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She Never Said 'Let Them Eat Cake'

Episode 3 In the After

By Carolyn F. ChrystPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Stocksnaps photo by Abhinav Goswami

Episode 3

Shelia could not stop smiling. She had discovered and blown up the local Insane groups’ insanely large arsenal. By herself she destroyed all that potential for hurting people. She kept seeing in her mind all the weapons in that decrepit barn on Bedbug Road. Bedbug Road had surprisingly well manicured crushed stone for having mostly empty and abandoned lots on both sides.

Shelia mused, “Got to give those Insane credit—a good hide-away really.”

Kenny was nestled into his favorite curl with his nose tucked under his tail and snoring softly. She patted Kenny gently not wanting to wake him, just wanting to love on him a little.

“Who knew blowing up stuff would make you so tired old boy.”

Shelia and Kenny drove a little ways down the nearly abandoned road. They came to the B and D Ranch. This was a hybrid of a members only county club + day spa + bed and breakfast + CSA food delivery + equestrian center organization. You would not know by driving past what this place was all about, except it was oddly “perfect” with manicured lawns, white fencing, white clapboard, pitch black roofing and all the outbuildings matched the house in design and detail. This property was out of character with the other monied estates that clearly evolved over time with miss-matched buildings and landscapes that were reflective of previous owners.

“That explains this perfect gravel road Kenny now doesn’t it.” She said giving him another quick pat.

Shelia pulled over to take a look at this place. The B and D Ranch’s simple sign was dangling by one o-ring. The windows on the first floor were all busted out. Broken bits of furniture were scattered about the front lawn. Fencing had been ripped down. Clearly a rage storm had passed this way. Secretly Shelia was happy, she liked it when the elitist got a smack down.

Rage storms were conducted by large numbers of the Insane. They gathered in flash mob fashion and choreographed the total destruction of any home or business that made them feel inferior or mocked. Shelia could see the barn doors were all open. She assumed the stalls had been emptied.

“Kenny, keep your eyes open for horses, cows and sheep.”

Shelia rousted Kenny, needing his eyes and sense of smell to help her navigate. She didn’t want to smash into any animals who were confused about what was happening to their routine. She moved the car slowly forward watching the edges and tree line very carefully.

Shelia came to paved highway county road 26. She realized they were near Fly Creek Cider Mill. This was one of her favorite spots in The Before. Every guest was taken there for an afternoon to eat at the cafe, feed the ducks and geese then shop in the general store gift shop. The grounds were littered with beautiful planters full of exotic flowers. She would often come here alone to alter a bad mood-it worked every time.

“Do you suppose it’s still running Kenny?”

Shelia decided to check it out. She turned the corner and saw the corn maze was completely trampled.

“Oh boy” she sighed out loud, “it seems the Insane are taking out everything in their path not just people and business they don’t like.”

She switched off the headlights and tried to navigate by feeling the edge of the pavement through the tires.

To her surprise the cider mill looked much like it always had with the exception of confederate flags and those weird yellow snake flags attached to every post and flower planter. She didn’t see any I-heart-the-waste-of-DNA flags. Shelia took that as a good sign. She shut off the engine and coasted into the parking lot. She silently drifted around the back of the building where the restrooms were. It was her turn to need to go something fierce.

She put Kenny on his leash and they slipped into the nearly pitch black bathroom. She had visited this establishment so many times she could find her way from memory fairly easily. She opened the stall door and a heavily accented voice cried out,

“Don’t kill me, please I didn’t do nothing.”

This literally scared the piss out of Shelia. Kenny bared his teeth and snarled at the threat.

The woman started crying and continued to beg for mercy. Shelia quickly realized that the voice was one of the young people the owners brought from the Islands every summer to work at the mill.

“What’s your name?” Shelia asked in a gentle voice.

“Camila, Camila Agusto”

“That is a lovely name, I’m Shelia, this is Kenny. Kenny is a good boy, he does exactly what I tell him to do. Do you understand?”

Camila nods her head, then barely says

“Yes, I understand.”

Kenny whines realizing that was it-no fight, not biting. He nuzzled Shelia’s leg to let her know he was ready and willing when duty called. She patted his head acknowledging his communication.

“So you work here?” asked Shelia.

“Yes” replied Camilia relaxing just a little.

"Do you have a locker room where you all get ready for work?” Shelia inquired. “ I need to clean up and get some dry clothes.” She said pointing to her pee stained pants.

“Yes” Camila led the way out and over to the online store/warehouse.

They went up a flight of stairs and came into a large room. Shelia saw rows of cots with foot lockers at each end resembling military barracks. There were taller, thin lockers like high school along the walls. At the back was a large public shower.

“This is where you all slept? Boys and girls?”

“Yes” Camila replied with her head hung low.

Shelia’s high opinion of Fly Creeks’ diversity program plummeted. This explained all the confederate flags, she thought. These sleeping quarters looked like a modern version of slavery.

Shelia had Kenny stand guard while she washed up and put on some clothes she found that fit well enough. She found a small portable reading light as well in one of the trunks. The room had no windows so she didn’t worry about the light giving them way.

While Shelia showered, Camila told her about the rage storm that swept through. They by-passed the mill because of the flags Mr. Michaels made them hang. He had put most of her friends on a bus and sent them to New York City, he gave them $200 dollars and plane tickets. He put his family in the cars and they followed the bus out. She was saying good by to the ducks and geese. She loved them so much, they reminded her of home and her family’s farm. She had to say good bye. The bus left without her. Several hours later the mob came through the mill waving clothes and bags she recognized. She knew that were all dead.

“Okay then, pack your clothes, and anything you can find in here that might be useful or that we can sell or trade. No crying until Albany-Okay?” Shelia said in a cold unemphatic tone.

She felt for the girl’s loss but there was no room to wallow in grief right now. They needed to keep their senses alert, keep focused on the now if they were to survive this.

“Okay” Camila responded in a flat disappointed tone. She thought her story would have caused more of an emotional response.

“Hey did the mob raid the kitchen? I’m hungry.” Asked Shelia.

“I don’t think so” replied Camila, a little surprised by the complete shift in thinking.

They headed across the lot to the cafe kitchen. They found a large roast beef and weck buns. They gave some roast beef to Kenny and made themselves a couple of sandwiches. They shared a bag of chips and loaded the rest of the chips into a box. They packed up all the boxed, jarred, and canned goods they found. Shelia was starting to worry about where this was all going to go.

“Not to worry, You trust me?” Asked Camila.

“I guess? I don’t really know you.” Shelia responded.

Camila left the cafe kitchen. Shelia kept packing. She heard an engine turn over and the rumble of a truck pull up. Camila had hot wired one of the older vehicles.

“We had one just like this back on the farm in Puerto Rico—Papa was to cheap to replace the starter so I learned how to start with just the wires.” Camila was smiling, being of use made her feel much better. Camila did not tell Shelia about the loaded rifle she found in her supervisors office when she was looking for keys to the truck. The rifle was loaded and ready to scare off coyotes or black bear that would come into the orchards and ponds looking for an easy meal. She taped the rifle up under the seat and stuffed her bra and pockets with ammunition.

Together they loaded up the car, then loaded the car into the back of the box truck. They loaded as much as they could around the car.

Shelia saw that there was a trailer hitch on the truck. She decided to head back up to the B and D ranch and get one of the animal trailers incase they came across a horse or cow. She knew that gasoline would be in short supply soon.

“Going Amish may be the only way to make it.” Shelia stated as they shoved the last box into the truck.

About the only thing left in the cafe was the giant chocolate sheet cake they found in the freezer. Written on the cake in yellow icing was “Happy 165th Anniversary to Fly Creek Cider Mill” Shelia heated a knife and sliced through the cake carving out two pieces. Each knew this might be the last taste of normal they would have for a long time. Even frozen, the cake was so damn good they had to have a second slice.

They toasted the mill with glasses of milk, “To the Micheal’s for bringing me to this happy place.” Camila said with glass raised high. “Here’s to another 165 years, God willing!” responded Shelia. They drank the rest of their milk and picked off some more cake.

“Well Lets get to Albany!” They headed out to the truck. Kenny jumped into the cab and found a nice nesting space behind the seats.

“Bye ducks I will miss you most!” Shelia and Camila said at the same time, out loud.

They looked at each other in surprise then busted out laughing. They both had chocolate icing all over there mouths from devouring the giant slices of cake. They were ready for whatever lay ahead on this road to safety. There was an awful lot of ground to cover in what was “normally” an hour and a half drive. Shelia wanted to avoid the Hellgates set up by the Insane on the major roads. Camila would be in major danger at these checkpoints.

Camila petting Kenny’s head said, “You know she never said ‘Let them eat cake.’ They killed her anyway.”

Shelia had no idea it was her own life that was in grave danger now.

This is a series developed from the Summer Challenge prompts.

The places are real, the story and people are entirely fictional. Below are episodes one and two of In the After


About the Creator

Carolyn F. Chryst

Has had an eclectic life — Waitress, Actress, Zoo Curator, Story Teller, Poet, Exhibit Designer, Writer, Farmer and Educator.

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