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Man is the slave of life. Servility covers people's eternal day with abuse, and drowns people's night with blood and tears.

By tomjonePublished about a year ago 4 min read

Seven thousand years have passed since I was born, and all I have seen are tame slaves and prisoners in chains.

I've been all over the world. Along the way, I have seen both light and darkness, from people living in caves to people living in modern buildings. But so far all I see are heads bent under the weight of the burden, hands chained and knees kneeling before idols.

I followed people from Babylon to Paris, from Nineveh to New York. Everywhere I see the marks of manacles beside the footprints in the sand, and the forests and valleys repeat the groans of the ages.

I went into palaces and schools and temples and stood before thrones and dais and altars. Everywhere I have seen it: the worker is the slave of the merchant, the merchant is the slave of the soldier, the soldier is the slave of the ruler, the ruler is the slave of the cure, the cure is the slave of the idol, and the idol is the illusion of the devil, the ghost of the Skull Hill.

I went into the mansions of the great and into the cottages of the poor. I have been to mansions decorated with ivory and gold, and to the chambers where hopeless spirits and death congregated. I see servility in infants from infancy, children learning to obey as they read, little girls dressed in garments lined with meekness and softness, women lying on couches of humiliation and obedience.

I have walked with generations of people from the Congo River to the Euphrates, to the mouth of the Nile, to the hills of Sinai, to the squares of Athens, to the churches of Rome, to the narrow streets of Constantine, to the tall buildings of London. I have seen servility always go hand in hand with honor and dignity. I saw young men and women sacrificed on the altar, servility honored as God; Pour out wine and perfume to praise slaves as rulers; They burn incense before a slave icon and consider him a prophet; To kneel down before him, to serve him as the golden rule. Driven by servility, people kill each other, but call this act patriotic, people bow down before servility, saying that servility is the shadow of God falling on the earth; People obey slavish desires to burn houses and destroy villages, but say this is equality and friendship; People devote all their energy and time to servility, saying it is wealth and management...

Slavery has many names, but only one essence, it has many forms, but the interior is always the same. Servility -- a condition with many symptoms that dates back to ancient times; Children bear it with life from their fathers; The years sow it in the soil of the age, and then harvest, as in one season of the year harvest the fruits of another season.

This is the grotesque form of servility that I have encountered.

Blindness -- it links today's life to that of our parents' past; It forces people to bow before the traditions of the heart; It fills young bodies with old spirits, turning them into tombs of ashes and decay.

Dumb servility, which allocates men to detestable women and turns women into bedclothes for men she detests; He looked like he was wearing a shoe too narrow, and she looked like a straw shoe under her dirty feet.

Deaf servility - it forces people to conform to the tastes of the crowd, to paint their favorite colors, to wear their favorite clothes, it turns their voices into echoes, and their bodies into shadows.

The servility of the lame, which compels the strong to bow before the hands of impostors; To bend their will to the eccentricities of careerists; It turns them into random machines.

The servility of white hair, which pushes the hearts of children from sunlit heights into the abyss of pain; Where poverty and ignorance wander side by side, humiliation and despair are neighbors; Children grow up in misery, live in sin, and die of their fetishes.

Spotted servility - it doesn't buy things for what they are worth and doesn't call them what they are. It calls fraud wise, and talk wise; It says weakness is meek, cowardice is majestic.

The servility of the looped foot - it uses intimidation to force the weak to run their tongues. The duplicitous words and the unnatural wishes are like rags to be tossed about by poor hands.

The servility of the hunchback - it rules by the laws of one group of men over another.

The servility of ringworm - it bestows the crown on the descendants of emperors.

Black servility - it spells out sinners and innocent children.

Servility for servility's sake - this is the force of inertia.

When I am tired of following generation after generation, when I am tired of watching the bustle of men, I sit alone here in the ghost, and look forward to the hour of my birth. Here I see a pale ghost, staring at the sun, wandering alone. I asked him, "Who are you? What's his name?" He replied, "My name is -- Freedom." I said, "Where are your children?" He replied, "A sacrifice on a cross. One got sick and died. The third is not yet born."

The ghost disappeared into the mist.

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