorry mom let me out, sorry mom let me out, sorry mom let me out, sorry mom let me out I'm going out, Mom, I'm sorry to let me out...

4. I hate the dog in my neighbor's house. To be precise, it's not hate, it's hate. There is a big black dog that can bite my neck when it stands up. I don't know when the neighbors started raising it. I only know that every time I see it, it keeps barking at me as if it has rabies. The mad dog's voice was like the hysterical curse of a shrew, the sticky saliva kept pouring out of its mouth, the yellow teeth were extremely sharp, the dog's eyes were cloudy, and the dirty fur looked like the skin of a dead man. Disgusting. Several times, he almost jumped on me and killed me. When others pass by it, it lays on the ground and slumps, only when I pass by it will it stand upright. After negotiating with the neighbors several times to no avail, I couldn't bear it any longer. Finally, one night, I boiled a large pot of hot chili water, and while the neighbor fell asleep, I poured all my brains on it. Watching it roll all over the floor in pain, its eyeballs were burned, the skin on its body fell off, and it was smoking, not to mention how much hatred it was. When I got home, I whistled and walked into the bathroom to get rid of the odor from my body and it was all over. But at this moment, I saw in the mirror, standing silently behind me, a man in white with unkempt hair, white eyes staring at me. "That stinky dog ​​is dead. Every time it barks so loudly that I can't find your door."

5. I was on a small boat in the middle of the lake in the fog, they were slow, I could easily get rid of them Not only my family, it seemed that the whole town was not spared They surrounded the whole lake and they were silent stare at me I called the police but it was a few hours ago and I still hope that someone will come and they can't seem to swim The lake is very shallow and you can walk to my boat with no water on your shoulders I hope they don't realize it

6. The girlfriend I once loved left too suddenly, and her blood bloomed on the snow like roses when she died. He can't forget, tossing and turning every night, the pain is heart-piercing, often crying in a low voice in front of her grave. One day, he found a Taoist priest and wanted to see his girlfriend one last time and say goodbye. After the Taoist practice, he told him: at midnight tonight, at the park bench where they used to like to date, the soul of his girlfriend will come to see him. At midnight, he dressed up carefully. Under the dim street light, he was in a suit and leather shoes, holding her favorite flower in his hand. He looked at the newly bought watch on his hand. It was almost midnight, and his girlfriend was never late. But at this moment, he saw his girlfriend with unkempt hair, rushing towards him from the darkness with her bloody mouth open. He was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, his girlfriend's ghost was chasing after him, he got up, shouted, and ran away in terror. Looking at his disappearing figure, his girlfriend stopped and stood there. "Fool, don't think about me anymore..." Tears fell down her cheeks one after another.

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