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Satori and the Town of Great Fortune

Follow Your Intuition.

By Anthony Weir Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 9 min read
Majestic and Prophetic.

The black dragon of magnanimity hermetically concealed itself amongst the tall trees. It observed the small boy alone in the middle of the forest and strategically followed the youngster as he continued to walk on the outskirts of the mysterious town called “Great Fortune.”. The Alchemist named Nirva gave these orders. After vigilantly watching, It suddenly flew right beside the boy.

“Come follow me,” said the enormous dragon to the child.

Although surprised, the boy was not afraid. He obeyed, climbing on top of the giant wings of the otherworldly creature. Together they flew into the city of Great Fortune, soaring over the pearly gates and abnormally seized black panther.

Satori drove up to the entrance of the small town looking for his little cousin as their pet caracal purred in the backseat, snuggled in a blanket, scent filled with the child’s aroma. The city was no ordinary community but was called the town of "Great Fortune.” It was a place where people journeyed worldwide in hopes of finding riches. His little cousin had told him about his dreams about the city, which had occurred for three days straight. His young relative wanted to go there. Satori and his cousin had lived together since they were babies. His young relative had always had an inquisitive nature and seemed to predict bizarre events. Satori had stepped out temporarily to grab dinner for them when his cousin snuck off despite his wishes. Satori's parents were also away on a couples retreat, giving his curious relative the perfect opportunity to run off and explore the mysterious town close by, only separated by a rumored spell bounded forest. However, he still hadn't returned.

It was now 7 pm, and after 6 pm, you could not leave or enter the community unless you were a resident, for it closed itself down to the outside world. The town was well guarded. It was only one way in and one way out; an enormous heaven-like gate patrolled by two officials and an oversized black Panther. Everything about the town was mystical. As Satori walked up to the gate seeking to enter the thresholds of the town, surprisingly, no one stopped him. The guards actually greeted him. Satori could also sense the militancy of the Panther, but even the majestic creature seemed to have welcoming eyes. A magical feeling of wholeness came over him. His usually loud caracal was also quiet. It laid out in the grass, waiting patiently for Satori to proceed. The town oozed with wizardry. He also noticed a winged creature watching him from a nearby infrastructure. Satori had never seen any animal with its stature. It then flew away, disappearing into the illuminated; orange skies.

"Have you seen a little boy with a gold pendant"? Satori asked one of the residents; as he continued to make his way around the town.

"Hmm, no," replied the stranger, who proceeded to go about their business.

Satori became increasingly anxious but wasn't necessarily fearful. He knew his little cousin was resourceful. As he roamed around talking to each resident, his eyes surveyed the oddly shaped buildings and colorful street lights that beamed onto the avenues. It was as if he were in a never-ending daze. His pet caracal, usually bouncy and energetic, seemed subdued by the town's mysticism. However, his pet still appeared focused and vigilant. "You're always ready to spot danger or an opportunity, aren't you?" He said to his charming feline companion. Suddenly Satori's hairs on the back of his neck stood up, and his intuition guided his eyes. He saw an abnormal mushroom-shaped castle with bright string lights around its infrastructure. He again saw the winged creature staring at him from the top of the palace. For some odd reason, Satori was not alarmed. He took this as an omen to proceed into the castle.

The Mushroom Kingdom of Nirva

The palace was huge and seemed to have many floors. A beautiful young woman sat at a table singing an enchanting and mesmerizing tune. She stopped when she saw Satori.

"Who are you"? She inquired.

"My name is Satori. My little cousin wandered into this town a little earlier. A short boy with a gold pendant," he responded.

She paused and became silent, then smiled. "Is the name Baruch?”

Asked; the woman.

"Yes"! Exclaimed Satori.

She had a black cat that circled his caracal, studying it. The two creatures locked eyes and then began to play. Satori felt relaxed.

"Your cousin is remarkable; he has the uncanny ability to interpret dreams, which are the language of the universe and subconscious. It brought him here. This town is for people with introspective sight. You are also unique in that you were able to enter without opposition. It is as if your destiny brought you here. Our precautious Panther can read spirit signatures and become quite agitated if it senses something malicious. If you were left alone, it means purity of one soul. Our guards are also clairvoyant. They must have sensed something special about you as well. Your family member is in this palace. However, if you want to pass, you must solve a riddle”, presented the attractive woman.

"I am always in front of you, but you will never see me. What am I?" Asked the beautiful woman.

Satori dissected the question. He repeated it to himself several times, still unable to figure it out. He attempted to clear his mind; however, his mind envisioned his aunt and also his cousin’s mother. She passed away when his cousin was a tot. She was a vibrant and lively woman. No one predicted her death. His cousin did perceive she was sick before anyone else through his frequent premonitions. Unfortunately, even his uncanny ability had limits. He wasn’t always spot on and often saw an incomplete picture of events. They never played out every time as he imagined. Ever since his aunt’s death becoming a doctor became Satori’s goal. He wanted to learn about human anatomy. Not only cure diseases but prevent them. His mind drifted to the necessary steps needed; to make his plans a reality. His aunt’s death was a constant reminder that not a single person could predict the exact events of tomorrow, so it was imperative to make every day count.

"No matter how well I plan, there will always be unseen events and obstacles in the future, but I am ready for anything, " he thought.

"Future"? Satori repeated, observing his caracal play with the black cat.

"Who would have thought you would become my travel buddy? I hated you when my aunt first brought you around. Like why not a cat or a dog? You were always hissing at me, but now you and I are inseparable. If someone were to tell me that you would become my pal, I would undoubtedly have called them nuts. We really can't predict the future," he laughed.

"Future," Satori repeated to himself again.

"That's the answer to the riddle. The answer is the future!” He yelled excitedly.

"Correct," replied the charming lady.

"Frequently, the answer to our questions is hidden within the subconscious. Some people call for mediation; I call for self-reflection because no specific technique enables this. It is all up to the individual; how to access esoteric knowledge within themselves. Furthermore, people often work towards their plans deluding themselves of the future or what it might have in store. We can visualize our aspirations; however, we must acknowledge that we can never completely control what we encounter on our journey toward our goals. The universe will test our will and bring together resources to assist our journey or seemingly disrupt it. The setbacks give us opportunities to study our weaknesses. We can then push forward with newfound strengths and vigor needed to succeed," she explained.

"A person that can work towards their future while being completely present is grounded. That person can handle anything life offers, the bad and the good," she concluded.

Satori smiled and was thankful for meeting the woman. He thought about all the times he attempted to manipulate events in life and was misled by its unexpected twists and turns. Ultimately, he realized the truth in what the woman said and surmised this chance encounter would aid his growth.

"Your cousin is on the third floor, speaking with our shaman," said the woman.

"Before I go, what is your name?” Asked Satori. "Nya, I'm sure I will see you again," she replied. Satori nodded and proceeded to the third floor.

Aesthetically Charming

Satori stumbled upon a room filled with gold brassed accents and black velvet furniture. It was a simple but elegant space, aesthetically charming. There was also an open balcony with surreal scenery of the town of Great Fortune, which led to a dazzling view of a floating garden. Eggplants, cucumbers, strawberries, blueberries, cherries, and other citrus fruits filled the air with a sweet fragrance. Satori could also see leafy greens that he could not identify. He then saw his cousin in the kitchen.

"Baruch, there you are! I finally found you. Your lucky mom and dad are away, or we both would be in a lot of trouble," he shouted.

Baruch attempted to speak, but an older gentleman came out of another room holding a pot of soil. He caught both of their attention.

"No need to worry," spoke the gentleman.

“It was; written; that he would come here and that, I would meet you. My name is Nirva. I am what these people call a shaman. Some people call me an Alchemist, but you can call me Dr. Nirva", said the man.

His pet caracal walked up to the man and snuggled around his legs purring. Satori lightened up a bit. The man had an inviting presence, and he was secretly inspired to meet a Doctor.

"It's just he's been gone for quite some time. I told him to stay put. I was worried," explained Satori.

"As you should be, but I assure you, he was in good hands. Like my friend Gaea, your cousin is a messenger of fates. His destiny is to lead people to their kismet”. Explained the man. Baruch smiled.

“Gaea? Who is that?” Asked Satori.

“I am pretty sure you have met him as well. Most beings know him as the owl of destiny. Gaea often takes on the forms of many different entities. His favorite and most ancient form is a dragon. I have grown accustomed to him as an owl. You know owls are wise but fierce creatures! Exclaimed the man.

"I never told you my complete dream; I was scared you would not believe me. In my dream, you met a doctor who taught you about science in this town. The dragon Gaea appeared to me in my recurring dreams. He didn’t speak; but led me here," Baruch explained.

"So I hear you love to help people; that is my specialty. Medicine is much more than pills and remedies that temporarily lessen ailments you know. You must learn that all pharmaceuticals in modern society derive from plants. Different herbs and even fruits can be combined, in threes, to cleanse the body and cure any illness. I will teach about the body's organs and their relations to different plants if you want. I will also show how to synchronize the body with nature for optimum results. How much you eat, how much sun you get, and how well you sleep are just some of the many components that lead to good health. You can still study and learn modern medicine, merging the two differing philosophies. Test and see what works. Broaden your knowledge that someday it may surpass mine. I think I know the answer, but do you accept"? Nirva asked Satori.

"Of course. When do we start?" Satori replied excitedly.

"In three days, we will begin. Go ahead and take your cousin home. Map out your schedule. Every other day, we will have 2-hour sessions where I will guide you in the arts of metaphysics and its relation to the human body and the natural world. Most people don't know this secret, but health and spirituality go hand in hand with well-being. Bring Baruch as well; he will significantly aid this town. Lastly, tomorrow you will travel with Gaea; to a kingdom in the middle of the earth, where you will sign my decree of good faith. It is an agreement that you will never use your knowledge for evil or perverse outcomes. Now go. I will see you in three days”! Said Nirva excitedly.

Satori checked his watch and realized they needed to get home before their parents returned. So they said their farewells and headed towards the majestic gates. The guards wished them safe travels, and the gigantic panther licked his pet caracal affectionately. As they drove home Satori pondered how Ludacris the day had been; nonetheless, he was beyond enthusiastic.

“This is how legends begin,” he thought.

Satori was elated at the prospect of seeing Nya again. Gaea watched from a distance; as their car disappeared into the night.

“This is just the beginning,” Gaea said out loud.

AdventureMysteryShort StoryFable

About the Creator

Anthony Weir


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