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Sally loves Tommy

Young Hearts in Love

By T. K. WilsonPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 12 min read
Sally loves Tommy
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Sally always felt safe in Tommy's warm embrace, and tonight was no different. Her mind wandered to the first day they met. She was late for class, running down the hall and ran right into him. Not hard enough to knock him down, but hard enough to send her books and papers flying everywhere. Tommy was apologizing and picking up as much as he could. When his brown eyes met her blue eyes, it was love at first sight!! Neither of them believed in that kind of thing, so they brushed it off right away. "There is no need for you to apologize, I ran over you. It is I who apologizes to you, kind sir." Sally giggled as she curtsied. "I sure hope we got everything and you're not too late for class, my lady" Tommy followed her lead and bowed deep. They both laughed and shook hands. "Hi, I'm Sally Rollins and I have never seen you around. I thought I knew most everyone here at MTSU." "I am Tommy White and I am VERY pleased to make your acquaintance! I've only been here a couple weeks and most of my classes are across campus. I was over here looking to possibly see about getting into a new English class. The professor and I have already clashed where I am." "How cool. I was just heading to Miss Leach's room . Trust me, she is NOT what her name sounds like...wait and see. Come with me!" said Sally. Tom took all of the heavy books from Sally and let her carry the files and papers, so that she could sort through them while he spoke to Miss Leach. After class, Tommy was still standing in the hallway waiting for Sally. He wanted to help her carry her load and asked if they could go have a cup of coffee and get to know each other. She said, "Abso-freakin'-lutely!!" He thought that was hilarious and the rest is history.....

Well, not your history, my kind reader, so I will tell you more. :-) Tommy was the nicest boy Sally had ever met. He held doors open, pulled out her chair, and even helped her with her coat. Just like an old school gentleman. "Apparently, chivalry is not dead!" she mentioned the first time he opened the car door on their first date. "Absolutely not! I mean, abso-freakin'-lutely not!" he laughed. He then took her to a quiet, well-lit mom & pop place for dinner. So that they could talk and get to know each other while actually seeing other, was what he said. But, as they finished dinner, he asked the waiter to have the cook come out, please. Out came this very tall, well-dressed man. He introduced himself, "Hello Sally. I am Thomas White, SR. This young man that you just had dinner with is my son, Tommy." "Oh my God!" Sally thought "He has brought me to meet his dad on the first date??? That's a little fast!" Just as the thought formed in her mind, Tommy said, "I know this seems forward, but he insisted! He told me there was nowhere that would treat you right and feed you good, except his place! I told him that I would bring you here, but he was supposed to stay in the kitchen!" Tommy gave his dad a look and continued, "When we got here there was a note on my napkin that said that there would be a scene if I didn't introduce the two of you. I apologize." "Once again, you have apologized when there is no need. I think it is very nice that you told your father about US, even before our first date." Sally rolled her eyes and looked at his dad. "Are you the one who taught him chivalry?" Thomas said, "Yes ma'am " and bowed as deep as Tommy had the first day they met, which was only a week ago, but she already felt she had known him forever. "I will forgive you both THIS time. But don't let it happen again!" Sally laughed, so both men knew all was good. "See dad, I told you!" "No, son, I told YOU, that if she was anything like you said, she would fit!" Sally blushed, "Thank you for saying so, Mr. White. I hope I live up to all of that." Tommy said, "You already have!" and played with her feet under the table. "Now you two younguns get to your next destination while the night is still young!" urged Thomas. Tommy jumped up and held Sally's chair and Thomas took Sally's hand as she offered it in a handshake and pulled her into a hug. "Sorry, I'm a hugger!" said Thomas. "I guess you are the one Tommy gets his habit apologizing for the wrong things." She laughed and winked at Tommy, who blew her a kiss. She fell even more in love!

"So, where to next?" asked Sally. "You will see when we get there was the only answer she got. He asked her questions to take her mind off of it and the next thing she knew, they were pulling up to the hottest dance club around. How did he know that she loved to dance?? He looked at her and said, "I hope you like to dance. I knew I wanted to dance with you the very first time I looked into your eyes a week ago." Sally blushed, grabbed Tommy's hand and said, "LET'S GO!!" They danced every dance. Never even looked for a table. After a couple fast dances, Tommy led her up to the DJ and handed him a piece of paper. The next song started, "this is our song", Tommy said. As he took her into his arms, the song "I Only Have Eyes for You" began to play. She loved that song! She loved the way that Tommy moved them around that dance floor! Sally loves Tommy!!

The next weekend, Sally's parents got tired of hearing about this Tommy fellow without meeting him. They talked Sally into inviting him to Sunday dinner. Sunday dinner was a big thing at Sally's. She always had to be there at one sharp and dinner would be on the table. Mom would always start a big roast or turkey. (once she even did a couple ducks to be different....turned into an ugly story! You do NOT want to hear about that!) Anyway, she would start it just before they walked across the yard to the church. Dad would already be there, gathering his "flock", as he called them. Sally's sister and step-brother would walk over for Sunday School and their Mom followed when dinner was started and safe from burning down the house. As service let out, her mom would go back home, dragging Sally with her this time. "I expect you to do some of the work, since you do have a guest coming. And it is high time you start cooking more on your own. You do the mashed potatoes and green beans and I will do the corn on the cob and gravy." "Yes, mom" agreed Sally and so it was.

At 12:55 there was a knock on the door and Sally ran to it, to get to Tommy before anyone else could. "Just be yourself and they will love you!" she told him. He had brought a small bouquet of forget-me-nots in a small vase for the table. Sally introduced him to everyone as she placed the flowers on the table. Her dad hadn't gotten home from church yet, so they waited for him to say grace. Five minutes after one, he came huffing through the door, upset about something. He asked to see his wife in the kitchen. You could hear raised voices, then mom seemed to calm him down. As they entered the dining-room, her mom apologized for the delay and introduced her husband to Tommy. Sally's dad gave him a look that she wasn't quite sure of, but then he sat down and everyone held hands and closed their eyes as he blessed the food and every one at the table. He finished and everyone said Amen. He looked at Tommy and asked, "Do you go to church, young man? I noticed you didn't say Amen." Tommy spoke up and said, "I was still in awe of your blessing and didn't know your family's routine. It will never happen again, sir. And yes, sir, I do go to church every Sunday morning. I'm actually a member of our choir." Sally's father eased up a little and he began to serve the roast onto plates and pass them around the table. Then he took a healthy helping of each side and passed that bowl around. Tommy began tasting every thing as he put it on his plate. Sally's dad bellowed, "Have you NO manners, young man?!?" Tommy stuttered, "You said blessing, didn't you?" "YES, but we wait for each other to get our first helping and then we all eat. Second helpings are then first come, first served, like civilized humans! What jungle did you come from?" "Excuse me. please," started Tommy as he stood, "I am so sorry, Sally, but I cannot stay here any longer. Mrs. Rollins, I want to thank you very much for inviting me to your table and cooking such a fine dinner. I wish I could finish with you, but I am afraid your husband has already judged me and I only have one judge, so I will never defend myself to any other judge. Have a good night!" And he turned and walked out. Sally was livid. "How could you be like that? Haven't you always taught us to love our neighbor as ourselves?" "But he's not our neighbor, Sally!" her father replied. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!!", Sally screamed as she slammed the door behind her. Tommy heard the door slam as he was driving away, so he stopped and got out of the car to make sure all was alright. "Go have your dinner with your family. I will be ok and I will see YOU tomorrow!" Sally looked into his eyes and said, "You are my only family!! The only way for my thick headed father to see the error in his ways, is for US to make it official! We are both adults. I KNOW I never want to live another day without you! Oh my God, when you introduced me to your dad on our first date and I loved him too. I thought that was very bold and kind of a rush on things, but now it is my turn to be bold and rush." Sally got down on her knee and asked,"Tommy White, will you take me as your wife forever?" Tommy picked her up into his arms and kissed her. "Is that a yes?" she giggled. "Under one condition, you never tell anybody that you proposed! I have a reputation to uphold" :-) he also added, "And I am not taking the name Rollins. You have to take the name White. deal?" "DEAL!" Sally squealed. But only if we go in together and get the rings tomorrow and do it quiet this weekend. We will figure all of that out tomorrow. Pick me up early!" "OK, go back in so he doesn't have anything else to judge me on" He kissed her and drove away. Sally had nothing else to say to her dad, so she went to her room to start making the plans.

A little later there was a knock at the door. "Come in, Mom." she had always been able to tell her mother's timid knock. She peeked her head into the door and asked, "Aren't you hungry?" "Bring it on in", Sally replied. As she ate her mother began to apologize for her father's behavior. "You can't smooth this one over for him, Mom. He went too far with that remark! It was rude, racist and unchristian!" her mother gasped and slapped Sally. Sally was completely shocked. "well, I guess if you will go that far to defend him, I will get my things moved out tomorrow!" Sally mother began crying and ran from the room. Sally ate and went to bed. She would take the plate down and wash it when she was done packing her things in the morning.

The next morning, she was awake at sunrise. She packed all of her clothes into her suitcases and found a small box to pack her remaining items. She was kinda surprised at what little she had. She thought, "even starting with nothing, Tommy and I have love and we have faith in each other. We can accomplish ANYTHING!" She took her dinner plate to the kitchen, washed, dried and put it away. There was a knock at the door and she hugged Tommy SO tight when she opened it and saw him. "Are you ok?" he asked, "He didn't hurt you, did he?" "No!" She responded. "I didn't even speak to him when I came back in. But my mother came in and tried to apologize for him. I refused her apology and said a few other things. She slapped me too, defending him. I have packed my things! Will you help me carry them out and find a place for me to go for a while?" "Abso-freakin'-lutely!!" he responded as he hugged her to help her feel better. "Have I told you today that, I LOVE YOU, Tommy White?" "You have now" he said as they went upstairs to her room and were able to carry it all in one trip between the 2 of them. Apparently, no one in the house heard them or they didn't want to hear them, because no one even tried to stop her. But as they drove away, Sally saw her mom and dad step out on the front porch and watch her drive away.



About the Creator

T. K. Wilson

I've always told my true event stories to friends, but decided to try my hand at writing fiction. Wish me luck and give me any support that you think I might deserve! Even if it is a read and subscribe to read more... THANK YOU :-)

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