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River Crossing

A simple mistake

By Viltinga RasytojaPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 8 min read
River Crossing
Photo by jessie daniella on Unsplash

River looked down at the huge package next to her desk wondering where it had come from. It showed up sometime during her lunch break and she had no idea who had sent it. No one she knew mentioned they were sending her something, and they would have sent it to her apartment anyway. Work would never have sent her a package like this, yet here it was, her name scrolled across the brown paper that covered the package.

“Hey Joe,” she called to the next cubicle, “any idea where this came from?” Joe always ate lunch at his desk, so hopefully he saw something.

“Some delivery kid dropped it off,” was all he called back.

It wasn’t much, but at least it was something. River moved past the package and sat down in her chair debating whether to focus on work or open the package. Did she even dare open it, what if it was something scary inside, what if it was a bomb! She reached for the phone ready to call security up, but something inside calmed her and said it was all fine. She had learned to trust that feeling from past experiences, so she took it and held on. With that endorsement her curiosity won and she ripped open the package.

She had no idea what to expect when she opened the lid, but it certainly was not this. A note on plain white paper sat on top of some folded up mens clothing. The note said, “River, I found someone else. I can’t be with you anymore. Here are your things, please don’t call me or come over. Kim”

“Ouch,” River said out loud. “Hey Becky, come check this out.”

Becky came over and read the note too. “This poor guy, he just got dumped big time and he doesn’t even know. You need to find him and give him his stuff back. I am sure he will figure out soon enough he no longer has a relationship with this coward Kim. She couldn’t even tell him in person.”

“Find him! How on earth am I supposed to do that? All the package had on it was my name.”

“I don’t know,” Becky shrugged, “start with the sign up at the front desk I guess.” Then she walked back to her cubicle like she had just done River a great favor.

“Start at the front desk,” River mumbled to herself, “like that is going to help any!”

She sat and fumed at her desk for who knows how long. First, because Becky had the gumption to even recommend she find this guy. Becky knew she was running crazy with work full time and taking classes at the community college. She didn’t have time to go track down some man she didn’t even know. Then she began to fume for the poor other River. How could this Kim lady even think this was an appropriate way to break things off with someone. Poor River would be so devastated when he found out his love was with someone else now.

With that final thought she knew she was going to track him down. She stood up and went down to the front desk. There were five names on it during the time frame she was gone for lunch. “Ok,” she thought, “only five names, that isn’t too many.” She looked at Danny, who managed the front desk, and an idea came. “Hey Danny, any idea who these people are?”

Danny pulled the sign in over, and River pointed to the names.

“This one is Teri’s sister, that one is the guy that brings lunch to the big bosses everyday, and yeah not sure about the others. Why are you asking?”

“Someone dropped off a big package at my desk and it is definitely not mine. I was hoping to find out who it really belongs to. I figured I could ask the kid who dropped it off and hopefully he would know.”

“Oh, yeah I remember him coming in with that. He was pretty excited when he left said he made a pretty penny with that delivery and was going to that fancy new place on 5th for lunch.”

“Thanks Danny!” River said as she hurried for the door. Turning suddenly she called back, “Hey, what did he look like?”

Danny thought for a moment, “I think he had jeans and a green t-shirt on, but I can’t remember for sure.”

She called thanks over her shoulder as she took off again.

The new place had a line outside it which gave River hope. She slowed as she approached the end of the line though, realizing just how ridiculous this was going to be. She just about turned around, but gathered all her courage and moved forward.

She looked around for anyone in jeans and a green shirt, but no one outside matched that description. She apologized to the folks as she pushed her way through the front door promising them she was just looking for someone. Once inside she scanned the lobby and didn’t see any boys in jeans at all. One younger kid did have a green shirt on though, so she approached him.

“Hi,” she said awkwardly as the boy just looked at her with that do I know you look. “I was wondering, is there any way you delivered a package to someone named River today?”

“Eh, nope,” he said as his eyes clearly screamed you're nuts.

Rivers' shoulders slumped as she said, “ok, thanks anyway.”

She was about to walk out when another kid nearby tapped her arm, “Did you ask about a package for River?”

Her hope rising River said, “Yes.”

“I dropped off a package for a River today.”

“You did,” River said excitedly.

“Yes, I did. Some crazy lady stopped me on the street and asked me to run it into the office at 512N and 3rd street for $50. She said there was only one River in the building.”

River now knew the problem, her office was on 4th street not 3rd. The kid had messed up, but at least she had her answer now.

“Ok, thank you so much!” She said and turned to leave apologizing to everyone once more as she pushed her way out the door.

She hurried to her building and grabbed the package to take it to its rightful owner. This building was much nicer than hers she noted as she walked through the front doors. A large and open lobby with rich golden and burgundy hues all around met her. The large front desk was marble and the most perfect looking receptionist sat behind it. River felt a little intimidated but she went to the desk and asked if a River worked here. The woman laughed a little and said, “Of course, would you like an appointment with him?”

River felt extremely silly and didn’t know what exactly to say. “Um, well, eh, could I just run this to him quick please. It got dropped off to me by mistake.”

The lady looked very stern and replied, “No, you can’t just drop in on him. If you leave it with me I'll make sure he gets it.”

River had the gut feeling that if she left it here he would never see it. She was about to argue with the lady when an elevator nearby dinged and two men in nice suits walked out. One said to the other, “I like the idea River, keep working on it.”

River looked at the receptionist with a smirk and walked towards the tall handsome man. The gal nearly jumped out from behind the desk as she called out, “Hey, you can’t just waltz in here like that!”

Ignoring the upset sounds behind her, River walked quickly calling out, “Mr. River, excuse me, Mr. River!”

He turned around to face her and River’s heart sped up not just because she was about to tell this man he had been dumped, but because he was perfect looking in every way, well maybe not the ears they seemed a little big, but oh my goodness everything else was to die for! “Stop pounding heart and stop thinking about how handsome he is brain,” she screamed to herself.

“Yes?” The man questioned.

River took a deep breath and words stumbled out of her mouth, “I um, well, my name is River too. Anyway, somehow this package was dropped off to me accidentally. Eh, I opened it, I am so sorry. And, I am so sorry for what you are about to find inside.”

River started to hand the package over then had a thought, she questioned it, but that calm feeling came again and she followed it. She reached in her purse and pulled out her card, putting it inside the package, she handed it all to him saying, “I know you don’t know me, but I am happy to talk if you need a friend.”

Embarrassed, she walked off as quick as she could not even giving him a chance to say anything.

The next day at work a large bouquet of flowers arrived at her desk with a card that read, “I never got the chance to thank you, dinner sometime?”

River smiled as that calm feeling flowed over her again, something wonderful was about to begin!

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About the Creator

Viltinga Rasytoja

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