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Ripar's Return to Earth (part 6)

Want to see something else really cool?

By Robert KegelPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

When they woke up, they ate and went to assess the damage to their crops. It looked worse the day after the damage was done. There were tire tracks all over the land where their crops were. John wondered how the aliens were going to fix this mess.

Vocar invited their friends to the barn where their ship was and asked them if they wanted to take a little ride and watch them work. Jodi, John, and Mike smiled as they got on the ship. Roj told the humans to take a seat while he, Ripar, and Vocar took their stations. Ripar started the engines, which made no noise at all and they started to lift off the ground and phase through the roof of the barn. Watching through the screen in front of them, the humans gasped as the ship took off.

“So, without getting technical, we have a ray that will help your crops grow. But first, we have to even out the seeds like they were before the mishap happened. If you look, this is a scan of your ground and now you see the seeds when we magnify. We can take each seed and line them up with our tractor beam.” Vocar explained

“You mean like in Star Trek?” Jodi asked

The aliens watched some Star Trek while relaxing and they thought the show did the technology pretty well. “Kind of, but it looks like the tractor beams on Star Trek could only pull large objects while we can fine-tune ours to pick up and push the smallest objects as well. SO, we can pick up the seeds, and yes, we can tell which is which and bring them up to the ship. Now I’ll reverse the tractor beam so it can flatten the soil. ” The long blue beam of light moved across the soil like a rake, flattening it out. “Next it’s time to make the trenches so we can re-plant the seeds.” Roj shot what looked like red laser beams from the ship making rows of trenches. “We can now plant the seed.” The blue light sent the seeds perfectly into the trenches. “And cover them up.”

The humans looked at each other like they couldn’t believe what they just saw.

“Now we can help the growth of your crops.” A wide green light ran over their crops for a few minutes. “This won’t work immediately, it’ll take a few days, but you’ll have full-grown crops.”

“I’m speechless.” John said

“I just planted some fruit trees; can you do that to them too.” Jodi asked

“Sure, ok, performing a scan to see where new saplings are, and now we’ll help them grow.” Vocar said

“How long will it take a tree to grow?” Mike asked

“A tree might take a week, maybe longer? So, do you want to see what your planet looks like from above?” Ripar smiled

“We’d be crazy to say no.”

The ship shot up into the sky and before they knew it they were looking at the Earth. They didn’t even feel any acceleration, one moment they were hovering over their farm, and what seemed like less than a minute later they were in space. The humans got out of their seats and moved closer to the giant screen just staring at the Earth.

“It’s beautiful. I’ve seen pictures and movies, but they don’t even come close to actually being here.” Jodi said in awe

“Do you want to see something else really cool?” Ripar pressed some buttons on the console in front of him and the walls all around the ship became see-thru. They could see the moon and the stars all around them.

Mike sat down again as if he was going to faint, but he didn’t, he just sat there in silence, staring, a tear dripping down his cheek.

John moved beside Jodi and took her hand, they looked at each other and smiled. They just looked all around in disbelief, but they were there, in space.

The aliens strapped in and Ripar hit another button which turned off the gravity, and the three humans floated above the floor, giggling like little children. Floating up to one another, pushing each other away, doing turns and rolls. They all thought this was the best day of their lives.

After about an hour floating in space Ripar asked “Are you ready to go back home? We, want to go to the coldest and hottest places on Earth to take some readings and samples. From your internet the coldest is Antarctica and the hottest is Death Valley in California. Didn’t you say we needed to go to California to get Almond tree seeds? Also, we’ll have to take scans and take samples off the soil around the trees so we can replicate it back home. You can join us if you like?”

“Ummm, yes, that is true. And I guess we’re going to Antarctica and California.” Jodi gleefully said as she smiled.

The ship cloaked, everyone took their seats and they started their descent back to Earth.


About the Creator

Robert Kegel

I'm a rocker, a gamer, a romantic, a Dom, a hiker and l like camping. I'm a geek, who loves Sci-Fi/Fantasy, and technology. I'll try and write about a variety of topics ranging from relationship, tech and every day rants.

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