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A Story About A Shark...And His Boy

By Neville NicolPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

The Munsons live in Lititz, Pennsylvania. John Munson works as an Insurance Salesman and his wife Judy, is a part time Florist. Together they have a month of vacation every summer. They work hard to save up for their special time with their little boy Jimmie, 6 years old. This summer, the plan is to rent a houseboat in Florida and live out on the ocean, get some fresh sea air, away from televisions, cellphones and the noise of cars and people, and maybe catch a few fish.

So they have a big houseboat rented, 2 rooms inside with a kitchen and couch, and bar. Jimmie has never been out on the ocean before. They get out away from land and they tell Jimmie "son, always wear your life vest on the boat because you can't swim yet and you might drown!" "Drown?", Jimmie says, "alright Dad".

One early evening, as they finished supper on the boat from a few good items they brought out with them. The Munsons were stretching out on the far end of the boat, John with a beer and Judy a glass of wine, staring at the sunset, Jimmie was at the opposite end, playing with his toy boat he brought along with him. Reaching over the end of the boat and putting it in the water, making puttering motor nosies "Ppppputtttt!". He turned to look back as he thought he heard someone calling but it was nothing, Jimmie discovered that he let go of his boat, and it was now floating just out of reach. He wasn't wearing his safety vest as he took it off briefly because it was preventing him from reaching his toy. He reached out a little too far and fell in the water!. "Help!!!, Mommy!! Daddy?!!!" They couldn't hear him, nobody was coming as the boat was floating farther away. Jimmie was flailing his arms, twisting and turning but it was no use. Just as he was about to give up and go under, all of a sudden, something picked him up and brought him gently to the side of the boat where the ladder was, Jimmie climbed back in the boat. Looking back he saw a fin sticking out of the water. "Thank you Mr. Fish!" Jimmie said "Hey! are you a Shark?" " I'm going to call you Sharkie!!" "Come back and play, sometime". Jimmie's Dad came by to check on Jimmie and he said " Jimmie! Why are you soaking wet? Were you not wearing your vest like I told you?" "I'm sorry Dad" he said, but " I was trying to get my toy and Sharkie saved me! He's a real Shark Dad!! I called him Sharkie, he's my friend! He put me back on the boat" his father didn't know what to make of it. He just shrugged it off as a child's imagination.

The next day, it was early afternoon, the family was having lunch together. It had been a fairly uneventful day. When John looked out he could see a fin sticking out of the water. It was circling around the boat in a wide circle, not real close. Jimmie noticed his father searching for something, then he saw it. "MOM, DAD!!! It's Sharkie!!! He's come back to play with me!!!!" Without warning, Jimmie who was wearing his safety vest this time ran and jumped Into the water, his parents were mortified!! "Jimmie, No!!!" They called for help but there was no cell service that far out from the shore. Jimmie was having the time of his life riding on Sharkie's back holding on to his fin. They travelled far into the ocean and met his shark friends who all loved Jimmie and took turns doing tricks for him. Jumping out of the water and throwing Jimmie into the air and catching him "Weeee! This is so cool!!!!" When Jimmie was tired, he said "Thanks Sharkie, I have to go back now, my Mom and Dad are probably looking for me" so Sharkie brought Jimmie back to boat, John and Judy see how Sharkie safely carried Jimmy and they're astonished! They can't believe what they're seeing!. Jimmie is brought back to the boat safe and sound as his mother dries her eyes from crying. "Thanks Sharkie, that was fun! See you tomorrow!" Sharkie does a flip and he slowly swims away. "THANK YOU SHARKIE! for bringing our son back!!!" Said Jimmie's father.

The next day, Sharkie comes back, Jimmie asks " Mom can I play with Sharkie!?" "Uh...OK Jimmie but only for an hour, we're going into the city to do some shopping" "OK Mom!". John talks to Sharkie and says "Hey Sharkie we need Jimmy back in an hour ok?" Sharkie flips his tail in agreement.

Sharkie and Jimmie go our for spin. They go close to the beach where some swimmers are and give them a scare!!! Jimmie laughs so hard he almost falls off Sharkie!. "Let's Do it again!".

An hour is almost done so Sharkie heads back to the boat and drops Jimmie off just In time. "Hi Sharkie" says his father, "Hey Sharkie!" His mother says, who is now fully trusting in Sharkie as he always keeps his promises. Sharkie in fact now became like a member of the family.

Days go by and Sharkie and Jimmie have fun, making the most of summer vacation. Then one day, Sharkie picks up Jimmie but he is downhearted. Sharkie senses something is wrong. Jimmie pouts, "summer holidays is almost over in three days and Mom and Dad say we have to leave as i have to go to school soon, I hate school". Sharkie doesn't like this, he rushes back to drop Jimmie back at the boat and then leaves.

Two days go by and no Sharkie. Jimmie was sad, "Why won't Sharkie come and play, Mom? Why?" The next day the family packs up everything and prepares to head back to the docks. The summer holidays are coming to and end for the Munsons. Just as they are about to head back, John sees something in the water. It's a fin, Sharkies back!!!! "Mom can I go with Sharkie one more time to say goodbye?!" "Well alright Jimmie but only for a few minutes".

Jimmie hops on and off Sharkie and Jimmie go. They go so far our Jimmies parents can't see them. After two hours, they don't come back. They begin to worry and ask someone floating by if can use their radio they can call the Coast Guard for the search.

The next day, there is a wide ocean search and helicopters are brought in for any signs of Jimmie. After several hours, nothing is found. John and Judy Munson, after exhausting every avenue of hope but the authorities presume Jimmie is dead. His parents are forced to go back to Litits, Pennsylvania and somehow get on with their lives. They try counseling, they try everything but both of them dealing with loss of their little boy was too much and they separate. Both find other spouses and new lives.

Meanwhile, in an Ocean off the Florida coast, with other fish life and fauna, is a happy Shark named Sharkie, and there he lives a happy satisfying life with his best friend forever, a little boy named Jimmie. A story about a Shark...and his boy.


About the Creator

Neville Nicol

I'm a beginning writer. Never written since high school. I've written a few songs, but decided to try my creativity in new ways at age 49.

I live in Swift Current, Saskatchewan Canada, a city of about 17000 people.

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    Neville NicolWritten by Neville Nicol

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