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Say What !?!

Happy Halloween to you Too!

By T. CoxPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
The woods before sunset

The cabin in the woods had been abandoned for years, but one night, a candle burned in the window. Let me tell you how we stumbled upon the most horrific place I have ever encountered. Our car had broken down along a dirt road. My boyfriend said he used to play in these woods and knew his way around them. I should have known that his memory was not what it used to be because I was the one that pointed out that we had seen the same rock 3 times. It felt like we had been walking for hours. I asked him how big were these woods? He said because so many of the places had been abandoned and torn down they were more dense than they used to be. I finally told him to stop so I could see if I could get a cellphone signal. No such luck. The sun was beginning to set and the air was getting cooler. I had a light weight jacket on but I knew it wasn't going to hold up overnight if we couldn’t find a place to go. He said there were no animals in the woods. I thought to myself there are always animals in the woods. I didn’t even have a granola bar to snack on. My nerves were on edge the later it got. I was in the front and my boyfriend was behind me, now that I think of it that was weird. I mean he wasn’t a manly man but was he trying to sacrifice me if something happened ? So after the 3rd time around the woods, I told him we should go a different route. As we walk around in the woods I start to hear wrestling in the bushes, I scream and my boyfriend takes off running. Really? A bunny comes out of the bushes and hops on its way. I yell his name and he turns around and comes back towards me, the only thing I can do is roll my eyes. I keep trekking on until I see the light in a window and my boyfriend tells me he thought the cabin was deserted still. As we walk up the stairs they creak and I knock on the door, you can tell that no one is taking care of the exterior because it is well worn and there are vines growing all over. There is no answer so I knock again. This time I hear a faint sound and I call out “Hello”. I hear moaning. I look back at my boyfriend and he just shrugs his shoulders. I tell him maybe someone is hurt. I try the door knob and it is unlocked. I peek inside and don’t see anyone but I hear the moaning still. I open the door wider and moaning and mumbling. As I tiptoe to the first room I peek inside and don’t see anyone but the smell is horrid. I go to the second room and peek inside and I see a leg sticking out from underneath the cover. I open the door and before I can say anything I scream and puke at the same time. There is so much blood on the walls and bedding. I back out of the room and trip over my boyfriend. He falls and I hear the mumbling stop and footsteps coming from somewhere in the house. I turn to him and yell “RUN”! He turns to run but there is a man in black blocking the door. We both are looking around for something to fight with or a way out. I did realize before the windows were covered with metal sheeting. We can’t find anything and this guy is huge. He has blood on his hands and starts running towards us. We run the opposite way but there are just more doors. Some of them are locked, we know what is in the first two. This place is crazy as I turn to look behind me. I trip and that causes my boyfriend to fall as well. We fall through the floor and it appears into a basement. I hurt my arm and my boyfriend appears to be unconscious. This is all we need. I can see the shadow of the man above. I don’t know how we can get out of here. It seems we are further down than a basement. This room has a dirt floor and I can smell mildew or water. I can’t see much so I take out my cell phone and shine the light. It looks like there is a small crawl space. As I crawl over to it, I hear the door above creak open. I hear men talking about what happened to us. I also heard one say let’s get out of here.

The door closes and I don’t hear any movement. I shake my boyfriend and he moans awake. I see the knot on the front of his head. I tell him about the crawl space. We crawl over to it and we find it is a tunnel. The tunnel is long and dark. We finally come out to the dirt road we where our car is parked. We see the Sheriff has just pulled up behind it. I yell for him and he comes over to our rescue as I start talking to him. I notice my boyfriend is really quiet. I asked him if he was okay and then he decided to spill the truth. He disabled my car so that we would go through the woods to a haunted house that his buddies told him about. He just didn’t figure that we would get injured in the process. I scream and yell at him and needless to say we are not together anymore.


About the Creator

T. Cox

I've been writing for years off and on poetry, fiction, and romance stories. I've decided it's now or never. You have to put your toes in the water to know the temperature.

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