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Red Mist

Does anger serve to mask Fear?

By Agapē NowHerePublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Red Mist
Photo by Crystal McClernon on Unsplash

In Pamplona, Navarre, during the festival season of massacre

"I'm going to fucking tear them apart from limb to limb for what they have done to my Father, Father's Father, and his Father, too. I don't care if they tie my testicles tight, spear me in the back and kick dust into my eyes, because they'll be the ones showing remorse, not me!" said Red Mist, to his play-full little green woodpecker friend, named Līlā.

"Are you scared, Red?" Līlā responded.


"Are you angry, Red?"

"YES, because they MADE them suffer and they are MY family!"

"Are you not pumping your self with anger to cover the Fear that it's going to happen to you, too?"

"I DON'T KNOW; all I know is that I'm going to STAMP on their heads after devouring them with my horns that MY Dad gave to me for this very purpose!! They brutally murdered him and now it's my turn to destroy THEM!!"

"So his death.. it's already happened?"

"Yes of course it has!"

"So what is this past memory teaching you?"

"That I am responsible to KILL all this evil that did us wrong!"

"So the story begins with pain and ends with pain?"

"What story?"

Līlā flies around Red Mist, up and down, left and right, over his head whilst singing her happy song 🎶 🎵 and then lands on the still tree next to him and starts rhythmically pecking.

Peck peck peck... peck

peck peck... peck peck peck

peck peck peck... peck

peck peck... peck peck peck

"Līlā, what are you doing?"

Peck peck peck... peck

peck peck... peck peck peck


Līlā stops her play and perches on the lowest branch, level with Red Mist.

"Are you scared, Red?"

"No, I just want wanted to know what you were doing?"

"Are you angry, Red?"

"No, tell me what you were doing??"

Līlā looks Red directly in the eyes with unconditional Love emanating from her, into him. A minute or so passes.

"It doesn't matter what I was doing, because it's gone now, Red."

Something sparks inside of Red. A feeling of understanding he can't quite pin point, but it feels close to Home.

Līlā gently sings to the tops of the trees and into the vast sky and beyond:

🎶 🎵 "I have a friend called Red, and until Here and Now, he hadn't learned from HisStory. He used to react at every poke, every gifted test. Re-act past pain, as if it were really Here and Now." 🎶 🎵

Red is physically quiet, but his mind not so much. He opens his mouth to tell Līlā:

"My mind and thoughts are c..."

- "Cloudy, yes, I know. What do we do when we look into the sky and see clouds?"

A long moment of confusion passes.

Suddenly, Red responds:

"We... leave them alone... observing them float by... until before we know it, the sky is clear and beautiful again."

"Indeed, Red, in-deed."

"That just came out of nowhere, Līlā? How did I think of that?"

"Replace the 'h' with a capital in that word 'nowhere' "

"NowHere. Holy Bull. Wow. I feel like I've just taken my first ever real breath."

"Welcome Home, Red. How about we drop your last name all-together?"

Red seems to contemplate for 20 seconds or so.

Lila prompts him:

"What do you reckon?"

Red looks Līlā directly in the eyes with unconditional Love. A minute or so passes.

"That happened a minute ago, Līlā. Why are we still talking about it?"

Red winks at his little green woodpecker friend.

Short Story

About the Creator

Agapē NowHere

An ordinary Being of Lightness.

Can be found on @afriendlymoment on Instagram

and 'Just the One of us' on Youtube

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