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Reminiscences from the ashes

Ever in love

By Jaime A OlveraPublished 3 years ago 8 min read
Earth is Alive!

Not to sound cliché, but my world ended shortly after the rest of the world did. You and I had been planning a family trip. Well, just the two of us, but we were a family, married and happy. It was going to be our first real vacation since we had gotten married. As many others without a surplus of money, we did with what we had.  I remember when you told me that the ceremony was not important, so long as you and I were married. You would rather have a secure future with me than spend a bunch of money to throw a big party, and that made me love you so much more. Not that we would have had anyone to invite to a party.

So finally, after four years of being married, we saved up enough to have our honeymoon.  Four years of married heaven, and now hell had come. It was a Friday, I remember because all day I couldn’t wait for the weekend. We would fly out to Florida, not that it mattered, anywhere with you would be a vacation for me. Being kids at heart, as we were, we had to visit the big theme park with the mouse, as you liked to call it. Unfortunately, we never made that flight, did we?

 There was an earthquake like nothing felt before. This was a real earthquake, for the whole earth was shaken. It was to the point that fissures were opening in the ground, swallowing whole cities. Then the temperature rose to the point car tires melted. Before everything went silent, the “experts” said the heat came from the center of Earth. The earth itself created more heat then has ever been felt before. Heat so intense that anybody not underground would bake in a matter of hours. As Earth released heat into the atmosphere, underground somehow lowered in temperature. Not even the so-called experts understood how this worked.  

I guess I was lucky. Being in the military, I happened to be in an underground bunker that day. Doing, well, things that don’t matter anymore.  I tried to get out and go find you, my love, but they wouldn't let me! Being a good soldier I obeyed, at least for the first few weeks. Then they had to restrain me. They said the heat was still too unbearable. For two months they held me back.  They did not understand that without my one and only, the heat might as well claim my life. They finally convinced me that I wouldn’t do anyone any good being dead. “Wait it out”, they said, “it must cool down eventually”. Obviously it did, but at the time I hated them for keeping me from you.

 That's why it took me so long before I started looking for you. That's what took me so long before I could find you. But I waited, we all waited. Sweet memories of you is the only thing that kept me sane in those long dark days. I remembered when we would go to the park. Something so normal and everyday, yet now I hold it with such devotion.  Something that we used to do, that at the time seemed silly, now gripped at my heart and I longed to be there again.

Do you remember the first time we laid down under a tree?  We first laid next to each other on our backs. Then you had us turn our bodies to look into each other’s eyes. It was beautiful, but one day you asked me to fully extend my legs and touch your toes with mine.  We moved to arm’s length, you had me hold your hands and moved them downward. I remember you started laughing, I stared at you not understanding. Once you had your laughter under control you told me your secret, made it our secret. The tree with its shade was the chain, and you and I were the heart shaped locket.

I didn't understand at first when you told me. Us a locket, a heart shaped locket? Then you reminded me of the gift you gave me. What was it?  After our fourth date, when you said you knew we would be together for all eternity? Back, when neither of us could afford gold or diamonds. Not that we ever could. After that, on our first anniversary you were overjoyed when I gifted you a matching locket, just like the one you gave me. Nothing fancy, but it meant the world to you. We made this trip a monthly tradition, to go by Zilker Park and recreate that moment. In that fashion we would look into each other’s eyes for hours, just enjoying the Texas weather.

 If you are having a hard time reading this, it's because I cannot control my tears. They fall unbidden as I write memories that I know will never be again. I hope they will, I wish they will, but I know, I know what this world has turned into.

For too many years we were all warned about global warming.  We were told that the path we were on could not be maintained. The Earth could not sustain our abuse. Too many people just never understood. Or more likely they did understand, but they did not care. Greed or self-destruction, whatever the cause may be, Earth got tired of us.

So, unless you have been under a rock, (about the only real way you are still alive) now we know, Earth is alive! It is alive and views humanity as a plague! First the earthquakes, trying to shake us off. When that failed, heat, like a severe fever. So many died in a couple weeks. Nothing had been left untouched. It may be possible that with humanity at less than half of what it was, maybe now we can reduce our greenhouse emissions. With what is left, we might be able to treat our home better and let earth know we are not an affliction for it to eliminate. Hopefully, those left alive will finally understand the importance of living in balance with Earth and taking care of it. Now we can start rebuilding.

Of course, that's what we thought before the Earth opened again and unleashed unholy creatures devoted to hunting down all of humanity. As with the human body, they act like white blood cells hunting down the rest of the infection, to dispel it from Earth once and for all. Until I see one of these creatures, they will remain a rumor to me. It should not be too difficult to sense them. They are said to be seven or eight feet tall and have razor sharp growths on their backs. White in appearance, like polished marble, unless they have just consumed a human, then blood red.

After being allowed to leave the bunker, it has taken me more than a week to get back to the home that we shared. Well, what is left of it. Why did it take me so long?  I was afraid at first, not of the creatures I had heard of, but of humans. As most zombie fans know, the world after catastrophe yields the worst of humanity. I had my mind filled with what a post-apocalyptic world would be. So, I traveled at night, going slow and quiet. After running into multiple groups of survivors with no malice befalling me, I understood that I was not in a movie or a book, but in the real world. People were helpful to each other, and always on the lookout for the creatures.

It gives me hope that maybe, if we can live through this catastrophe, what comes out on the other side will be good. I just hope that it will last generations and that we can truly co-exist with Earth. From what I have seen these last few days, people have really rallied to help one another out. The mentality seems to be: it is us against them, the creatures.  Of course, I still carry a weapon. I tell myself that it’s for the creatures. The ones I have yet to see, but I know deep down that I'm still wary of humans. Especially being a female in a post-apocalyptic world. I can’t turn off years of conditioning.

If you are gone and I am never to see you again, at least I am left with the knowledge that you never had to witness such horrors. The heinous imagery I have had to endure is beyond any I have read in zombie books. Our beautiful city that we fell in love in, it is but rubble. Austin has crumbled and there is not one building left intact. There are bloated stinking bodies, so many bodies, all over the place. Not just in the roads, but even floating in Lady Bird Lake. Maybe that’s how they tried to escape the heat. Fires must have run rampant as there are charred bodies and burnt-out buildings. Now scavenging animals are feasting on the remains of the dead. Remember back in 2020 when people were forced to wear masks? Now we all gladly don them to keep the acrid smells out.

Nothing is left in the building that was our home. All is burnt, still I know you were not amongst the ashes. Your family disowned you when you married me, and you and I were the only true friends we had. So that leaves one place you might be.

I made it to our special tree at the park in only hours, now that I knew that people had found their humanity. As for the creatures that all survivors speak of, I must be honest. They are but the creation of the military. Spread over radio waves before they went silent. Spread to unite what is left of us to fight one common enemy. I hate lies, but must admit, it has quelled any civil unrest and united the masses.

Here I am and there you are. I have found you! I know its you, though all that is left is less then half of what you were. I fall to my knees next to you and can’t help but cry uncontrollably. There will never be happiness until I see you in whatever comes next. Before my tears dry, I know that I can’t wait for death to find me. I want to see you now!

 The heart shaped locket lets me know it’s you. Not the one I gave you so long ago. That has been taken from your neck, by someone or something. You are my heart shaped locket, even in death you are my other half. Ever since I met you, I knew you were the only woman for me. Now here you lie in ashes and bones, still my love is unending for you. So, before I take my place to eternally complete you as you complete me, I must write our story down. I hope that in my writings, I will be able to capture your brilliant smile. Capture the giggles and laughter that were musical. Capture the silly things that made me fall in love with you over and over, day after day. Look who’s being silly now, of course I can’t capture it. I am no author or poet, but even if I were, the pain of dredging that up might clog my heart with sadness.

To the soul that finds this dairy, this despondent telling of the end of two lives, know that this is not truly the end, for our love will go on. Understand why there are two beings here intertwined in such a manner. Now, with my writings completed, I will take my place in your hands. I die with you so that I may live forever in love.


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    JAOWritten by Jaime A Olvera

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