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Return to Mars

The Resurrection

By Ocusan MPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read

It Was a gloomy day on Saturn as the rains had started leaving a dense fog as night settled in. King Blue, (who prefered to be called King Blau in German) was fast asleep in his bed chamber. Queen Lavander had snuck out to her garden where Blau had transported the time chamber. "Where are you going?" Blau"s voice had startled her. "You know I have forbidden you to use the time chamber without my knowing." "Forgive me my Lord, I did"t think you'd be interested with where I am going." The rain was soaking her veiled face, as the King wondered if she was having a affair. He held his hand out."Give me the key." He knew she must have taken it from his chest. Slowly she handed him the ignition key that he took and opened up the chamber door. "Come on, get in, just tell me where we are headed. You can't just go out in time and space alone, You could be lost in space and trapped forever!" "I'm wanting to return to Mars, where the books I read in the library speak of a resurrection of Christ ...It's Christianity that may not interest you." "Lavie, I'm the one who showed you the past, so why wouln't I be interested with it?" "Let's just go then." "What time shall I set the gage?" "According to the ancient scripture, it has to be in the year 1 AD after the ascension of Christ the messiah was found living on the red planet. The scripture goes on to say that upon the third planet, a winged chariot that resembled a wheel of fire in the sky took the savior to the fourth world in the year 1 AD." She had a imprint of the scripture she showed revealing a small drawing of what looked like a house that stood next to the face on Mars. The face had existed since the beginning of time. ingesting what she had told him he Moved his hand to The calendar and plotted a course.Setting the time craft down upon the shifting sands of Mars, the giant face came into view. The orange sand was blowing dust upon their scarfed faces. where time had no beginning nor end.The Martian atmosphere was breathable for some reason unknown, as they found a lone house standing near the giant face. It seemed to be made of clay and obsidian having no door knocker. King Blau knocked heavily on the door, when opened, a tall robed figure stood. His bushy eyes beamed down at them. "Who are you folks?" "We're Archaeologists in search of ancient artifacts."He looked at them for a long time. “Why have you consulted me? I am not of the meseum?" "Please sire, tell me your name and we will explain." "I am called Soloman, ruler of the mines." "We are looking for a man called Jesus, a bibical figure you might know of" "He lives here and is meditating in the garden, do come in'' He opened the clay door and ushered them in. The house was arid and simple having a few luminis plants and low lights.Soloman led them to a subterranean room that was

slightly sunken.There , in the garden room stood a man who resembled the Christ figure portrayed throughout the galaxies and worlds throughout historical time. His mesmerizing eyes were pleasing to Lady Lavender as she bowed and introduced herself. "Iam Queen Lavender and this is King Blue." "why have you come to disturb my meditation?" There was a bright star shinning in the martian mist that he seemed to float above. In his orange tunic and turban, he resembled a swami. :"We are piecing together the missing link as the ancient texts speak of this as the homeworld where the ascended Christ ascended to.As the map of the stars indicates." She held out a map in her quivering hands. He jumped down from his floating position, taking the map to study with his own eyes. "Yes, I am the one that you seek. I ascended here from a winged craft where I have lived ever since." :But why don't you return?" "I can never go back to where I was crucified, my Dear." He gave the map back to them. "Why do you meditate all alone on this distant planet?" "Because I am in communication with my creator, the one you call God." All were silent for a moment, as heis words rang truth. "May we see the creator?" "He only communicates to me and is light years away. But you can visit his statue in the meseum. Its not too far from here and I can show you the way." There was room for the three to ride in the time machine as their new friend Jesus, was amazed by it. They were at the meseum as fast as a flashing light as the night sky portrayed a conjunction of stars overhead. "Is that what I think it is?" Blue exclamied. Jesus laughed, "Yes those are real camels." How beautiful they were as it seemed like Christmas. Inside the ancient meseum they could see three wise men gathered around a statue big enough to resemble a Michelangelo. "That is my fathers image." The massive statue wasn't roped off letting the Queen run her hands over the soft marble. He must have been extremely mysterious, as it gave her a slight chill. And then something happened. Her hand slipped into a hidden area where she found a small scroll, pulling it out to read the inscription. She found a Martian language she couldn't read. Giving it to Jesus, he was able to translate. Suddenly the room was filled with a multitude of martians running around with their naked heads and small bodies. "We must leave here at once, they are guarding the statue and think it's theirs. Where it originated, no one really knows." He waved his hands at them, speaking their native tongue, allowing them to make their getaway. "Hold onto the scroll" Blau said as they ran out into the night sky to the time ship. ONce inside Jesus was able to translate the text. "It gives a cordinate to his homeworld." "Your talking about where God, the father of all creation lives?" "yes, my physical father. I must go to where it shows, can this be so?" "We'd all like to see, but he might not be alive anymore. " Blue said with his soldier eyes. "We shall try." Queen instructed, giving the now resurrected son of God , his divine holyness a inspiration for true hope...


About the Creator

Ocusan M

I write in a surrealistic style learning new realities as i researched Quantum physics in Quantum Dreaming where the man had a Quantum computer in his home that could see into the future.

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