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Rosie's Pain

Lost Love and a dark secret

By Cyanide StitchPublished 2 years ago 26 min read

I watch as small red drops begin to surface as I glide the blade slowly along my fair skinned arm, opening a scar along the way.

I stare down at the fresh cuts as blood drops escape the small wounds.

“Rosie, time for school” I hear my mum a slim woman with brown shoulder-length hair and brown eyes shout up from the kitchen.

I quickly wipe my arm and pull down the sleeve of my black ripped school jumper, taking a quick look in the mirror, I fluff my long black hair into something a bit more presentable, my Hazel eyes like blank wholes to my dead soul. I grab my backpack and run down the stairs, I rush to the front door when my mum stops me.

“Aren’t you having breakfast love?” She asks you can practically hear the begging in her voice.

“No, I’ll just get something at school” I reply, rushing past her and out the door.

I run down the road just in time for the school bus, stepping on it’s like entering a zoo of wild animals, the nerds always sit near the front, I assume it’s to be as far away from the popular territory.

“Eww emo freak alert, careful girls or you might catch death” Shouts out Stacey, Mooreville High’s most popular girl, with her long glossy blonde hair, big blue eyes and tanned skin, oh and not to mention, she’s the biggest bitch in the world.

Everyone laughs at her comment, I flip her off as I carry on to the back and find a seat.

School is even worse, nerds rushing to class, popular idoling themselves in their mirrors, jocks being.. Well. Douchebags as always.

I reach my locker and sort out what books I couldn’t care less about for boring classes when I see him, my only reason for tolerating this torturous place, Corey, slightly emo, best skateboarder, incredible drawer and do I need to mention my undying love for him, only problem is… I’ve never spoken to him, I’m just to shy and I have a huge dark secret that no one knows and can never know..

He looks at me and smiles as he walks past, I quickly look away, biting my lip.

“Oh look, guys, the emo whore is blushing” Carlos jokes, He’s captain of the football team big built short blonde hair, green eyes and the biggest jerk at this school.

Two guesses who his girlfriend is…

“Aww, little emo freaks gotta crush” replies Stacey.

Yep, you guessed correctly, Miss Popularity is dating worlds biggest jerk.

Honestly, it’s like people like Stacey and Carlos are genetically programmed to find each other.

“Bite me, douchebag” I flip him off, but before I can walk away Stacey slams me against the lockers.

“Hey bitch, don’t ever, speak to my boyfriend like that again.. Got it?!” She threatens as she smacks me, dead in the face splitting my lip.

Thay all walk of shouting ’emo whore’ and laughing, I slide down the locker and sit on the floor against them, my head falls against my knees as a single tear escapes my bright hazel eyes.

First period was torture, listening to Mr. Lowery’s theories on the American war, I’d rather eat glass.

I sit doodling in my book, I feel as if I’m being watched, I look up and oh my god, Corey is looking dead at me smiling.

I feel the blood rush to my cheeks, I smile back then quickly put my head down.

By lunchtime, I feel as though I may die, I sit with my lunch in the far corner hoping I go unnoticed.

Epic fail! Stacey spots me and comes waltzing over with her robot bitches.

As she walks past she slams my head down on the table, brings her mouth to my ear and whispers,

“Why don’t you slit your wrists and die, emo whore!”

She walks off laughing, my eye feels sore from the impact, great another black eye I gotta explain to my mum.

I run out of school and make my way home, opening the door it seems quiet. Mum must be at work, no sign of Frank, (my stepdad) either, not that he would be home, he’s a contractor so works away quite a bit.

He’s of big build too, not too big but not slim either, he has dark brown eyes that almost look black. He and mum married about two years ago, he moved in straight away with his son, Jacob, He’s 19, dropped out of school to work in mechanics, he’s a gym freak, likes to work out, has short dark brown hair and dark eyes that look like black holes.

I hear music playing upstairs and flinch… Jacobs home, great.

I sneak upstairs and down the hall to my room.

“Hey freak, bail on school again?” Asks Jacob

I jump and look round, he’s standing in the doorway of the bathroom, leaning against the door frame, arms folded.

“Please don’t tell mum, she’ll ground me again” I plead but I can see the darkness in his eyes.

“what you gonna do for me to keep my mouth shut?” He asks

I reply “I’ll do all your chores”

But his dark eyes tell me exactly what he has in mind, remember the dark secret I told you about, you’re about to find out…

He walks over to me, pinning me to my door with his body, he stares down at me towering over me, I struggle to get free as his strength overpowers mine.

“Why don’t we take this in the bedroom, I’m sure we can come to some sort of arrangement” He whispers so close to my ear I feel his hot breath on my neck.

“Jacob don’t… Please!” I beg but he pushes me into my room and shuts the door…

The bathroom starts to steam up as the hot water pours from the tap of the bath, I take off my bathrobe and let it fall to the floor, I stare at my bruised eye and split lip in the mirror.

I step into the bath and the hot water immediately beings a stinging sensation to my arms and legs, my bruised skin aches.

I stare down at the marks on my skin as I scrub myself till I’m sore, I should tell someone I know, but, I’m too scared to, I’m ashamed, embarrassed, terrified, because there his marks, there Jacobs marks, And he won’t stop.

I lay in bed tears stream down my cheeks, I feel so worthless, I don’t wanna be here no more, honestly, I wanna die and who could blame me but… I can’t, I dunno how to explain it, it’s him, Corey, even though we haven’t actually spoken, he’s the reason I can’t do it, It’s cos I’m into him, like bad, but it’s also stupid cos he probably doesn’t even know I exist, ok we hung out a couple times but that was with other people and was also a year ago. I dunno, I guess I’m just finding an excuse not to do it.

A car pulls up I look out the window to see mums cars on the drive I hear the front door shut.

I hear Jacob and mum in the kitchen then mum shouts up

“Rosie I have pizza down here”

She makes her way up the stairs to my room, I just lay under the covers, quickly I wipe away the tears.

She knocks on the door and slowly opens it, “Rosie, come eat love” she says.

Her innocent voice soon turns to anger when she sees the bruised eye and split lip.

“Seriously Rosie? Fighting again! That’s it your grounded for two weeks!” She shouts and slams the door, I hear her stamp downstairs. My mum, oblivious to reality, I’m always to blame, even dad leaving was apparently my fault, didn’t stop her finding Frank though.. Ugh, my life sucks!!

Sitting at the dinner table, everyone’s silent.

“So what was the reason for this fight, Rosie?”

Mum asks in a stern manner.

“Why do you always assume it’s me, I never fought with anyone.”

I reply

“I know what you’re like Rosie, always fighting, always causing trouble.”

I can hear the anger in her voice, she never listens to me.

“Mum it was Stacey, she’s a bully, I keep telling you she hates me, she..” I beg her to listen

“STOP! Just stop. I’m sick of your excuses, it’s always someone else’s fault, someone else to blame. You’re grounded. Go to your room and stay there for the rest of the evening” She snaps

“But… Mum..” I choke back tears


I look at her as tears fall down my cheek but she doesn’t even look up from her plate. Jacob smirks staring at me and I shiver and run up to my room slamming my door.

Tears pour down my cheeks as I lay in darkness, my eyes slowly close and I drift off to sleep.

I wake up to the sound of mums door closing, I look at my clock, 2 am.

I wipe my sore damp eyes and change into my nightdress, my door slowly starts to open, I run and hide under the covers pretending I’m asleep. I feel someone getting closer, I close my eyes tight, I feel a hand on my side. It’s him, back for more of this horrible secret.

“Jacob stop, this isn’t right and you know it” I plead

“You know you love it, I just can’t help myself” his voice close to my ear, makes me want to vomit.

His hand slides up my nightdress, I squirm and push him away.

“Jacob please, don’t” I cry but his eyes look sinister

He pins my body down with his, I tried to get free but he doesn’t even have to use much strength to hold me down, he puts his hand on my mouth as he unzips his jeans. Unable to move I just lay there with him on top of me. Inside me. I stare blankly at the picture of me and mum on my dresser, waiting for it to be over.

6 Am my alarm goes off so I smack the button on the clock, I get up and get ready for school.

Staring in the mirror at the purple bruise on my eye and the swollen lip, I wish my life would end right now.

House is quiet, no ones home so I have breakfast and wait for the bus.

Sitting in History the one lesson I actually like, I mean who don’t love poems and romance from the old days. Romeo and Juliet is my favorite, to know that love or to even feel the love they felt would be amazing.

The History teacher Miss Foster is really into this History lesson as that’s the theme of the school dance tomorrow and I think she’s a bit of a romantic.

I look around the room and my eye catches Corey sitting two rows away.

I gaze dreamily at him, he looks up at me and smiles. I quickly look away blushing, I look back up at him and he looks away smiling, I smile and get back to my work.

The lunch bell rings and I gather up my stuff and head for the door, I head to my locker as a foot trips me and I fall flat on my face.

I hear girls laughing, I turn around to see Stacey and her friends standing there almost crying with laughter.

“Watch it emo freak, don’t hurt yourself,” Stacey says laughing

I get up as they all walk away laughing, I feel a hand wrap around my arm and help me up.

Omg…. It’s Corey, he helps me up smiling.

I blush.

“Th..Thanks” I stutter

“Your welcome, Stacey and her crew are just bitches, don’t let them get to you Rosie” He replied sweetly.

“You know my name!” I freak, why did I just say that.

“I mean… Never mind, I gotta go..” I quickly rush off to class.

The bus home sucked as always, girls being bitches, boys being jerks, Corey looking all hot sitting two rows away with headphones on, ugh why can’t I have the courage to talk to him? Maybe cos he probably won’t like me back, I mean I’m not exactly hot or even pretty for that matter, guys like that wouldn’t go for girls like me, then there are all my scars. Who would love a girl with scars…

I get home and mums home, She’s busy on the phone so I head up to my room.

I notice my doors open slightly, I creep in and see Jacob in my underwear drawer.

“Dude what the hell, get out my room!” I try not shouting.

He looks at me raising an eyebrow and smirking, He slowly walks towards me and I flinch but he walks out my room.

I quickly shut the door, tears start trickling down my cheeks as I slide down the door and sit on the floor.

I eventually change into sweatpants and a black tattered hoodie that is probably good for the trash but, who cares. I slip on my converse and go downstairs, mums still on the phone so I sneak out the front door and head to the park.

Writing in my diary as Good Charlotte blares out my headphones, someone sits on the swing next to me and I get a surprise when I look up. It’s Corey, Mr hottie from school is actually sitting in the park right next to me. I think I may just faint.

I pull out an earphone, biting my lip I say ‘Hi’

“Hey” He replies with a heart-melting smile.

“What ya listening to?” He asks.

“Good Charlotte, you probably think their lame”

“No way, I love Good Charlotte their epic.”

I bite my lip hard, he smiles.

“So what brings you to my kingdom of isolation?” I ask with a giggle.

He laughs.

“Parent issues, you?”

“Same, well mum anyway. My dad left a couple years ago” I reply with a little sadness.

“Damn, that sucks, I’m sorry”.

“Meh it’s cool, I’m over it” I shrug.

I look at the time and 3 hours have passed.

“Shit! I gotta go, I snuck out and am probably in a lot of trouble” I jump up of the swing and apologize for leaving.

“It’s cool, I need to get home too, it was awesome talking to you Rosie, I had fun.”

I blush “Me too”.

I run home as I open the front door there’s no sign of anyone, just as I get to the steps…

“Where the hell have you been?”

I jump to mums voice.

“I … Went to the park” I try acting brave

“The park! You’re grounded remember. Get to you’re room and don’t come out” She shouts.

I run up to my room and slam the door.

I shower and head back to my room, Jacobs in there

he has the pair of black lace panties that I got dared to buy a couple years ago.

“How come you never wear these for me? No worries you will tonight”

His tone so creepy I wanna puke.

“what do you mean t..Tonight?” I ask shaking as he backs me up to the wall.

“Oh, you didn’t know? Mum and Dad are going out.

Fear brushed over me because I know what that means.

Later that evening, I’m reading in my room when mum comes in.

“We’re leaving Rosie, we won’t be back until real late so no staying up late” She hugs me.

“I won’t mum, hope you guys have a good evening” I smile.

10 PM I turn out the light and get into bed, I doze off.

I feel something touching my skin and I wake up.

Its Jacob, he’s his boxers, in my bed. On top of me.

I wriggle and squirm but his weight holds me down.

“What are you doing, get of off me” I yell at him

“I told you we were gonna have fun without mum and dad here” he smirks.

He rips of my tank top revealing my bare chest, he gropes me.

“Oh Rosie, your body is so fucking perfect and it’s all mine” He starts to kiss my neck down to my chest.

I try pushing him off but fail as he pushed down on me harder, his hand pins mine down and his knee in between my legs. He runs his other hand up and down my outer thigh, then runs his fingers up my inner thigh until he grazes the line of my underwear.

I flinch as tears run down my cheeks.

“Jacob please, stop, please” I beg him but he ignores me.

He slides his fingers inside me, kissing my breasts.

I try again to push him off, only this time, he gets up.

I think it’s over except… He’s got a foil wrapper, he slides on the condom staring at me and rubbing himself.

“W.. What are you doing..?” I tremble.

He looks at me with an evil smile.

“I told you, your mine!”

He leans over me and I fight against him, he hits me, in the face and pins down my arms, I try to bring my leg up but he hits me in the stomach, winding me. I lay there, as he forces himself inside me, I yell out in pain, but he carries on.

Thrusting in and out of me, harder and harder until he’s done. It felt like forever, then he got up and walked out leaving me laying bruised, cut, hurting, too scared to move, I feel dead inside. My step brother just… Raped me!

It’s morning and I rush to the shower before anyone else wakes up. I scrub myself so hard I leave marks, down there hurts so much. No matter how much I scrub I still feel dirty.

1 cut 2 cuts 3 cuts 4, the shower washed the blood from my arms and thighs and down the drain.

I slouch down in tears.

“Rosie is that you in the shower?” I here mum on the other side of the door.

“Y.. Yes, mum, I’m almost done” I reply turning off the shower and grabbing a towel.

“Ok honey cause I have to get ready for work” I hear her walk off.

I open the door and quickly run to my bedroom and lock the door.

I stand there looking in the mirror at the cuts and bruises the scratch on my cheek still sore.

I dress for school then run to catch the bus.

Stacey and her wannabes look at the scratch laughing.

“Look poor little emo slut tried giving herself a new look” Stacey smirks.

“FAIL, still looks like a dirty whore!” Shouts Carlos.

everyone bursts out laughing.

I take a seat near the window trying not to cry.

I head to my locker once at school, I put my stuff in and see Corey.

I go to walk past him but he steps in front of me.

“Wait, I wanted to ask you something” Corey stops me, I can see he’s blushing slightly.

I turn to face him.

“I was gonna ask you if…. Umm… If anyone asked you to the dance yet?” He asks

“Oh, no. No one has asked me”

“Would you maybe wanna go with me?” He asks smiling.

Holy hell Coreys asking me… Me to the dance.

“Sure, I’d love to go with you Corey” I reply sweetly

He smiles at me, it makes me bite my lip.

“Great, pick you up around 7 pm then.. See you later Rosie”

He walks off towards the canteen.

Ugh, I just love him, like oh my lord cuteness overload and he just asked ME to the dance. I’m so happy.

I get home and mums making dinner, the smell of Chinese fills the house.

“Hey, mum,” I say standing beside her letting the aroma of food fill my nose.

“Hey sweetie, How was school?” she replies.

“School was school, um, mum could we maybe go to town?”

“What for and when?” She says without looking at me.

“Tomorrow and for an umm. New dress” I wasn’t sure if I said that as a question or not.

Mum looked at me and smiled.

“What would this new dress be for?” she asked smirking.

I blush “Corey asked me to the school dance”

She sees the excitement in my face.

“Of course we can go tomorrow and get you a new dress”

“Yes, thanks, mum” I reply.

Just then Jacob walks in.

“New dress for what?” He has a sly smirk on his face.

“Rosie has been asked to the school dance by Corey” Mum smiles.

The look Jacob’s face, I knew he hated that idea. He has rage in his eyes, I quickly thank mum again and run to my room locking the door behind me.

Next morning mum and I head into town, we find a cute little clothing store.

Wandering up and down the isles I can’t find anything of this century, I’m about to give when in the corner of the store I see the most beautiful knee length, strapless red dress.

I take a closer, look holding it up against me looking in the mirror.

“Oh sweetie you will look stunning in that” Mum says

“I want this one, please” I reply.

Driving home, I can’t stop thinking about the dance and Corey.

After dinner, I go to my room and try on my new dress.

I look so beautiful, I twirl admiring the dress in the mirror.

“Rosie I’m leaving for work, please make sure you do your homework,” she says going downstairs.

I watch her pull out the driveway and head off down the road.

I change into sweatpants and t-shirt and start on my homework.

Suddenly there’s a knock on my door.

“Go away please, I’m studying,” I say politely.

He just keeps knocking.

“Open up Rosie, I have a surprise for you”

“Jacob no, I’m busy”

“Its special, its something for you, for the dance” he replies.

I hesitate, then I open the door.

Jacobs standing there with a small box in his hands.

I take the box and open it to find a beautiful pair of diamond stud earrings.

I hand it back.

“Thanks but, I don’t want them. I don’t want anything from you.”

He looks angry but then his expression changes to… Sadness?

“Please Rosie, I got them especially for you” He almost sounds like he’s gonna cry.

“Ok fine.” I take the box of off him.

“Can I get back to my homework now?” I ask.

He smiles and walks off back to his bedroom.

I get back to my homework.

I wake up to the sun beaming in my window, I’m still sitting at my desk.

I look at the time, 7:55 am, shit I’m gonna miss the bus.

I quickly change in my uniform but the bus goes straight past.

Luckily mums still home so I hitch a ride with her.

I walk into class and everyone’s eyes just bolt towards me. Awkward. I look at the teacher, Mr. Street and he looks like his head may explode.

“Tardiness is a very unattractive thing Miss Rosie, but so glad you could join us with your presence,” He says as he points to an empty desk.

“Sorry sir” I reply as I walk over to the desk and take a seat.

Stacey sits in the chair behind me, smirking.

I hate this class. I hate this school…. I hate her!

Lunchtime, I go sit on the bench hoping I’m left alone.

Then a shadow casts over my book, I look up to see Corey smiling.

“Hey, Rosie, what’s up?” He sits opposite me.

“Oh hey Corey, just catching up on a little reading” I blush slightly.

“So we’re definitely still going to the dance together tomorrow right?” He asks.

“Of course, I can’t wait” I reply smiling.

“great” He gets up to leave.

“you know, you should smile more, your very pretty when you smile” He walks away towards the entrance to the school.

I blush, oh my goodness, he thinks I’m pretty…

I go to stand up and leave but a perfectly manicured hand slams down on my shoulder. A sharp pain shoots down my arm and I flinch a little.

“So what is a hottie like Corey doing talking to a dirty little emo whore like you?” she asks as she digs her fake nails into my shoulder.

I push her hand away, she stumbles slightly and I quickly get up.

“Not that its any of your business, but Corey and I are going to the dance together” I reply.

She steps forward to possible hit me but then stops.

Mr. Lowery is watching her from across the grass.

She starts to walk away but stops next to me.

“your gonna regret that you little emo bitch, I’m gonna make you wish you were never born” She whispers in my ear then carries on towards the school building.

I fight back tears and run to the girl’s bathroom, I skip the next two periods when the last bell rings I rush out of school.

Nobody’s home when I get back, so I lock my self in my room, Good Charlotte blaring out.

8 pm I hear mum downstairs so go down, I walk into the kitchen.

Mum brought home pizza, she hands me a plate with two slices on.

“Frank and Jabob are in the living room if you want to join?”

Mum asks.

“Actually, I was thinking could I eat in my room? I have tons of homework to do”

“Ok honey, just make sure you bring your plate back down please”

“I will mum” I wander off back upstairs and shut my door.

Putting my plate on my desk, I take a bite of pizza but don’t really feel hungry.

Laying on my bed listening to music, there’s a know on my door.

When I don’t answer, the door opens, it’s mum.

“it’s 10 pm sweetie, lights out” she smiles.

I smile back, as she closes the door I change into my pajama shorts and tank top, I turn off my stereo and plug my headphones into my MP3 player then get into bed.

I lay there staring at the ceiling before I slowly drift off to sleep.

Saturday morning, I sit up pulling my headphones off rubbing my eyes. I come to realize it’s not just a Saturday, today’s the school dance.

I jump out of bed and run downstairs, Franks cooking breakfast for everyone.

“Morning Rosie, take a seat, breakfast is almost done” Frank smiles.

Surprised I take a seat, Franks never home to make breakfast.

Jacob stamps into the kitchen, looking like he’s just been woken from the dead. He grabs a plate then slumps down into the chair next to me.

I squirm in my seat, he smirks.

“Do you have to sit there?” I ask

“be nice Rosie,” Mum says taking a chair of her own.

Everyone eats and chats about their lives while I just sit in silence.

“So Rosie looking forward to the dance tonight?” Frank asks

I snap back to reality and look at him.

“Um yes, I can’t wait”

“What time is Corey picking you up?” Asks mum finishing her eggs.

“7 PM, his older brothers driving us,” I reply.

“That’s nice of him, Make sure you’re not home too late”

“I won’t mum”

“Who is this guy?” Jacob asks slyly

“Aw Jacob being all big brother,” Frank said laughing.

“He’s just this charming boy in Rosie’s class” Mum answers.

Suddenly Jacobs’ hand is squeezing my thigh, I try not to make it known.

“Well. I know how guys minds work so just making sure our little Rosie is safe” He squeezes.

I quickly get up.

“May I be excused?”

“Of course sweetie, you have a dance to prepare for,” Mum says gathering the dishes.

In my room, Three Days Grace is playing.

I look at the clock, 5 pm, I go shower.

I put on the red dress and apply a little makeup.

mum comes in, to do my hair.

I go take a look in the mirror and bite my lip at the reflection.

“Oh my Rosie, you look absolutely beautiful” Mum has a single tear.

I blush.

“Thanks, mum”

She goes back downstairs while I finish up.

I feel eyes on me and turn around.

Jacobs standing arms crossed in my doorway.

He walks towards me backing me against the wall.

“You look good, I hope you have fun tonight”

Then he puts his lips to my ear.

“Remember, no one touches you, but me!”

He runs his hand up my thigh then walks off.

A tear escapes from my eye, just as the doorbell rings.

“Rosie, Coreys here” Mum shouts up.

I walk downstairs and see Corey smartly dressed in a black suit staring at me in amazement.

I approach him and mum smiling.

“Wow, Rosie you look… Stunning, you’re so beautiful”.

I blush.

He opens the little box he’s holding to reveal a red corsage,

he gently puts it on my wrist as I bite my lip.

“Perfect. Shall we go?” He holds out his arm for me to take.

“Have fun sweetie” Mum waves us goodbye.

We get to school and walk inside, a photographer takes our photo.

Then someone pushes past me.

Stacey stands there, all Hollywood ready, her long sleek pink dress compliments her slim body.

She and Carlos pose for their photo.

“Eww, where did you get that dress, the dumpster?” Thay walk off laughing.

“Don’t listen to them Rosie, I think you look beautiful”

“And you look very handsome”

We laugh and walk into the dance.

After dancing for a while we’re both out of breath.

We find a table to sit at and Corey gets us a drink.

We sit talking and find out we have so much in common,

then a slow song comes on and Corey stands up.

“Care to dance?” He holds out his hand.

“It would be an honor” I giggle and take his hand.

I put my arms around his shoulders and his hands rest on my waist.

“Thank you for coming to the dance with me Rosie”

“I’m glad you asked me, I didn’t think you knew I existed.

“Of course I know you exist, I always notice you”

I gasp.

“You do?”

“Yes, I.. I like you, Rosie, a lot”

Blushing, “I like you too Corey”

He tilts my chin up, then gently kisses me, I kiss him back.

I look up at him and we’re both smiling, I rest my head against him as we dance to the slow music.

11 pm and we head home, Corey gets out of the car and walks me to the door.

“I had so much fun tonight, Corey”

“Me too, so um. Since we both like each other does that mean, your…. My girl?”

I giggle “Yes I’m your girl”

He smiles, kisses me goodnight then he and his brother leave.

I open the door and walk in, Jacobs standing there.

I go to walk upstairs but he grabs my arm and pulls me back.

“Like fuck are you HIS girl, I’ll kill him if he touches you”

“Jacob let go and it’s none of your damn business”

He quickly let’s know.

“Hey, sweetie did you have fun?”

“yes mum, I was just gonna go to bed, I’m tired”

“Ok honey see you in the morning”

“Goodnight mum” I run upstairs to my room and lock my door.

My phone bings, It’s a text from Corey.

*”I had a lot of fun tonight Rosie. Hope you sleep well. x”*

*”Me too, Sweet dreams. x”*

A couple months later. Life has gotten better.

Stacey and Carlos have backed off a bit, I mean they’re still top of the class assholes but, not as much.

Jacob hasn’t come near me since the dance.

My grades are getting better too.

Corey, well. He’s just perfect.

We’re perfect, we have hung out almost every day.

He makes me feel human like I’m the only person in the world that matters to him.

One afternoon we are alone in my room kissing and touching when Jacob storms in.

“Mum and dad ain’t here so I’m in charge and I say its time for lover boy to leave”

“What? No, we’re studying!” I get up and shout at him.

“Rosie it’s fine, we covered most of the work anyway” Corey grabs his back and leaves.

Jacob walks away smirking.

“I hate you and you will NEVER touch me again” I yell at him.

He stops, stone cold in his tracks.

He turns to look at me.

The look in his eyes is terrifying.

Shit. What have I done? I start shaking.

He’s not moving, just staring at me.

“J.. Jacob. I’m..”

Then suddenly he rushes towards me slamming the door behind him.

He grabs me throwing me on the bed tearing at my clothes.

“No no no no Jacob please don’t” I plead tears running down my cheeks, but he ignores me, he just forces himself on me, kissing me aggressively. Touching me everywhere. Hurting me.

“Jacob please, don’t do this… Please stop!!”

I cry out, he grins.

Once again he forces himself inside me but this time it was harder and more painful.

I lay there crying as every movement is painful.

“I told you. You are MINE and NO ONE else touches you but ME!” Jacob Yells. The rage in his voice scares me I squirm. He grabs my hair tight and holds me in place.

“Ouch Jacob, let me go please, your hurting me” I yell out.

My cheeks soaked with tears.

“I’ll show you what hurting is” He laughs.

He rams himself in and out so hard I almost throw up. I yell out in pain then he stops. . .

He walks out of my room closing the door behind him.

Still crying I look down and see blood, I’m shaking so bad I try and clean myself up.

I look in the mirror, somehow my lip is bleeding and I have a bruise under my eye.

I text Corey.

*”Hey, can you meet me in the park. R x”*

10 minutes later my phone bings.

*”Sure see you in 10. C x”*

I pull on my converse, I write a letter to mum and Frank telling them everything and run to the park.

Sitting on the swings, Corey comes over.

“Hey baby” He goes to hug me.

I look up at him, and his expression goes flat.

“What the fuck Rosie, who did this to you?”

I start to cry and fall into his arms.

“It doesn’t matter, I’m with you now”

He comforts me as we sit on the grass by this huge tree.

I eventually tell him everything.

“Rosie, you gotta go to the police or something”

“I can’t, there’s no evidence that he did this to me. He’ll deny it all and then you’ll get accused.. I cant lose you Corey I…”

I lose my words as I look into his eyes.

“What is it, Rosie?”

“I.. I”

“ROSIE, GET YOUR ASS HOME NOW!” Jacob shouts as he walks towards us.

I jump up, Shit no why did he have to come here.

Corey jumps up and stands in front of me.

“Stay the fuck away from her, you sick… RAPIST!”

Corey yells, anger in his eyes.

“what the fuck did you just say to me?” Jacob moves towards Corey.

“You heard me!

Your a dirty disgusting rapist!

You’ll never hurt Rosie again!”

I rush between them.

“Jacob please, stop. Don’t hurt him!”

He hits me and I fall to the ground.

“You fucking bastard!”

Corey tackles him to the ground and they both fight.

Both have busted lips and bloody noses but neither is stopping.

I plead with them to both stop.

Then suddenly, I hear Corey gasp.

Jacob stands up smirking.

I look down at Corey and see the knife sticking out of his stomach.

“COREY!” I drop to his side crying.

“I told you! You are mine. I told you I’d kill him if he touched you”

Jacob walks away, leaving me with Corey bleeding out.

I sit crying with his head in my lap, holding his hand.

“Stay with me Corey, please” But I can see the life slowly draining from his eyes.

“R.. Rosie.”

“I’m here”

“Rosie. I.. I.. I love you”

Tears pour down my cheeks, I see tears roll down Coreys face too, I wipe them.

” I love you too Corey”

We both smile, I lean down and gently kiss his lips.

I feel his body go limp.

I pull the knife out of Corey’s stomach.

I lay next to him and slice both my arms, I grab hold of Corey’s hand and watch my world slowly fade to darkness.


About the Creator

Cyanide Stitch

I spend my days thinking of all sorts of stories, with an over active imagination there's always a never ending or mysterious adventure, horror, children's, fantasy, romance, if I can think it then I can write it.

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    Cyanide StitchWritten by Cyanide Stitch

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